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Re: [Launchpad-users] erroneous posts

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 07:51:43PM +0000, Thomas Delbeke wrote:
> I accidentally sent a whole batch of emails to:
> launchpad-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; legal2079one@xxxxxxxxx;
> legal2079two@xxxxxxxxx; legal2079three@xxxxxxxxx;
> from my yahoo address, thomasdelbeke@xxxxxxxxx, due to a typo.
> Please make sure they are NOT published.

Uhm, so a couple of things. First, this is /not/ the address to send
this sort of request to. Second, only one of the emails above is only
marginally launchpad-related, and if you look carefully it's been sent
to -request. Third, I'm not sure you realize how futile it is to attempt
to retract email once it's out via SMTP, but speaking from experience,
it is.

Please refrain from emailing administrivia to this list in the future;
instead, contact the list owner.
Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 |
                        | [+55 16] 9112 6430 |

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