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Re: [Launchpad-users] Improvement proposal - for discussion

2009/12/27 Piotr Strebski <strebski@xxxxx>:
> Dear friends,
> Is there a chance to apply in Launchpad translation module a system of valuating importance of packages? In my experience: Polish translation of Ubuntu is still weak; missing about 30%. If I want to improve translation I'm going to and see the list of 1298 results. Most of this packages are - in view of average Ubuntu user (e.g. newbie) - less important: in everyday use of computer average user don't have (a strong) necessity to see a translation of it. Many packages are translating by external groups and then imported to Launchpad.
> In my opinion would be great to have a simply (about three degrees system of valuation: 1 - the most important; 3 - the less important) "guide" which packages we should, as translators - in opionion of Ubuntu developers and community - translate in first order. It could save our time and work and help newbies in their first steps with Ubuntu - Ubuntu in their own language.

Why don't you file it as a bug report?

## Przemysław Kulczycki >><< Azrael Nightwalker ##
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