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Re: [Launchpad-users] PPA: How To Fix Failed Builds Due To Dependencies Without Releasing New Version

Karol Krizka wrote:

I've created and uploaded a package called autorotate-0.4 to my
thinkpad-x61t PPA, but it failed to build because it couldn't find the
dh_pycentral command. That is because I forgot (didn't realized I had
to) have it depend on python-central.

So I fixed it, and tried to upload the new .changes file. But it was
rejected at upload, because:
kkrizka@sein:~/Projects$ dput ppa:kkrizka/thinkpad-x61t
Already uploaded to ppa on
Doing nothing for autorotate_0.4_source.changes

So I've deleted the autorotate package from my PPA (the one that
failed to build), went to sleep (launchpad said the deletion will take
some time) and rerun the same command the next morning. The result was
the same.

So my question is, how can I fix this dependencies problem without
having to release a new version of my package.

Karol Krizka

PS: This is the PPA in question:

I suspect you have a .upload file in your directory.
dput won't upload your package if that file exists, just remove it and dput will upload your package again.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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