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Re: [Launchpad-users] LP (auto)building debs


On the mythbuntu project, we are doing automated weekly builds of mythtv
(upstream svn) of both trunk and the current stable branch.

Our packaging, and distro specific patches are all stored in LP bzr, and
we cron a weekly push to PPA.  Check out "mythbuntu-weekly-build"
branch, and compare how we do it.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

(``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo wrote:
> Just a quick question:
> I was talking to @fta on IRC about building daily debs for gwibber, and and idea came up.
> would it ever be possible to have LP (auto?) building packages for some PPAs?
> Either after a certain amount of commits, or time based.
> Share your thoughts. Thanks

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