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[Bug 1827811] Re: Move "Add comment" and "Details" into modal with "Comments"


Commit hash: 013743dffc98b806474c4b9065c34bc21c329147
Environment tested: Master
Browser tested: Chrome
Theme used:  Raw

1) Mahara User1 exists and has a portfolio page "1 Column Layout - (Comments testing)" and it is public and able to be copied
2) Portfolio page has the following blocks: 
	a) Image
	b) File(s) to download
	c) Folder
	d) Journal
	e) Journal entry
	f) Recent journal entries
	g) Tagged journal entries
	h) Plans
	i) Notes (with tags)
	j) My entire resume
	k) One resume field
3) User1's resume section is completely filled in with attachments where applicable.
4) Journal exists with Journal entries which have attached files and comments are allowed 
5) Site has licenced meta data turned on (admin menu > Configure site > Site options > General) 
6) Mahara User3 exists (No Roles)

TEST STEPS: note the idea is that the comments and details are displayed in the flyout modal area 

Image block:
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify the image block has the following: 
	- Image displays and is a link that opens the modal ✔
	- Link under the image opens the modal: ✔
	- [icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details ✔
4) Click the link to make a comment 
5) Verify that the modal opens and has the following
	- preview image that is a link to download the image ✔
	- metadata ✔
	- comments (if any) ✔
	- Add comment form ✔
6) Make a comment and attach a file to it 
7) Verify the comment displays in comment area with download link inside the flyout modal ✔

File(s) to download:
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify the files to download block has the following
	- Each file title is a link that opens the modal. Hovering over the row gives the option to download the file. ✔
4) Click a file title 
5) Verify that the fly out modal has the following:
	  a) For image files:
		- preview image that is a link to download the image ✔
		- metadata with download button ✔
		- comments (if any) ✔
		- Add comment form ✔
	  b) For other files:
		-metadata with download button ✔
6) Verify that attachments can be attached as a comment when there is an add comment form, displays in comment area with download link

1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify that the folder block has the following:
	  a) The details link no longer appears ✔
	  b) Each file title is a link that opens the modal. Hovering over the row gives the option to download the file ✔
4) Click the file title of the file you want to make a comment for or view details
5) Verify that the folder block has the following 
	  a) For image files:
	  - preview image that is a link to download the image ✔
	  - metadata with download button ✔
			- comments (if any) ✔
		  - Add comment form ✔
	  b) For other files:
		-metadata with download button ✔
6) Verify that attachments can be attached as a comment when there is an add comment form, displays in comment area with download link ✔

NOTE: to view the flyout modal user must click on the title - clicking
anywhere else in the row section will initiate the download to local

1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify that the Journal block has the following 
	  a) Each journal title is a link that opens the modal unless both comments* and license metadata** are disabled. If either one of these settings is enabled the title will be a link, otherwise it is text. ✔
	  b) The journal entry is displayed ✔
	  c) Attachments attached to the journal entry are collapsed. When expanded there are hover over links to download the files.  ✔
	  d) If "Allowed comments" on*: "[icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
	  e) If "Allowed comments" off* but License metadata enabled**: "[icon] Details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
4) Click the Journal entry title link 
5) Verify that the flyout modal for Journal has the following 
	  a) The license info will be displayed (if license metadata is on**)  ✔
	  b) Comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  c) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔

Journal entry:
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify that the Journal entry block has the following:
	  a) The journal title is plain text  ✔
	  b) The journal entry is displayed ✔
	  c) Attachments attached to the journal entry are collapsed. When expanded there are hover over links to download the files. ✔
	  d) If "Allowed comments" on*: "[icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
	  e) If "Allowed comments" off* but License metadata enabled**: "[icon] Details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
4) Click the attachments of the Journal entry title to expand the section
5) Click the links to download the files 
6) Verify that the flyout modal for the Journal entry has the following:
	  a) The license info will be displayed (if license metadata is on**) ✔
	  b) Comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  d) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔

Recent journal entries:
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify that the Recent journal entries block displays the following
	  a) The journal titles are displayed in collapsed list, each entry is a hover over link that when clicked expands the journal entry. ✔
	  b) Each entry has the title followed by "in [journal title]" that links to the journal location. ✔
	  c) When an entry is expanded the journal entry is displayed. ✔
	  d) If the journal entry has tags*** then the tags will display before the journal entry when entry is expanded ✔
	  e) If "Allow comments"* setting is on each entry is followed by a link which opens the modal: "[icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details" ✔
	  f) If "Allowed comments" off* but License metadata enabled**: "[icon] Details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
4) Click the attachments of the Journal entry title to expand the section
5) Click the links to download the files 
6) Verify Journal entries block displays the following:
	  a) The license info will be displayed (if license metadata is on**) ✔
	  b) comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  c) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔

Tagged journal entries:
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify that the Tagged journal entries block displays the following: 
	  a) Journal title is a link to open the modal ✔
	  b) If the "Show journal entries in full" setting is on (in the configuration of the tagged journal block when adding/editing) the journal entry is displayed. ✔
	  c) If the "Show journal entries in full" setting is off then the journal titles are displayed in a collapsed list, each entry is a hover over link that when clicked expands the journal entry. ✔
	  d) If "Allow comments"* setting is on each entry is followed by a link which opens the modal: "[icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details" ✔
	  e) If "Allowed comments" off* but License metadata enabled**: "[icon] Details" (opens modal) link displays. ✔
4) Click the attachments of the Journal entry title to expand the section
5) Click the comments link 
6) Verify that the flyout modal displays the following:
	  a) The license info will be displayed (if license metadata is on**) ✔
	  b) comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  c) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔

1) From main menu -> Create -> Journals: when you create/edit a journal entry: toggle the setting "Allow comments"
2) In Admin menu -> Configure site -> Site options -> General settings: toggle the setting "license metadata"
3)  To set tags: main menu -> Journals: when you create/edit a journal entry: Tags

1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify That the Note block displays the following:
	  a) The content of the note is displayed. ✔
	  b) If "Allow comments"*, note is followed by a link which opens the modal: "[icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details" ✔
4) Click the comment link 
5) Verify that the flyout modal displays the following:
	  a) If the note is tagged, the tag will display ✔
	  b) The license info will be displayed (if license metadata is on**) ✔
	  c) comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  d) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔

My entire resume & One resume field:
Affects any section within resume when attachments are made to the section. The following sections are affected:
	  a) Goals: personal, academic and career.
	  b) Skills: personal, academic and work.
	  c) History: employment, education

1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Browse to History employment and education section of the Resume block 
4) Click on the title in the History employment and education section to expand the attachments section
5) Verify that the attachments section displays the following:
	  a) Each title is a link that opens the modal ✔
	  b) There is also a hover over link to download the attachmet ✔
6) click the file title link  
7) Verify that the flyout modal displays the following 
	  a) The attachment metadata is displayed ✔
	  b) comments (if any) (if allowed) ✔
	  c) Add comment form (if comments allowed) ✔
8) Verify that the above is true for One resume field of the following sections 
	  a) Goals: personal, academic and career. ✔
	  b) Skills: personal, academic and work. ✔
	  c) History: employment, education ✔

Catalyst QA Failed Testing ✘ see bug attached below

* BUGS  *
BUG #1

TITLE:  User can make a comment without entering text in the comment

BUG SUMMARY: When a user makes a comment they can skip the Add comment section and click the comment button resulting in a comment that has no body text.

Environment tested: Master
Browser tested: Chrome

1) Mahara User1 exists and has a portfolio page "1 Column Layout - (Comments testing)" and it is public and able to be copied
2) Portfolio page has the following blocks: 
	a) Image
	b) File(s) to download
	c) Folder
	d) Journal
	e) Journal entry
	f) Recent journal entries
	g) Tagged journal entries
	h) Plans
	i) Notes
	j) My entire resume
	k) One resume field
3) User1's resume section is completely filled in with attachments where applicable.
4) Mahara User3 exists (No Roles)

1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Verify the image block has the following: 
	- Image displays and is a link that opens the modal
	- Link under the image opens the modal:
	- [icon] Comments (current number of comments) and details
4) Click the link to make a comment
5) Do not enter any text in the add comment section
6) click the Comment button to save the comment 

EXPECTED RESULT: An error message should be displayed as the field is a required field

ACTUAL RESULT: The comment is saved and is displayed with the commenters
name and date time stamp and the ability to edit or delete the comment
but no actual comment text is displayed

BUG #2

TITLE:  Accessibility issue - User cannot navigate to modal window using
keyboard only naviigation

BUG SUMMARY: While using Keyboard only navigation a user can open a comment modal window but they cannot navigate to it to interact with it nor can they close the modal window without using a mouse.

Environment tested: Master
Browser tested: Chrome

1) Mahara User1 exists and has a portfolio page "1 Column Layout - (Comments testing)" and it is public and able to be copied
2) Portfolio page has the following blocks: 
	a) Image
	b) File(s) to download
	c) Folder
	d) Journal
	e) Journal entry
	f) Recent journal entries
	g) Tagged journal entries
	h) Plans
	i) Notes
	j) My entire resume
	k) One resume field
3) User1's resume section is completely filled in with attachments where applicable.
4) Mahara User3 exists (No Roles)
1) Log in as Mahara User3 
2) Browse to User1' s portfolio page as mentioned above 
3) Click the link to make a comment using keyboard only navigation

EXPECTED RESULT: Focus should be on the newly open modal window - User
should then be able to navigate the window contents and close modal if

ACTUAL RESULT: User cannot navigate to newly opened modal window nor can
they close it without using a mouse to do so

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Mahara
Contributors, which is subscribed to Mahara.
Matching subscriptions: Subscription for all Mahara Contributors -- please ask on #mahara-dev or mahara.org forum before editing or unsubscribing it!

  Move "Add comment" and "Details" into modal with "Comments"

Status in Mahara:
  In Progress

Bug description:
  This is part of the page revamp:

  Currently, the "Add comment" and "Details" links at blocks that can
  have them, takes you to a separate page where you can view the
  artefact's metadata and can leave comments.

  When you view comments, they are already displayed in the modal
  directly on the page, but you can't leave a comment yet.

  The things to be done:

  - Combine comments, add comment, Details to "Comments and details" (or just comments or just details depending on what can be displayed) so you only have one link.
  - Clicking that link opens up a modal on the page that shows the artefacts details (if there are any) and also the comments, as well as allows you to leave comments if that is enabled. Please see the attached mock-up.

  This would also mean to review all the "Details" on blocks as some of
  them are not needed. For example, clicking the details link next to a
  plan task only shows that single plan task again without any
  additional details. The "Details" should only be there when there is
  additional metadata information but not simply repeating the block

  The title of the modal (the one in the green bar) would be the
  blocktype as the title of the block is listed below.

  A decision still needs to be made on whether comments can be paginated
  in the modal or if they are shown all one after another (which might
  get quite long).

  We are not changing anything else from the proposal as that requires
  Gridstack to be implemented first. This is a standalone usability
  improvement independent of Gridstack.

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