On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 08:37:11PM +0100, TJ wrote: > Now that might be okay if the user has signed the Ubuntu code of conduct > and so forth, but the user that altered my profile is anonymous - the > account details show the account was created today, has no relationship > with any Ubuntu or Launchpad projects or teams, and no contact details. Yeah, it is a good point. I wonder if we could get the effect you want without the complication in implementation (a review process for location changes) simply by disallowing changes from people with zero karma. In your case it would have fixed things -- unless the user figured that out and worked around it, which is actually quite a bit of work. Note also that we're doing work to get anonymous users (which mostly come in for ShipIt via OpenID) to no longer have directly valid Launchpad accounts. I guess this might not help in your specific case. -- Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 | http://launchpad.net/~kiko | [+55 16] 9112 6430 | http://async.com.br/~kiko
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