[Taking this back to the list] -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: gpg key Datum: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:13:17 +0000 Von: Thomas Delbeke <toom2079@xxxxxxxxx> An: henning@xxxxxxxxxx No, unfortunately not. This is my opinion so far: A few weeks ago I sent the validation email to my Yahoo address and accidentally deleted it, but I did not mark it as SPAM. Further attempts to resend the email all failed. I now sent the same key to my gmail address and it did arrive, but I forgot the key. I then made a new key and tried to send it to my Yahoo! and Google addresses, but it did not arrive. I think the problem is that if you have a previous pending validation on a given email address, then the Ubuntu server will not send any more messages to that address. Thanks a lot for helping! Thomas 2008/11/26 <henning@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:henning@xxxxxxxxxx>> Thomas Delbeke schrieb: > stupid question maybe. I cannot register my gpg key: > > The problem is I do not receive a message. I checked my spam box, it > is not there either. I tried this out a few weeks ago as well. It > would not happen. Another stupid question (just checking): You are not doing this on staging (https://staging.launchpad.net), right? The staging server doesn't send out email. Henning
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