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Re: 12.10 - System tools



On 10/25/2012 04:43 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:

> palimipset (aka gnome-disk-utility) is installed but inaccessible. No
> menu entry and will not start from terminal. syanptic states it is
> installed. I have no way to access this utility. Which is now a
> blocker on my sorting out partitions on the two disks.

You are a trained sysadmin with a certification to prove it!  Use your
skills :)

Installing it with

  sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility

works for me.  Typing

  dpkg -L gnome-disk-utility | grep bin/

displays the two utilities on your path that get installed, one of which
is /usr/bin/gnome-disks .



works for me here, on Lubuntu 12.10.

If you absolutely *need* a menu item for it, two quick commands:

sudo sed -i -e 's%Categories=%Categories=System;%'
sudo update-desktop-database

make up a simple workaround to get it into the System Tools menu.

Lastly, even if this package were totally missing or totally broken, you
should still be able to "sort out" partitions using fdisk !

Bottom line: The package installs, runs and (as far as I know) works
fine, the utility just changed its name, and the .desktop file could use
having the "System" category added to it.  The last of these is the only
(minor) bug here, I think.

