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Re: [Merge] lp:~jtv/maas/db-fixture into lp:maas


> +    def setup_databases(self, *args, **kwargs):
> +        """Fire up the db cluster, then punt to original implementation."""
> +        process = Popen(['bin/maasdb', 'start', './db/'])
> +        retval = process.wait()
> +        if retval != 0:
> +            raise RuntimeError("Failed to start database cluster.")
> Consider subprocess.check_call() here; it'll raise CalledProcessError
> if the command does not exit with 0. Four lines into one:
>         check_call(['bin/maasdb', 'start', './db/'])

Nice, thanks.

> It would also be nice to make this quiet unless there's an
> error. Django doesn't seem to know about subunit output yet, but it
> would be nice not to muddy things in advance. Witness how long it has
> taken to make the Launchpad test suite STFU.

Done.  I changed 2 things:

1. Pass stdout=PIPE to check_call, which eats the routine output when running implicitly from bin/test.

2. Initialize the cluster with "-A trust" to suppress the warning about defaulting to trust authentication.

Together, those completely silence successful cluster initialization from bin/test.

>  class SimpleTest(TestCase):
> -    def test_basic_addition(self):
> -        """
> -        Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2.
> -        """
> -        self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
> +
> +    def test_can_create_nodes(self):
> +        self.assertEqual([], list(Node.objects.all()))
> +        n = Node(name='foo', status='NEW')
> +        n.save()
> +        self.assertEqual([n], list(Node.objects.all()))
> +
> +    def test_no_nodes_exist_initially(self):
> +        self.assertEqual([], list(Node.objects.all()))
> +
> Raphael's recent changes provide enough to exercise your change, so
> consider removing this.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I'll remove this whole test file then.

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