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Re: backportpackage: "the current version" "is earlier than the previous one"


Hi Martinx,

I don't know if it is possible or not to do it one shot with backportpackage.

Anyway to solve I would personally do:
- dget -x package.dsc

extract it (if the automatically extraction fails)
copy the debian inside (always if the automatically extraction fails)

cd directory
dch (or vi debian/changelog)
bump the version (date -R can give you the timestamp if you edit with vim)
dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa

- pbuilder-dist "distro" "arch" build file.dsc (not need for source only uploads for a ppa, but just if you want to test your build)

- dput ppa:user/ppa file_source.changes

(on mobile, sorry for typos)

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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