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[Launchpad-users] technical details about this ppa


this is my first mail in this list, so first thanks to Canonical and to
the community for the cool launchpad service :)

I noticed that the design of the launchpad ppas changed newly. This mail
is only for a suggestion to change the title of the "technical details
about this ppa" dropdown. It is not intuitive at all. A title like
"instructions for adding this ppa to your sources" would be better. I
link to my personal ppa page for the installation instructions of my
program, and I am afraid that some users will not have the idea to open
this dropdown. Normal users do not care about "technical details", but
they care about "instructions".

I also wonder what is the purpose of the "Not using Ubuntu 9.10
(karmic)?" link. It suggests that it would be the normal case to already
use karmic. In my opinion, users shouldn't install a new version of a
distribution before its final release...


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