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Re: [Launchpad-users] Long PPA Build Queue

On Thursday 05 November 2009 14:33:48 Nicolas Derive wrote:
> I was wondering another thing : is there a possibility for some people
> like me sharing some of my computer processing power to run some
> buildd processes for Launchpad PPA using some kind of a script or
> facility ? (like distribute rendering of some projects like
> This should able us to speed up this process
> significantly. Shouldn't it ?

It has been discussed but is problematic because it opens up security issues 
and would require quite a lot of work to make it safe.  It may happen one day 
but not in the near future.

I am trying to get more builders added on a permanent basis in the next couple 
of months anyway to support the extra builds we'll be doing to generate source 
packages from source package branches.


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