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Re: Bug 1085961 failed along side install


On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Greg Faith <gregfaith@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1085961
> I know Collin Watson released a fix in ubiquity 2.13.7 to address this
> bug, so I tried the install in Lubuntu raring desktop 20121207 and got
> a failure.  Verified the correct version of Ubiquity.
> Could not see partition sizes
> Could not re-size partitions
> Could not cancel the install normally
> Use sudo kill pid to stop
> On a lark and since I zsync Ubuntu raring desktop 20121207 i tried an
> install of it, and it went clean as a whistle.
> Could see partitions sizes
> Could re-size partitions
> Install completed normally
> It seems we have a Lubuntu specific ubiquity/lubuntu-art issue?
> Just for reference I did get clean entire drive install and a
> something else install. Julien you might want to look at this as we
> don't have very many amd64 testers.
> Greg nm_geo

Okay, i have declared this one a false alarm and attribute my part of
it to over-zealous changes before starting the along side
To get the hardinfo data working about the second thing I have been
doing is changing the Widgets/Theme from Lubuntu-default to
Clearlooks. That works for the hardinfo (System Profiler) but totally
doinks the along side install.

Sorry about the trouble but I learned something "Don't change the
theme in the live session before making the Install" .. q:o)
Greg nm_geo
