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Re: [Launchpad-users] Launchpad not sending import notifications

Hi Danilo,

Danilo Šegan ha scritto:
If they are for 'published' uploads, we don't send success notifications


Yes, exactly for 'published'...

You can always see if your upload succeeded on

or, even better, your personal import queue page:

Yeah, I was just wondering why Launchpad wasn't sending me the import success mail as it used to do. The bug explains it good enough for me!

We are hoping we've developed enough trust into Launchpad imports (and
they don't seem to take long anymore, either), so that success
notifications can be removed for published uploads (because they are
only a workaround at the moment for certain missing features).

They are pretty fast actually, the 'user upload' is almost instant, the 'published' is fast too (didn't check how fast, but pretty fast).

Thank you for the info!

Milo Casagrande <milo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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