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juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql


This may be more appropriate for the MAAS mailing list after all. The
reason I originally sent it to juju was that line added to /etc/hosts,
which I think was done by juju (see at the end of the email)

Sorry for the confusing subject line.

This is the issue:
2013-11-07 13:47:02 UTC FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "",
user "landscape", database "landscape-standalone-main", SSL off
2013-11-07 13:47:02 UTC DETAIL:  Client IP address resolved to
"10-0-5-100.maaslocal", forward lookup not checked.

My landscape unit (kmkxr.maaslocal) cannot talk to postgresql.

host all all kmkxr.maaslocal md5

connecting machine is
# host domain name pointer 10-0-5-100.maaslocal.

# host kmkxr.maaslocal
kmkxr.maaslocal is an alias for 10-0-5-100.maaslocal.
10-0-5-100.maaslocal has address

Postgresql does a reverse lookup on the connecting IP, which gives it the
name "10-0-5-100.maaslocal". That doesn't match the entry in pg_hba.conf
(kmkxr.maaslocal), and the connection is rejected.

The "kmkxr.maaslocal" string came from the juju relation "private-address"

postgresql/0:db-admin-relation-changed % relation-get
private-address: kmkxr.maaslocal

On that kmkxr machine /etc/hosts has this entry:
# Added by cloud-init on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:11:18 +0000 kmkxr.maaslocal kmkxr

root@kmkxr:~# hostname -f

I'm guessing that's why private-address was set to kmkxr.maaslocal
(although "address" implies an IP to me, not a fqdn).

If I remove that entry from /etc/hosts:
root@kmkxr:~# hostname -f

As I understand it, maas pre-generates all possible A and PTR records for
the network it was given, and adds CNAMEs as machines get provisioned. In
this case, kmkxr.maaslocal is a CNAME, but at the same time it was added to

So, I don't know where the bug is. I'm tempted to say we shouldn't add that
/etc/hosts entry since everything is in DNS handled by maas.

In any case, the postgresql charm can't get the unit's connecting IP from
the relation data unless it's explicitly set.

Follow ups