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Re: [Launchpad-users] I want to know why my files were rejected..

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:27 AM, hanbin973 <hanbin973@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I want to know why my files were rejected.. If there is a problem, where
> I need to fix it? This is the first time that I'm uploading to PPA...


I can help you, *don't panic!*.

You source upload is being rejected with the following reason:

2009-01-15 13:30:08 WARNING Upload was rejected:
2009-01-15 13:30:08 WARNING     xsane_0.996-1.dsc: Section 'unknown'
is not valid
2009-01-15 13:30:08 WARNING     xsane_0.996.orig.tar.gz: Section
'unknown' is not valid
2009-01-15 13:30:08 WARNING     xsane_0.996-1.diff.gz: Section
'unknown' is not valid
2009-01-15 13:30:08 WARNING     Further error processing not possible
because of a critical previous error.

That's because your .changes file has:

 bca5faec065f63ff9f0211019dc093a9 1065 unknown extra xsane_0.996-1.dsc
 10ab4a43e7af0c97c88a014c41523b44 3309347 unknown extra xsane_0.996.orig.tar.gz
 d90a3fdedcd23c5eaf34e42262c56be0 12565 unknown extra xsane_0.996-1.diff.gz

which is clearly wrong, since this section doesn't exist.

Fix this by setting something else than 'Section: unknown' in your
debian/control file. What about setting 'Section: graphics' as the
ubuntu package does ?

I hope it helps, thanks for using Launchpad PPAs.

Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
IRC: cprov,  Jabber: cprov@xxxxxxxxxx, Skype: cprovidelo
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