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libreoffice team
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Message #00052
Re: 3.6.6~rc2
On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 06:39:49PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> Hi Boaz,
> in my very private ppa at:
> you will find a 3.6.6~rc2. Unfortunately my quantal-build ran out of
> disc space, so I am not pushing to the 3.6 PPA yet, but you can already pick up
> the tarballs and play with them.
> Please dont push anything to the PPA before upstream officially announced the
> builds for 3.6.6 rc2 to be available.
Quantal version is done and pushed to the PPA as upstream has their builds ready too.
Follow ups
From: Bjoern Michaelsen, 2013-04-04