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Re: dsss_0.78-0ubuntu2_source.changes rejected

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 14:16:23 Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
> Chris Coulson wrote:
> >> How can i solve this issue?
> The mail you got actually tells you:
> >> Rejected:
> >> File dsss_0.78-0ubuntu2.diff.gz already exists in PPA for D Programming
> >> Language Applications Packagers, but uploaded version has different
> >> contents.
> It means another team has packaged the same version of dsss, and they
> have it in their PPA. Look here:
> Since all source packages are stored in a pool, two teams cannot have
> files with identical names.
> You should work out whatever needs to be done with the other team;
> perhaps you can just use their package.


This is simply not correct, pools are not shared between PPAs.

The upload is rejected because the user already uploaded the same version of 
the package to the same PPA before.  Deleting the package does not remove this 
check!  As somebody already pointed out, the user should bump the version on 
the new package before uploading it again.

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