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Re: [Launchpad-users] Digest for this list?

While I myself do not use digest-mailings I do think there is a time and place for them. I think that time and place should be up to the subscriber. If they choose to use filters or labels for their in-box this is also up to them. Digests do a purpose and I do think that Launchpad should support them.

Sometimes readers just like to be able to read what is going on and very occasionally participate. Maybe the digest functions, for particular mailing lists such as this one, could be limited to a once daily digest or a once-a-week digest. It may be up the list maintainers to allow them or not. I do understand everyone else's side perspective in that many of you simply "do not like digest e-mail" for one reason or another; however, an opinion is an opinion.

I think the larger point here is that some users simply prefer digests so they can simply keep up with what is going on. They may respond appropriately, either off list, or perhaps to the #launchpad channel. It's up to them how they respond.

This leads me to my initial thoughts on this post: usability. It is in our best interest to allow digest format e-mails for Launchpad mailing lists in my opinion. Most mailing list software out there offers the option to their subscribers for digest formats (daily, weekly, etc.). It is just the "norm" and I do think it is appropriate. However, again it has a time and a place.

As a suggestion, we should display the volume of e-mails users should expect to receive on the homepage for Launchpad-users and Launchpad-beta-users (since Launch-beta does "require" joining this list). I think that this is only appropriate.

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