Hello,I try to import translation for a project into launchpad since 4 days now. Some of my po-files were successfully imported, but some of them remained in the queue with the status "Needs review" and "No import target selected yet".
So I tried to find help on #launchpad yesterday and "dpm" told me that the pending files couldn't get imported because I don't follow the import policy with my file structure.
https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/ImportPolicy?action=show&redirect=Translations%2FImportPolicy#Sample%20directory%20layout I had two templates and all the related po-files in one directory.So I changed the structure to follow the import policy and tried to import all my translations again. But since then all of the files stuck in the queue with "Needs review" and "No import target selected yet".
https://translations.launchpad.net/android-mileage/trunk/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW Should I be more patient or have I still not everything right? Would appreciate some help. ~ Bernd
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