I'm using PPAs to build out a Python 2.7 stack for Maverick. I started by creating one PPA for everything: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pythoneers/+archive/py27stack I uploaded a few seed packages (python2.7 and an updated python-defaults) and then used syncSources from the API to copy all other rdep Python packages from main. Here's the script I used: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~barry/+junk/pydeps/annotate/head:/deps.py Of course, this took a long while to run, and unfortunately after I had the initial packages uploaded I realized that this was not the best organization for what I wanted to do. So I wrote this script to delete all source and binary packages from that PPA, hoping that I'd then have something fairly clean to re-start with: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~barry/+junk/pydeps/annotate/head:/delpy.py Unfortunately, this did not work. I suspect that deleting packages from a PPA does not completely clean the history because when I re-ran the deps.py script above, the majority of package syncs were rejected because Launchpad claimed that the sync'd version wasn't newer than what was already in the PPA - even though there was *nothing* in the PPA, as confirmed by the number of packages reported on this page: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pythoneers/+archive/py27stack/+packages Of course, now there are some packages there. Given that you can't actually delete a PPA (you can only make it a zombie), is it indeed impossible to clean out both the packages and history for a PPA and start fresh? Of course it's possible I'm misreading or misunderstanding the API for this, or that the functionality isn't exposed in the API. Is this something a Launchpad administrator has to do? Barring that, I guess the only solution is to abandon my experimental PPA and create a new one. Thanks, -Barry
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