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Re: [Launchpad-users] Problem with codepage in ubuntu translation (uk-UA)

În data de Sb, 20-02-2010 la 06:11 +0000, banza a scris:
> Hello,
> Need help
> Person actively
> suggest uk translates
> (,
> but most of his translations are displayed as signs "???".
It looks like Serhij Dubyk translations were imported/suggested from upstream.
I am not sure why do we have "???" but if you have time, it would be
nice to contact him and make sure those translations were submited in

AFAIK, from the web interface, Launchpad Translation only submit UTF-8

> How can I somehow fix encoding downloaded on LP transfers or
> all still have to replace them manually?
> Now in synaptiс (ubuntu lucid) instead of the text displayed these
> "???".
If the translations were submited in another encoding most probably they
were imported from usptream and it is recommended to fix them upstream.

You can fix them, by requesting a Translation download and fix the
encoding on your computer for example using iconv. Then you can send the
UTF file upstream or reimport it in Launchpad.

PS: you can also try to get support from Ubuntu Translators


Adi Roiban

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