On 4/28/2010 8:17 AM, Andrew SB wrote:
Redirecting from the Ayatana List... On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Edgar D' Souza <edgar.b.dsouza@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi, Sorry if this is OT here... Every once in a while, I have this brain hiccup where I type in the URL 'questions.launchpad.net' instead of 'answers.launchpad.net'. I was wondering if this might be a common error, and whether it'd be worth the LP admins' time to add a DNS alias, or a redirect page to the correct subdomain.
I find this to be a pretty good thing.When people have problems, it *is* a question. So the first word which might come in their mind can be "questions" instead of "answers"
I second the move -- Manish Sinha http://launchpad.net/~manishsinha
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