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Re: [Launchpad-users] SPAM-LOW: Launchpad 2.1.12: new bug tracker plugin API

On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 13:54:27 -0800
"Charlie Poole" <charlie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> > Launchpad can already import the status of a bug report 
> > that's in another tracker, such as Debian's BTS or Sourceforge.
> So I recently tried to do this for my nunit-2.5 project, but it 
> ended up pointing at the bug tracker for SF itself and I had
> to remove it. Does setting this up require some administrative
> intervention? If so, it would be nice feature to let us set it
> up ourselves. :-)

There is just the one SourceForge bug tracker for all SF projects, so
that's correct. Have a look at our page for the SF tracker:

You'll see that a lot of projects are using the SF tracker, so you're
in good company. On <>, set "Bugs
are tracked:" to "In a registered bug tracker:
Tracker" and everything else should just work.

Then, when people go to file bugs against nunit-2.5 in Launchpad they
should be directed to SourceForge, and if someone tries to say that a
bug also affects nunit-2.5 they'll be asked for the URL of the bug in
SF. The URL is optional and can be specified later; after all, the bug
may not have been filed in SourceForge yet.

> If it matters, the SF project name (nunit) is different from
> the LP name (nunit-2.5).

I think that shouldn't matter at all.


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