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Updated (by Guest): dynamic versionning of query plan for performance metric and downgrade . (33)


                              WORKLOG TASK
TASK...........: dynamic versionning of query plan for performance metric and downgrade
CREATION DATE..: Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 21:37
SUPERVISOR.....: Bothorsen
COPIES TO......: 
CATEGORY.......: Server-RawIdeaBin
TASK ID........: 33 (http://askmonty.org/worklog/?tid=33)
VERSION........: WorkLog-3.4
STATUS.........: Un-Assigned
PRIORITY.......: 30
ESTIMATE.......: 0 (hours remain)


-=-=(Guest - Wed, 01 Jul 2009, 00:27)=-=-
High Level Description modified.
--- /tmp/wklog.33.old.20217     2009-07-01 00:27:24.000000000 +0300
+++ /tmp/wklog.33.new.20217     2009-07-01 00:27:24.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Just for comparing apple and oranges , 
-A lot of internal SUN/ORACLE benchmarks are reporting performance improvements.
+A lot of SUN/ORACLE benchmarks are reporting performance improvements.
 But they are only tested on specific workload and predefined scenario like DBT2. 
 MariaDb could provide dynamic variable QP_vesion = 41|50|51 ...   

-=-=(Fromdual - Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 21:53)=-=-
High Level Description modified.
--- /tmp/wklog.33.old.14359     2009-06-30 21:53:31.000000000 +0300
+++ /tmp/wklog.33.new.14359     2009-06-30 21:53:31.000000000 +0300
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
 A lot of internal SUN/ORACLE benchmarks are reporting performance improvements.
 But they are only tested on specific workload and predefined scenario like DBT2. 
-MariaDb should provide dynamique QP and provide a ratio of  efficiency in regard
-with the number of handler operations, each user would so on, be able to found
-out, if an improvement or a bug in the data acess path match is wokload . With
-such feature 5.0 to 5.1 would have found an inconsistant ratio of 2 to 1/1000
-with a serious fluctuation on time depending on closing , reopening , reclosing
-and reopening bugs like
+MariaDb could provide dynamic variable QP_vesion = 41|50|51 ...   
+providing benchmarks with a ratio of efficiency in regard with the number of
+handler operations, each user would so on, be able to found if an improvement or
+a bug in the data acess path match is wokload . 
+With such feature 5.0 to 5.1 migration would have provide an inconsistant metric
+of 2 to 1/1000 with a serious fluctuation on time depending on closing ,
+reopening , reclosing and reopening bugs like

-=-=(Fromdual - Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 21:44)=-=-
Title modified.
--- /tmp/wklog.33.old.13936     2009-06-30 21:44:50.000000000 +0300
+++ /tmp/wklog.33.new.13936     2009-06-30 21:44:50.000000000 +0300
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Dynamique versionning of query plan for performance metric and downgrade . 
+dynamic versionning of query plan for performance metric and downgrade . 


Just for comparing apple and oranges , 

A lot of SUN/ORACLE benchmarks are reporting performance improvements.
But they are only tested on specific workload and predefined scenario like DBT2. 

MariaDb could provide dynamic variable QP_vesion = 41|50|51 ...   

providing benchmarks with a ratio of efficiency in regard with the number of
handler operations, each user would so on, be able to found if an improvement or
a bug in the data acess path match is wokload . 
With such feature 5.0 to 5.1 migration would have provide an inconsistant metric
of 2 to 1/1000 with a serious fluctuation on time depending on closing ,
reopening , reclosing and reopening bugs like



WorkLog (v3.5.9)