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[Blueprint remove-fxburn] Xfburn doesn't work with most cd-rom writers


Blueprint changed by amjjawad:

Whiteboard changed:
  [amjjawad] being around for 26 months (that is now 6 cycles/releases)
  with Lubuntu, I am sure the Devs will repeat what they have always
  mentioned which is: adding/removing any application must be carefully
  discussed and studied. Having that said, there must he advantages and
  disadvantages for 'each and every' change when it comes to applications
  and features within Lubuntu. Why? because Lubuntu is a special system
  made for Old Machines, despite the fact that since Unity was out,
  Lubuntu is being used on both NEW and Old machines. So, to make it
  short, there must be a study case for that kind of change :) Why? what
  are the benefits? will that affect the CD Size of the ISO which is
  700MB? how much CPU and RAM the new application will take? is it a good
  option for an LTS release? and so on :)
+ [Note] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-
+ brainstorming/+spec/deadline and therefore, blueprints should not remain
+ pending with no further actions!

Xfburn doesn't work with most cd-rom writers