On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Simone Tolotti <simone.tolotti@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, yesterday I was trying to learn how PPA works, so I did some test > uploading packages. > I'm not a packaging guru so I did some errors and I've received package > rejection emails. > Now I've uploaded the same package with the correct .changes file but I > didn't received any email that say my package was accepted or rejected. > I've tried several times to repeat uploading it but I get no response by the > system. > Is my PPA (~simontol/ubuntu) locked or deactivated? Simone, Your amule uploads were both accepted on 2009-01-11, those are the lastest uploads I can find for you. Could you provide the source name your are trying to upload and the times you have done them ? Also be sure your GPG setup works and still the same. [] -- Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> IRC: cprov, Jabber: cprov@xxxxxxxxxx, Skype: cprovidelo 1024D/681B6469 C858 2652 1A6E F6A6 037B B3F7 9FF2 583E 681B 6469
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