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[Launchpad-users] Apport keeps invalidating my nautilus reports

Since enabling apport reporting by default, I found out that Nautilus is actually very, very crashy. However, every single report to LP was invalidated with "your system is outdated", when it's not. Like this:

x11-common: installed version 1:7.4+3ubuntu7, latest version: 1:7.4+3ubuntu10
nautilus-data: installed version 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu2, latest version: 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu3
nautilus: installed version 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu2, latest version: 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu3
libnautilus-extension1: installed version 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu2, latest version: 1:2.28.1-0ubuntu3

Where exactly is it getting these mysterious numbers from? doesn't even have those versions...

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