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Re: xml-to-yaml


Hi Newell,

Amazing, good to hear! Looking forward to seeing it in action in the near
future :-)

All the best,

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Newell Jensen <newell.jensen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Carla,
> I have landed code for a majority of the changes that you requested and
> made bug fixes for the rest.  Thus, all the additions that you wanted have
> either been implemented or have been recorded and therefore are in queue.
> Thanks for the suggestions :)
> Newell
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Carla Berkers <
> carla.berkers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Newell,
>> I hope you had a nice weekend, sorry for the delay in reply!
>> Hope you found some of the links I sent useful, did the vertically tabbed
>> menu work out in the end?
>> And how is implementation of the other recommendations going?
>> If you still need anything or need me to review what you've built please
>> feel free to let me know.
>> All the best,
>> Carla
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Newell Jensen <
>> newell.jensen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I sent the below message to Carla before the weekend but seems she is on
>>> holiday for the next couple weeks.  Does anyone else know who's brain I
>>> should pick on this one?
>>> Carla,
>>> Thanks for all the suggestions.  I don't see the css examples attached,
>>> just the pdf.  Did you have some css examples for me as you mentioned or
>>> was it just the information from the links you gave me?  My biggest issue
>>> is getting the vertical tabbed-menu working currently.   Do you have a YUI
>>> example I can use or some templates that I can work off of?  This will save
>>> me a lot of time if you do.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Newell
>>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Carla Berkers <
>>> carla.berkers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi Newell,
>>>> I think the easiest and safest solution is to follow our guidelines, I
>>>> hope the attached wireframe will help.
>>>> I have included some examples as well with CSS you can use - hopefully
>>>> that will help make implementation easier!
>>>> Recommendations for attachment 01 - "node details" page:
>>>> - We always put code in Ubuntu mono font in a box with a light
>>>> background (#FDF6F2)
>>>> example: https://design.ubuntu.com/web-style-guide/component
>>>> <https://design.ubuntu.com/web-style-guide/components>
>>>> - We have guidelines for tabbed content too. The tabs should be on the
>>>> left (bold for the selected tab) and the code can be displayed on the right.
>>>> Example: "join one of our teams" section on this page:
>>>> http://www.canonical.com/careers/
>>>> - "Discovery data" and "Commissioning output" are related and shouldn't
>>>> be separated on the Node details page.
>>>> I have added a "Full commissioning output" link (in orange) under the
>>>> YAML and XML tabs, this should link to the "Commissioning results list"-page
>>>> - In terms of showing/hiding the discovery data I think the quickest
>>>> solution is to add a show / hide button on the left.
>>>> Note: If the "Commissioning output" is displayed before the "Event Log"
>>>> the discovery data should be hidden by default, because it would push any
>>>> content behind it 10000 pixels down the page and users are unlikely to
>>>> scroll that far. If a user clicks the "show" button on the right it should
>>>> display the discovery YAML (as this is easiest to read) and the "show"
>>>> button should change into a "hide" button.
>>>> - Important to have:
>>>> At the moment it is very difficult to select all the data using the
>>>> mouse.
>>>> If a user clicks within the code dif and then uses control+A, they
>>>> should select all content in the code div, rather than all content on the
>>>> page. This will make it much easier for users to copy and paste the data
>>>> output.
>>>> - Nice to have: It would be really useful if the lines of code would be
>>>> numbered, for both YAML and XML. However, when a user selects the code the
>>>> numbers should obviously not be selected.
>>>> Example: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/blob/master/.gitignore
>>>> Recommendations for the "commissioning output" page:
>>>> - The forth column ("Node") in this table is redundant, please remove
>>>> this.
>>>> - It is not really clear that "OK" is a link and where it links to, so
>>>> please remove all links from the first column.
>>>> - If YAML and XML link to two separate pages, the user can't toggle
>>>> between the two.
>>>> Therefor please add "show data" links in the fourth column. These can
>>>> link to a page with two tabs using the same layout/styling as on the node
>>>> details page.
>>>> I hope this is useful, if you have any questions feel free to let me
>>>> know!
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Carla
>>>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Jeffrey Lane <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Just to be clear, I didn't mean get rid of the raw XML, merely don't
>>>>> display it in favor of something easier to read... I think the XML is
>>>>> way too valuable to just remove and didn't mean it that way (if that's
>>>>> how you interpreted that).
>>>>> Out of curiosity, is the tag creation manual or auto (meaning does a
>>>>> user have to see the XML to create the tags, or is MAAS doing some
>>>>> parsing in the background to generate tags that the user can add some
>>>>> other way?
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Andres Rodriguez
>>>>> <andres.rodriguez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> > For the time being, I think it is a good idea to keep the raw
>>>>> results as
>>>>> > they are being used for tag creation. When we create tags we use
>>>>> Xpath to
>>>>> > navigate through the xml output. Once we decide to start using the
>>>>> YAML
>>>>> > output to do the tag creation filtering, we can get rid of the raw
>>>>> output.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Newell Jensen
>>>>> > <newell.jensen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Jeff,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Valid points.  Reason we were doing the tabs is because I was
>>>>> instructed
>>>>> >> to do it that way but I do agree with you that an another
>>>>> alternative could
>>>>> >> be to have it so you could just download it somehow.
>>>>> >> Andres, what are your thoughts on this?  Do you like having the
>>>>> tabs or do
>>>>> >> you you think a "Download Raw" link to download the xml would be
>>>>> more
>>>>> >> sufficient?
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Jeffrey Lane <
>>>>> jeffrey.lane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Andres Rodriguez
>>>>> >>> <andres.rodriguez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> >>> > Instead of providing totally different pages for the
>>>>> commissioning
>>>>> >>> > results
>>>>> >>> > per node (xml_lshw, yaml_lshw), I'd suggest you provide just one
>>>>> page
>>>>> >>> > with
>>>>> >>> > Tabs to differentiate between the output type (Exactly the same
>>>>> way as
>>>>> >>> > in
>>>>> >>> > the Node View)
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> My only comment is a question about why show both at all?  Just
>>>>> IMO,
>>>>> >>> but as a user:
>>>>> >>> 1: I HATE having to read XML
>>>>> >>> 2: If XML is provided, how about just as a download option so I can
>>>>> >>> parse or feed it into whatever tool I have.
>>>>> >>> 3: Since you're already converting it to YAML, which is a good bit
>>>>> >>> easier to read, why also have an XML view of the same data?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I guess the point to 3 is that, why provide two different views of
>>>>> the
>>>>> >>> exact same data, one that is a headache to read and one that is
>>>>> >>> slightly better/easier to read?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> IMO, As Andres said, a simple OK link to the results would be best,
>>>>> >>> but I'd change it so that instead of tabs, you simply displayed the
>>>>> >>> YAML converted data and provide a download button for either the
>>>>> YAML
>>>>> >>> or raw XML.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Anyway, I don't have anything more useful than that to add, Andres
>>>>> had
>>>>> >>> some very good points.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Perhaps one other question, since you're going to the trouble of
>>>>> >>> parsing the XML into YAML to make it readable, why not just parse
>>>>> it
>>>>> >>> the rest of the way and provide really readable output instead?  In
>>>>> >>> reality, you're really just swapping one markup language for
>>>>> another,
>>>>> >>> it's just that the new one happens to be more friendly to the eyes
>>>>> >>> than the original one.  But, that is just a curiosity point, and
>>>>> maybe
>>>>> >>> a suggestion for the next iteration of this output display, once
>>>>> they
>>>>> >>> YAML bits are solidified and merged.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Either way, looks like a great start!
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Jeff
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>> "Entropy isn't what it used to be."
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Jeff Lane - Server Certification Team Lead, Tools Developer,
>>>>> Warrior
>>>>> >>> Poet, Lover of Pie
>>>>> >>> Phone: 919-442-8649
>>>>> >>> Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH                          Freenode IRC: bladernr
>>>>> or
>>>>> >>> bladernr_
>>>>> >>> gpg: 1024D/3A14B2DD 8C88 B076 0DD7 B404 1417  C466 4ABD 3635 3A14
>>>>> B2DD
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Andres Rodriguez
>>>>> > Engineering Manager, HWE Team
>>>>> > Canonical USA, Inc.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jeff Lane - Server Certification Team Lead, Tools Developer, Warrior
>>>>> Poet, Lover of Pie
>>>>> Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH
>>>>> Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
>>>>> gpg: 1024D/3A14B2DD 8C88 B076 0DD7 B404 1417  C466 4ABD 3635 3A14 B2DD
