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Re: [Launchpad-users] Updating between projects

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 09:46, Tim Cook <timothywayne.cook@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Let's say that I have a project on Launchpad and it is basically kernel
> for other projects. This sub-project is currently a branch with the
> kernel project.  As this branch grows to maturity is it possible to have
> that team create their own project on Launchpad but still be able to get
> kernel merges from the original?
> If that doesn't make sense I'd be happy to explain it differently and
> more specifically.

You sound like you are asking a question about Bazaar. In Bazaar it is
possible to have an Upstream development line, with Tracking lines
branched off it, and merges that go only in the Upstream->Tracking

But for the scenario you describe, it is recommended to instead use
multiple independent branches: one branch for the kernel, and one
branch for each of the dependent projects, and no permanent divergence
in the kernel code between projects. This is called a "nested trees"
setup, and there is an issue of recording which versions of each
branches goes toghether. This area is under active development by

As long as you not asking a question about the specifics of the code
hosting service of Launchpad, but about which version control strategy
to use for your project, you should be asking on the Bazaar mailing
list instead of here.

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