Hello, As you can see at the PPAs that made me think of this issue [1][2], all PPAs have a key of their own. Why? In my eyes this is weird behaviour. If I'm correctly signing packages has the purpose of making sure the package was really added by the maintainer of the repository and allowing you to track down the credibility of that person or team via his/her/their key. We don't use keys to prove that package X from repository Y comes from repository Y. This, however, is what Launchpad is doing at the moment. This problem has worsened since multiple PPAs per user/team were introduced. Now you have one key for every PPA. I think it would be much more logical to use, in case of humans, the main key (or let the user specify the preferred, in Launchpad imported key) be the PPA's key. I do understand that you have to generate a new one for a team. However, I think it would make sense to generate a key just once and use it for all other repositories. In one sentence: couple PPA keys to the maintainers, not to the PPAs. King regards, -- Sense Hofstede <http://www.qense.nl/> [1] https://launchpad.net/~vperetokin/+archive/ppa [2] https://launchpad.net/~vperetokin/+archive/gnote
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