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Re: [Launchpad-users] Imports slowness in Launchpad translations

Hi Dmitrijs,

У уто, 08. 09 2009. у 20:06 +0300, Dmitrijs Ledkovs пише:

> Well the import queue is growing again and it's up to 53k and I
> haven't noticed for anything to get "imported" I might be wrong
> though. There are also items from 2007 / Gutsy. Are they really need
> to be imported?

There is no backlog at the moment. Older files remain in the queue for
no particular reason, but they should be mostly blocked.  We also keep
the 'blocked' entries because these are manually blocked translations
(for some reason), and if we remove them we'd have to block them
manually again.

If you are interested in how much stuff really needs to be imported,
check up on entries in the 'Approved' status (zero at the time of this
email, and close to zero over the past two days).


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