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[Blueprint pwr-sched-mc-policy] Study current scheduler behavior


Blueprint changed by Vincent Guittot:

Whiteboard changed:
  we have at least 3 different solutions for decreasing core load:
   -sched_mc and sched_smt with load balancing
   -cgroup + cpuset
   -cpu hotplug
  * define the power saving level targeted by sched_mc
  * check if the current policy matches the targeted power saving level
  Work Items for 2011.08:
- [vincent-guittot] study load balancing threshold : INPROGRESS
+ [vincent-guittot] study load balancing threshold : DONE
  Work Items:
  [vincent-guittot] define the cpu load target for which Arm platform should run on 1 core : TODO
  [vincent-guittot] compare load balancing threshold and one core  cpu load target in power mode : TODO
  [linaro-pm-wg] consider re-opening discussion around power-aware scheduler on LKML : TODO

Study current scheduler behavior