2009/12/3 Vikram Dhillon <dhillonv10@xxxxxxxxx>: > Hi all, > How are you guys? I have been working with Ubuntu-docs and am currently > in the process of writing a guide [1] which was reviewed by Phil, I have > been working with Milo writing some Mallard Templates for GNOME which I > have hosted as a PPA [2] on my launchpad page and also on the gnome wiki > and I am also in the process of writing documentation for Kubuntu Lucid > [3] since there are only about 4 people writing docs for kubuntu :) > > So do you guys think I am a good candidate for the launchpad > documentation team and can perhaps join the team. The dual head thing looks nice. The Launchpad docs team is for writing docs *about Launchpad*, eg <http://help.launchpad.net/>. Are you interested? I think you should actually be able to pretty much just start editing that wiki without specifically needing to be a member of that team. If you look at the Launchpad bug tracker you may find some bugs tagged 'help' or 'doc' that would be good places to start. -- Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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