On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Curtis Hovey <curtis.hovey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > We believe this change will make releases and milestones much more > useful. Please do report bugs or email us if you have any comments. I agree, this is a solid improvement, great work everyone! I just have one question. As you mention, it is good now to try to clean up any milestones / series / etc that are incorrect before they go through the upgrade. I have a milestone which is against the wrong series, and on staging there is just a drop-down to change the series the milestone is against, but this doesn't exist on normal/edge launchpad. I can change it in staging but that obviously won't really do anything. So how can I change the series that the milestone corresponds to currently? -- Michael Rooney mrooney@xxxxxxxxx
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