Hi Milo, Adi, I'll let Adi add this team as the one in charge Italian translations in Launchpad Translators group. Adi, to get more practice with your responsibility now :), please go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/ and use "Appoint translation team or supervisor" to set Milo's "lp-l10n-it" team as the translation team for Italian (renaming the team later won't be a problem, Launchpad is smart about it :). In general, our procedure should be to first make sure the team owner is a responsible and current translator for a language, but with Milo, that's easy :) У пон, 24. 11 2008. у 08:17 -0700, Milo Casagrande пише: > I would like to ask if it's possible to rename it in: > > launchpad-l10n-it We might want to reconsider this and make the actual policy to be to create a team named "lp-l10n-xx" because that doesn't require us to change anything in Launchpad. Anyway, I was going to prepare a few "policy proposals" to discuss in UDS, and these might be some of them. Cheers, Danilo
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