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Re: openERP scheduler problems


I commited a fix that should solve problems with jobs running in minute intervals.

See: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-community/openobject-server/edannenberg_frequentcronjobs

Upgrade should not clash with already running jobs as all the stuff i added is optional and disabled per default. 

Erik Dannenberg
bloopark systems

----- Original Message -----

I confirm weird behavior of scheduler as similar issues have been reported by users of poweremail also who had schedulers with high frequency.

+1 for a redesign


Sharoon Thomas,
Business Analyst & ERP Consultant,
--Sent from Google android

On 21 Oct 2010 22:14, "Erik Dannenberg" < e.dannenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:


just a little heads up on the openerp scheduler. It seems the scheduler in v5 (no idea if its the same in v6 but i would guess so) has some serious design flaws.


Lets say we have 2 jobs that are running every 5 minutes. Each of those jobs takes 3 minutes to run.
So the scheduler will grab the jobs it needs to execute and call them one by one. After each job run it sets the time for the next call on each called job. The problem is that the whole run took 6 minutes while the dates for the next call are based on the previous call date. What now happens is that the time for the next call is already in the past and hence the scheduler simply won't call the jobs anymore.

Now there is that checkbox 'repeat missed' which i think is what is supposed to fix that. Let's see what happens:

So the jobs run for the first time, the next call date is set in the past and hence no more job execution. Until you restart the server, on restart openerp will execute the 2 jobs for each intervall it missed repeatly, and then happily sets a next call time in the past. So after that the jobs will still cease to keep running.


If you set up a couple of frequent jobs you have to take into account the whole runtime for all jobs, the call intervall for each job needs to be longer then the total runtime of all jobs. Else you will run into problems.

Personally i think at its current form the scheduler is not usable for frequent job calls and needs a redesign. A quick fix might be to set the next call time based on the runtime of the job, ie at the end of the job run set next_call to now()+call_intervall. Ofcourse this will not work if you want jobs to execute at a fixed time, but should be ok if all you need is short intervalls.

Erik Dannenberg
bloopark systems
