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[Launchpad-users] Comments in pages


I'd like to know, if there is any way to display "a page" of comments on

There are some very frequent bug reports with hundreds of comments and
if I want to show only a few last comments, I have to click "view all
### comments", but it is too much for launchpad (yeah, for me too) and
it causes Launchpad to time out.

I searched for something like "Show page: 1, 2, ... 17..", but i didn't
find anything like this! So the only way for me to show most recent
comments was to show only a one comment from the first ~100 by clicking
on its number and then manually edit the url to show the 574th
..and I even found, that it wasn't the last comment, like Launchpad

Is something like paging comments on Launchpad already implemented, or
is anybody working on it? Because if not, he really should.

Lukáš Chmela <lukaschmela@xxxxxxxxx>
IRC: kyselejsyrecek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ICQ: 202077459
514D 3C69 8498 E400 0ACE  90F2 00E3 CACA A5BA ECC7

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