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Re: [Launchpad-users] RFC: PPA support for community-supported architectures (was RFC and ideas: Improving the PPA experience)

On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 11:42 +0100, Julian Edwards wrote:
> On Friday 31 July 2009 09:13:18 Richard Wilbur wrote:
> > If the PPA could accept binary package uploads for a source package that
> > already appears in the archive but for a community-supported
> > architecture, this would extend the usefulness of PPA's beyond just the
> > official architectures.  Binary uploads should be restricted to users
> > who possess permissions to upload source packages.
> Hi Richard
> This thread is specifically about user interface design on the index page but 
> it would be great to start a separate discussion on your bug.
> A lot of people have requested binary upload support.  It's somewhat 
> controversial since it will break the guarantee that the source you see is the 
> source that built the binary.
> Regards
> Julian

Dear Julian,

I am happy to start another thread.  I figured accommodating
"contributed builds"/"binary uploads" would change the user interface
design somewhat if it were implemented.  For instance contributed builds
would benefit from a link to the contributor's PGP signing key as it
would be different from the PPA key.

While the guarantee that "the source you see is the source that built
the binary" may not apply to contributed builds, the trust placed in the
one who uploaded the source code could be extended to binaries uploaded
by the same person.  In other words, "the person who uploaded the source
you see is the person that built and uploaded the contributed binary."




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