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[Fwd: DS-MRR improvements patch ready for review]



1. I failed to find LLD for this patch anywhere.
   That's why I'll try to put together the description
   of the abstract data structures used by DsMrr_impl.

2. The main abstract data structure here could be called
   Flexible_LIFO_Buffer. I call it LIFO because it's filled in one
   direction while it's read always in the opposite direction starting
   from the end of the buffer.
   I call it Flexible because it can be extended when we write into it,
   and it can be shrunk when we read from it.

3. It makes sense to introduce two sub-classes of this data structure:
   Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_LR, that writes from left to right, and
   Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_RL, that writes from right to left.

4. You need two buffers:
     a buffer for keys [+ association]
     a buffer for rowids [+ association]
   If one is of the type Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_LR then the other must be
   of the type Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_RL.

5. It looks like the buffer for rowids should be of the type
   Yet because we read from the buffer always after sorting we always
   can employ Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_LR/RL instead with a proper choice of
   the comparison function used by the sort procedure.

6. I don't mind if you use the name DsMrr_Buffer[_RL/RL] instead of
   Maybe it will be even better.

7. The class DsMrr_Buffer must contain a method that sorts the elements
   in the buffer.

Some other remarks:

1. Always use mnemonic constants instead of the constant like 1, -1 you
   used for direction values, or the constant from a enum type.

2. Each member of the class you use must me specified somehow.

3. Do not overload the semantics of the field members of you classes.
   E.g. key_tuple_length is a constant for any key buffer and should not
   everbe changed.

4. Your buffers are actually containers of elements. So it's more
   natural to have read/write methods for these elements.

5. It looks like it's enough to have only one cursor (let's call it
   'pos') for your read/write operations.

6. I think that class DsMrr_impl does not have to know anything about
   the structure/representation of the elements in a buffer.

7. The companion iterator class should iterate over interesting
   association info.
   Maybe it make sense to have a counter of the remaining elements that
   still have to be iterated over. The init method of the iterator class
   should reset this counter.

8. DsMrr_impl should contain one method that shifts the boundary between
   the key buffer and the rowid buffer. It should employ the methods of
   the buffer classes to do this.

9. As you have only two buffers I don't mind if you have instead of two
   similar classes Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_LR and Flexible_LIFO_Buffer_RL
   two quite different classes DsMrr_Key_Buffer and DsMrr_Rowid_Buffer.
   The first one will be of the type Flexible_LIFO_Buffer with the
   iterator companion class in it. The second class may be of the
   Flexible_FIFO_Buffer type.
   However the generic functionality/interface still must be factored
   out into the base class DsMrr_Buffer.

10. I think it makes sense to skip unnecessary calls of handler functions.

11. Test cases for the new functionality are scarce.

12. Please take care of the bug I discovered earlier and report of which
I resent you again (see [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Another serious problem with


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DS-MRR improvements patch ready for review
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 09:12:19 +0200
From: Sergey Petrunya <psergey@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: igor@xxxxxxxxxxxx
CC: maria-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello Igor,

Please find attached the combined patch of DS-MRR for clustered PKs and key

The tree is in launchpad and buildbot also:

and all observed buildbot failures in the tree are known to occur
without the
new code as well.

Sergey Petrunia, Software Developer
Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org
Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog

diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3;
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+set @save_storage_engine=@@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=innodb;
+create table t0(a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a char(8), b char(8), filler char(100), primary key(a));
+show create table t1;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` char(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+  `b` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `filler` char(100) DEFAULT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (`a`)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+concat('b-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=B'),
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8));
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A'), ('a-1030=A'), ('a-1020=A');
+This should use join buffer:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	test.t2.a	1	Using join buffer
+This output must be sorted by value of t1.a:
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+a	b	filler	a
+a-1010=A	b-1010=B	filler	a-1010=A
+a-1020=A	b-1020=B	filler	a-1020=A
+a-1030=A	b-1030=B	filler	a-1030=A
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+a char(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	28	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+insert into t2 values ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	28	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+a varchar(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	30	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	26	test.t2.a	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1 (a int, b int, c int, filler char(100), primary key(a,b,c));
+insert into t1 select A.a, B.a, C.a, 'filler' from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 11,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 12,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 13,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 22, 1234, 'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 124,  'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 125,  'filler');
+create table t2 (a int, b int);
+insert into t2 values (11,33), (11,22), (11,11);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+11	11	11	filler	11	11
+11	11	12	filler	11	11
+11	11	13	filler	11	11
+11	22	1234	filler	11	22
+11	33	124	filler	11	33
+11	33	125	filler	11	33
+set join_cache_level=0;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+11	33	124	filler	11	33
+11	33	125	filler	11	33
+11	22	1234	filler	11	22
+11	11	11	filler	11	11
+11	11	12	filler	11	11
+11	11	13	filler	11	11
+set join_cache_level=6;
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	test.t2.a	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	test.t2.a	1	Using where; Using join buffer
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=on';
+drop table t1,t2;
+set @@join_cache_level= @save_join_cache_level;
+set storage_engine=@save_storage_engine;
+drop table t0;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/join_nested_jcl6.result maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/join_nested_jcl6.result
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/join_nested_jcl6.result	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/join_nested_jcl6.result	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -865,12 +865,12 @@
 ON t3.a=1 AND t3.b=t2.b AND t2.b=t4.b;
 a	b	a	b	a	b
-4	2	1	2	3	2
 4	2	1	2	4	2
 4	2	1	2	3	2
 4	2	1	2	4	2
 4	2	1	2	3	2
 4	2	1	2	4	2
+4	2	1	2	3	2
 NULL	NULL	2	2	3	2
 NULL	NULL	2	2	4	2
@@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@
 (t8.b=t9.b OR t8.c IS NULL) AND
 a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b
-1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	3	2	2	2	6	2	2	2	0	2	1	2
 1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	4	2	2	2	6	2	2	2	0	2	1	2
+1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	3	2	2	2	6	2	2	2	0	2	1	2
 1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	3	2	3	1	6	2	1	1	NULL	NULL	1	1
 1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	4	2	3	1	6	2	1	1	NULL	NULL	1	1
 1	2	3	2	4	2	1	2	3	2	3	1	6	2	1	1	NULL	NULL	1	2
@@ -1785,8 +1785,8 @@
 ON t6.b >= 2 AND t5.b=t7.b AND
 (t8.a > 0 OR t8.c IS NULL);
 a	b	a	b	a	b	a	b
-2	2	1	2	2	2	1	2
 2	2	3	2	2	2	1	2
+2	2	1	2	2	2	1	2
 1	1	1	2	1	1	NULL	NULL
 1	1	3	2	1	1	NULL	NULL
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/join_outer_jcl6.result maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/join_outer_jcl6.result
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/join_outer_jcl6.result	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/join_outer_jcl6.result	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -352,14 +352,14 @@
 Lilliana Angelovska	NULL	NULL	NULL
 select t1.name, t2.name, t2.id,t3.id from t1 right join t2 on (t1.id = t2.owner) right join t1 as t3 on t3.id=t2.owner;
 name	name	id	id
-Antonio Paz	El Gato	1	1
 Antonio Paz	Perrito	2	1
+Antonio Paz	El Gato	1	1
 Thimble Smith	Happy	3	3
 select t1.name, t2.name, t2.id, t2.owner, t3.id from t1 left join t2 on (t1.id = t2.owner) right join t1 as t3 on t3.id=t2.owner;
 name	name	id	owner	id
-Antonio Paz	El Gato	1	1	1
 Antonio Paz	Perrito	2	1	1
+Antonio Paz	El Gato	1	1	1
 Thimble Smith	Happy	3	3	3
 drop table t1,t2;
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@
 select t1.*, t2.* from t1 left join t2 on t1.n = t2.n and
 t1.m = t2.m where t1.n = 1;
 n	m	o	n	m	o
-1	2	11	1	2	3
-1	2	7	1	2	3
 1	2	9	1	2	3
+1	2	7	1	2	3
+1	2	11	1	2	3
 select t1.*, t2.* from t1 left join t2 on t1.n = t2.n and
 t1.m = t2.m where t1.n = 1 order by t1.o;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off,index_merge_union=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=on';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,index_merge_sort_union=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=4;
 ERROR 42000: Variable 'optimizer_switch' can't be set to the value of '4'
 set optimizer_switch=NULL;
@@ -43,57 +43,57 @@
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off,index_merge_union=off,default';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=default;
 select @@global.optimizer_switch;
 set @@global.optimizer_switch=default;
 select @@global.optimizer_switch;
 # Check index_merge's @@optimizer_switch flags
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 BUG#37120 optimizer_switch allowable values not according to specification
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,materialization=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off,semijoin=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,materialization=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=default;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/r/vcol_misc.result maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/r/vcol_misc.result
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/r/vcol_misc.result	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/r/vcol_misc.result	2010-08-19 22:41:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 1	SIMPLE	t2	ref	idx	idx	5	test.t1.b	2	Using where; Using join buffer
 select * from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.c and d <= 100;
 a	b	c	d	v
-4	20	20	100	101
 1	20	20	100	101
 3	30	30	100	101
+4	20	20	100	101
 set join_cache_level=default;
 drop table t1, t2;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test	2010-08-19 22:41:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 select * from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.c and d <= 100;
 select * from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.c and d <= 100;
 set join_cache_level=default;
-drop table t1, t2;
\ No newline at end of file
+drop table t1, t2;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test
--- 5.3-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Tests for DS-MRR over clustered primary key. The only engine that supports
+# this is InnoDB/XtraDB.
+# Basic idea about testing
+#  - DS-MRR/CPK works only with BKA
+#  - Should also test index condition pushdown
+#  - Should also test whatever uses RANGE_SEQ_IF::skip_record() for filtering
+#  - Also test access using prefix of primary key
+#  - Forget about cost model, BKA's multi_range_read_info() call passes 10 for
+#    #rows, the call is there at all only for applicability check
+-- source include/have_innodb.inc
+drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3;
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+set @save_storage_engine=@@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=innodb;
+create table t0(a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a char(8), b char(8), filler char(100), primary key(a));
+show create table t1;
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  concat('b-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=B'),
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8));
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A'), ('a-1030=A'), ('a-1020=A');
+--echo This should use join buffer:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+--echo This output must be sorted by value of t1.a:
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+drop table t1, t2;
+# Try multi-column indexes
+create table t1(
+  a char(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+  primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Try with dataset that causes identical lookup keys:
+insert into t2 values ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+  a varchar(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+  primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Try scanning on a CPK prefix
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+drop table t1, t2;
+# The above example is not very interesting, as CPK prefix has 
+# only one match.  Create a dataset where scan on CPK prefix 
+# would produce multiple matches:
+create table t1 (a int, b int, c int, filler char(100), primary key(a,b,c));
+insert into t1 select A.a, B.a, C.a, 'filler' from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 11,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 12,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 13,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 22, 1234, 'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 124,  'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 125,  'filler');
+create table t2 (a int, b int);
+insert into t2 values (11,33), (11,22), (11,11);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Check a real resultset for comaprison:
+set join_cache_level=0;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+# Check that Index Condition Pushdown (BKA) actually works:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=on';
+drop table t1,t2;
+set @@join_cache_level= @save_join_cache_level;
+set storage_engine=@save_storage_engine;
+drop table t0;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/handler.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/handler.h
--- 5.3-noc/sql/handler.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/handler.h	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -1278,9 +1278,9 @@
                          COST_VECT *cost);
-  The below two are not used (and not handled) in this milestone of this WL
-  entry because there seems to be no use for them at this stage of
-  implementation.
+  Indicates that all scanned ranges will be singlepoint (aka equality) ranges.
+  The ranges may not use the full key but all of them will use the same number
+  of key parts.
 #define HA_MRR_FIXED_KEY  2
@@ -1322,6 +1322,12 @@
+  The MRR user has materialized range keys somewhere in the user's buffer.
+  This can be used for optimization of the procedure that sorts these keys
+  since in this case key values don't have to be copied into the MRR buffer.
@@ -1806,9 +1812,10 @@
                                               uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                               uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   virtual ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                        uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                        uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                        uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   virtual int multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode,
+                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
                                     HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
   virtual int multi_range_read_next(char **range_info);
   virtual int read_range_first(const key_range *start_key,
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc
--- 5.3-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc	2010-08-19 22:41:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "mysql_priv.h"
+#include <my_bit.h>
 #include "sql_select.h"
@@ -136,10 +137,16 @@
 ha_rows handler::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint n_rows,
-                                       uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
+                                       uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
-  *bufsz= 0; /* Default implementation doesn't need a buffer */
+  /* 
+    Currently we expect this function to be called only in preparation of scan
+    with HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT property.
+  */
+  *bufsz= 0; /* Default implementation doesn't need a buffer */
@@ -280,6 +287,84 @@
  * DS-MRR implementation 
+void SimpleBuffer::write(const uchar *data, size_t bytes)
+  DBUG_ASSERT(have_space_for(bytes));
+  if (direction == -1)
+    write_pos -= bytes;
+  memcpy(write_pos, data, bytes);
+  if (direction == 1)
+    write_pos += bytes;
+bool SimpleBuffer::have_space_for(size_t bytes)
+  if (direction == 1)
+    return (write_pos + bytes < end);
+  else
+    return (write_pos - bytes >= start);
+size_t SimpleBuffer::used_size()
+  return (direction == 1)? write_pos - read_pos : read_pos - write_pos;
+uchar *SimpleBuffer::read(size_t bytes)
+  DBUG_ASSERT(have_data(bytes));
+  uchar *res;
+  if (direction == 1)
+  {
+    res= read_pos;
+    read_pos += bytes;
+    return res;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    read_pos= read_pos - bytes;
+    return read_pos;
+  }
+bool SimpleBuffer::have_data(size_t bytes)
+  return (direction == 1)? (write_pos - read_pos >= (ptrdiff_t)bytes) : 
+                           (read_pos - write_pos >= (ptrdiff_t)bytes);
+void SimpleBuffer::reset_for_writing()
+  if (direction == 1)
+    write_pos= read_pos= start;
+  else
+    write_pos= read_pos= end;
+void SimpleBuffer::reset_for_reading()
+Do we need this at all?
+  if (direction == 1)
+    pos= start;
+  else
+    pos= end;
+uchar *SimpleBuffer::end_of_space()
+  if (direction == 1)
+    return start;
+  else
+    return end;
+//TODO: check this.
   DS-MRR: Initialize and start MRR scan
@@ -302,9 +387,9 @@
                            void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges, uint mode,
                            HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
-  uint elem_size;
   Item *pushed_cond= NULL;
   handler *new_h2= 0;
+  THD *thd= current_thd;
@@ -316,25 +401,82 @@
     use_default_impl= TRUE;
     const int retval=
-      h->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param,
-                                        n_ranges, mode, buf);
+      h->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges, 
+                                        mode, buf);
-  rowids_buf= buf->buffer;
+  use_default_impl= FALSE;
   is_mrr_assoc= !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
+  /*
+    Figure out what steps we'll need to do
+  */
+  do_sort_keys= FALSE;
+  if ((mode & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) && 
+       optimizer_flag(thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS))
+  {
+    do_sort_keys= TRUE;
+    use_key_pointers= test(mode & HA_MRR_MATERIALIZED_KEYS);
+  }
+  do_rowid_fetch= FALSE;
+  doing_cpk_scan= check_cpk_scan(h->inited == handler::INDEX? 
+                                 h->active_index: h2->active_index, mode);
+  if (!doing_cpk_scan /* && !index_only_read */)
+  {
+    /* Will use rowid buffer to store/sort rowids, etc */
+    do_rowid_fetch= TRUE;
+  }
+  DBUG_ASSERT(do_sort_keys || do_rowid_fetch);
+  full_buf= buf->buffer;
+  full_buf_end= buf->buffer_end;
+  /* 
+    At start, alloc all of the buffer for rowids. Key sorting code will grab a
+    piece if necessary.
+  */
+  rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, full_buf_end, 1);
   if (is_mrr_assoc)
-  rowids_buf_end= buf->buffer_end;
-  elem_size= h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
-  rowids_buf_last= rowids_buf + 
-                      ((rowids_buf_end - rowids_buf)/ elem_size)*
-                      elem_size;
-  rowids_buf_end= rowids_buf_last;
+  /*
+    psergey2-todo: for CPK scans:
+     - use MRR irrespectively of @@mrr_sort_keys setting,
+     - dont do rowid retrieval.
+  */
+  if (do_sort_keys)
+  {
+    /* It's a DS-MRR/CPK scan */
+    key_tuple_length= 0; /* dummy value telling it needs to be inited */
+    key_buff_elem_size= 0;
+    in_index_range= FALSE;
+    h->mrr_iter= seq_funcs->init(seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode);
+    h->mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs;
+    keyno= (h->inited == handler::INDEX)? h->active_index : h2->active_index;
+    dsmrr_fill_key_buffer();
+    if (dsmrr_eof && !do_rowid_fetch)
+      buf->end_of_used_area= key_buffer.end_of_space();
+  }
-    /*
+  if (!do_rowid_fetch)
+  {
+    /* 
+      We have the keys and won't need to fetch rowids, as key lookup will be
+      the last operation, done in multi_range_read_next().
+    */
+    DBUG_RETURN(0);
+  }
+  rowid_buff_elem_size= h->ref_length + (is_mrr_assoc? sizeof(char*) : 0);
+  /*
+    psergey2: this is only needed when 
+      - doing a rowid-to-row scan
+      - the buffer wasn't exhausted on the first pass.
+  */
+  /*
     There can be two cases:
     - This is the first call since index_init(), h2==NULL
        Need to setup h2 then.
@@ -344,8 +486,7 @@
   if (!h2)
-    /* Create a separate handler object to do rndpos() calls. */
-    THD *thd= current_thd;
+    /* Create a separate handler object to do rnd_pos() calls. */
       ::clone() takes up a lot of stack, especially on 64 bit platforms.
       The constant 5 is an empiric result.
@@ -353,9 +494,9 @@
     if (check_stack_overrun(thd, 5*STACK_MIN_SIZE, (uchar*) &new_h2))
     DBUG_ASSERT(h->active_index != MAX_KEY);
-    uint mrr_keyno= h->active_index;
+    keyno= h->active_index;
-    /* Create a separate handler object to do rndpos() calls. */
+    /* Create a separate handler object to do rnd_pos() calls. */
     if (!(new_h2= h->clone(thd->mem_root)) || 
         new_h2->ha_external_lock(thd, F_RDLCK))
@@ -363,7 +504,7 @@
-    if (mrr_keyno == h->pushed_idx_cond_keyno)
+    if (keyno == h->pushed_idx_cond_keyno)
       pushed_cond= h->pushed_idx_cond;
@@ -376,16 +517,18 @@
       goto error;
+    use_default_impl= FALSE;
     h2= new_h2; /* Ok, now can put it into h2 */
-    if (h2->ha_index_init(mrr_keyno, FALSE))
+    h2->mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs; //psergey3-todo: sort out where to store
+    h2->mrr_iter= h->mrr_iter;
+    if (h2->ha_index_init(keyno, FALSE))
       goto error;
-    use_default_impl= FALSE;
     if (pushed_cond)
-      h2->idx_cond_push(mrr_keyno, pushed_cond);
+      h2->idx_cond_push(keyno, pushed_cond);
@@ -401,14 +544,18 @@
     h2= NULL;
     int res= (h->inited == handler::INDEX && h->ha_index_end());
     h2= save_h2;
-    use_default_impl= FALSE;
     if (res)
       goto error;
+  if (!do_sort_keys && 
+      h2->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges, 
+                                         mode, buf))
+  {
+    goto error;
+  }
-  if (h2->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges,
-                                          mode, buf) || 
-      dsmrr_fill_buffer())
+  if (dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer())
     goto error;
@@ -416,8 +563,8 @@
     If the above call has scanned through all intervals in *seq, then
     adjust *buf to indicate that the remaining buffer space will not be used.
-  if (dsmrr_eof) 
-    buf->end_of_used_area= rowids_buf_last;
+//  if (dsmrr_eof) 
+//    buf->end_of_used_area= rowid_buffer.end_of_space();
      h->inited == INDEX may occur when 'range checked for each record' is
@@ -428,7 +575,6 @@
       goto error;
-  use_default_impl= FALSE;
   h->mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs;
@@ -465,65 +611,474 @@
-  DS-MRR: Fill the buffer with rowids and sort it by rowid
+  DS-MRR: Fill and sort the rowid buffer
   {This is an internal function of DiskSweep MRR implementation}
   Scan the MRR ranges and collect ROWIDs (or {ROWID, range_id} pairs) into 
   buffer. When the buffer is full or scan is completed, sort the buffer by 
   rowid and return.
-  The function assumes that rowids buffer is empty when it is invoked. 
+  dsmrr_eof is set to indicate whether we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
+  scanning. This function never returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE.
+  post-condition:
+   rowid buffer is not empty, or key source is exhausted.
   @param h  Table handler
   @retval 0      OK, the next portion of rowids is in the buffer,
                  properly ordered
   @retval other  Error
-int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_buffer()
+int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()
   char *range_info;
   int res;
-  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_buffer");
+  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer");
+  DBUG_ASSERT(rowid_buffer.is_empty());
+  rowid_buffer.reset_for_writing();
+  identical_rowid_ptr= NULL;
+  if (do_sort_keys && key_buffer.is_reverse())
+    key_buffer.flip();
+  while (rowid_buffer.have_space_for(rowid_buff_elem_size))
+  {
+    if (do_sort_keys)
+      res= dsmrr_next_from_index(&range_info);
+    else 
+      res= h2->handler::multi_range_read_next(&range_info);
+    if (res)
+      break;
-  rowids_buf_cur= rowids_buf;
-  while ((rowids_buf_cur < rowids_buf_end) && 
-         !(res= h2->handler::multi_range_read_next(&range_info)))
-  {
     KEY_MULTI_RANGE *curr_range= &h2->handler::mrr_cur_range;
-    if (h2->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple &&
+    if (!do_sort_keys && /* If keys are sorted then this check is already done */
+        h2->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple &&
         h2->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(h2->mrr_iter, curr_range->ptr))
     /* Put rowid, or {rowid, range_id} pair into the buffer */
-    memcpy(rowids_buf_cur, h2->ref, h2->ref_length);
-    rowids_buf_cur += h2->ref_length;
+    rowid_buffer.write(h2->ref, h2->ref_length);
     if (is_mrr_assoc)
-    {
-      memcpy(rowids_buf_cur, &range_info, sizeof(void*));
-      rowids_buf_cur += sizeof(void*);
-    }
+      rowid_buffer.write((uchar*)&range_info, sizeof(void*));
   if (res && res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
-  dsmrr_eof= test(res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
+  if (!do_sort_keys)
+    dsmrr_eof= test(res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
   /* Sort the buffer contents by rowid */
   uint elem_size= h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
-  uint n_rowids= (rowids_buf_cur - rowids_buf) / elem_size;
+  uint n_rowids= rowid_buffer.used_size() / elem_size;
-  my_qsort2(rowids_buf, n_rowids, elem_size, (qsort2_cmp)rowid_cmp,
-            (void*)h);
-  rowids_buf_last= rowids_buf_cur;
-  rowids_buf_cur=  rowids_buf;
+  my_qsort2(rowid_buffer.used_area(), n_rowids, elem_size, 
+            (qsort2_cmp)rowid_cmp, (void*)h);
+  my_qsort2-compatible function to compare key tuples 
+  If dsmrr->use_key_pointers==FALSE
+int DsMrr_impl::key_tuple_cmp(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2)
+  DsMrr_impl *dsmrr= (DsMrr_impl*)arg;
+  TABLE *table= dsmrr->h->table;
+  int res;
+  KEY_PART_INFO *part= table->key_info[dsmrr->keyno].key_part;
+  if (dsmrr->use_key_pointers)
+  {
+    /* the buffer stores pointers to keys, get to the keys */
+    key1= *((uchar**)key1);
+    key2= *((uchar**)key2);  // todo is this alignment-safe?
+  }
+  uchar *key1_end= key1 + dsmrr->key_tuple_length;
+  while (key1 < key1_end)
+  {
+    Field* f = part->field;
+    int len = part->store_length;
+    if (part->null_bit)
+    {
+      if (*key1) // key1 == NULL
+      {
+        if (!*key2) // key1(NULL) < key2(notNULL)
+          return -1;
+        goto equals;
+      }
+      else if (*key2) // key1(notNULL) > key2 (NULL)
+        return 1;
+      // Step over NULL byte for f->cmp().
+      key1++;
+      key2++;
+      len--;
+    }
+    if ((res= f->key_cmp(key1, key2)))
+      return res;
+    key1 += len;
+    key2 += len;
+    part++;
+  }
+  return 0;
+  Setup key/rowid buffer sizes based on sample_key
+    Setup key/rowid buffer sizes based on sample_key and its length.
+    This function must be called when all buffer space is empty.
+void DsMrr_impl::setup_buffer_sizes(key_range *sample_key)
+  key_tuple_length= sample_key->length;
+  key_tuple_map= sample_key->keypart_map;
+  key_size_in_keybuf= use_key_pointers ? sizeof(char*) : 
+                                       key_tuple_length;
+  key_buff_elem_size= key_size_in_keybuf + 
+                      (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
+  KEY *key_info= &h->table->key_info[keyno];
+  index_ranges_unique= test(key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME && 
+                            key_info->key_parts == 
+                              my_count_bits(sample_key->keypart_map));
+  if (!do_rowid_fetch)
+  {
+    /* Give all space to key buffer. */
+    key_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, full_buf_end, 1);
+    /* Just in case, tell rowid buffer that it has zero size: */
+    rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf_end, full_buf_end, 1);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* 
+    Ok if we got here we need to allocate one part of the buffer 
+    for keys and another part for rowids.
+  */
+  uint rowid_buf_elem_size= h->ref_length + 
+                            (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(char*);
+  /*
+    Use rec_per_key statistics as a basis to find out how many rowids 
+    we'll get for each key value.
+     TODO: are we guaranteed to get r_p_c==1 for unique keys?
+     TODO: what should be the default value to use when there is no 
+           statistics?
+  */
+  uint parts= my_count_bits(key_tuple_map);
+  ulong rpc;
+  if ((rpc= key_info->rec_per_key[parts - 1]))
+  {
+    rowid_buf_elem_size *= rpc;
+  }
+  double fraction_for_rowids=
+    ((double) rowid_buf_elem_size / 
+         ((double)rowid_buf_elem_size + key_buff_elem_size));
+  size_t bytes_for_rowids= 
+    round(fraction_for_rowids * (full_buf_end - full_buf));
+  uint bytes_for_keys= (full_buf_end - full_buf) - bytes_for_rowids;
+  if (bytes_for_keys < key_buff_elem_size + 1)
+  {
+    uint add= key_buff_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_keys;
+    bytes_for_rowids -= add;
+    DBUG_ASSERT(bytes_for_rowids >= 
+                (h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(char*) + 1));
+  }
+  rowid_buffer_end= full_buf + bytes_for_rowids;
+  rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, rowid_buffer_end, 1);
+  key_buffer.set_buffer_space(rowid_buffer_end, full_buf_end, -1); 
+  DS-MRR/CPK: Fill the buffer with (lookup_tuple, range_id) pairs and sort
+    DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer()
+    DS-MRR/CPK: Enumerate the input range (=key) sequence, fill the key buffer
+    (lookup_key, range_id) pairs and sort.
+    dsmrr_eof is set to indicate whether we've exhausted the list of ranges 
+    we're scanning.
+  post-condition:
+   - key buffer is non-empty
+   - key buffer is empty and source range sequence is exhausted
+void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer()
+  int res;
+  KEY_MULTI_RANGE cur_range;
+  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer");
+  DBUG_ASSERT(!key_tuple_length || key_buffer.is_empty());
+  if (key_tuple_length)
+  {
+    if (do_rowid_fetch && rowid_buffer.is_empty())
+    {
+      /*
+        We're using two buffers and both of them are empty now. Restore the
+        original sizes
+      */
+      rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, rowid_buffer_end, 1);
+      key_buffer.set_buffer_space(rowid_buffer_end, full_buf_end, -1);
+    }
+    key_buffer.reset_for_writing();
+  }
+  while ((key_tuple_length == 0 || 
+          key_buffer.have_space_for(key_buff_elem_size)) && 
+         !(res= h->mrr_funcs.next(h->mrr_iter, &cur_range)))
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(cur_range.range_flag & EQ_RANGE);
+    if (!key_tuple_length)
+    {
+      /* This only happens when we've just started filling the buffer */
+      setup_buffer_sizes(&cur_range.start_key);
+    }
+    if (key_buffer.is_reverse() && is_mrr_assoc)
+      key_buffer.write((uchar*)&cur_range.ptr, sizeof(void*));
+    /* Put key, or {key, range_id} pair into the buffer */
+    if (use_key_pointers)
+      key_buffer.write((uchar*)&cur_range.start_key.key, sizeof(char*));
+    else
+      key_buffer.write(cur_range.start_key.key, key_tuple_length);
+    if (!key_buffer.is_reverse() && is_mrr_assoc)
+      key_buffer.write((uchar*)&cur_range.ptr, sizeof(void*));
+  }
+  dsmrr_eof= test(res);
+  /* Sort the buffer contents by rowid */
+  uint key_elem_size= key_size_in_keybuf + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
+  uint n_keys= key_buffer.used_size() / key_elem_size;
+  my_qsort2(key_buffer.used_area(), n_keys, key_elem_size,
+            (qsort2_cmp)DsMrr_impl::key_tuple_cmp, (void*)this);
+  last_identical_key_ptr= NULL;
+  in_identical_keys_range= FALSE;
+  DS-MRR/CPK: multi_range_read_next() function
+    DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next_from_index()
+      range_info  OUT  identifier of range that the returned record belongs to
+  This function walks over key buffer and does index reads, i.e. it produces
+  {current_record, range_id} pairs.
+  The function has the same call contract like multi_range_read_next()'s.
+  We actually iterate nested sequences:
+  - a disjoint sequence of index ranges
+    - each range has multiple records
+      - each record goes into multiple identical ranges.
+    0                   OK, next record was successfully read
+    HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE  End of records
+    Other               Some other error
+int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next_from_index(char **range_info_arg)
+  int res;
+  uchar *key_in_buf;
+  handler *file= do_rowid_fetch? h2: h;
+  while (in_identical_keys_range)
+  {
+    /* Read record/key pointer from the buffer */
+    key_in_buf= identical_key_it.get_next(key_size_in_keybuf);
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+      cur_range_info= (char*)identical_key_it.get_next(sizeof(void*));
+    if (key_in_buf == last_identical_key_ptr)
+    {
+      /* We're looking at the last of the identical keys */
+      in_identical_keys_range= FALSE;
+    }
+    if ((h->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple &&
+         h->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(h->mrr_iter, *(char**)cur_range_info)) || 
+        (h->mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
+         h->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h->mrr_iter, *(char**)cur_range_info, NULL)))
+    {
+      continue;
+    }
+    memcpy(range_info_arg, cur_range_info, sizeof(void*));
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /* Try returrning next record from the current range */
+  while (in_index_range)
+  {
+    res= file->ha_index_next_same(table->record[0], cur_index_tuple, 
+                                  key_tuple_length);
+    if (res)
+    {
+      if (res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE && res != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
+        return res;  /* Fatal error */
+      in_index_range= FALSE; /* no more records here */
+      break;
+    }
+    if (last_identical_key_ptr)
+    {
+      in_identical_keys_range= TRUE;
+      identical_key_it.init(&key_buffer);
+      cur_range_info= first_identical_range_info;
+    }
+    goto check_record;
+  }
+  while(1)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(!in_identical_keys_range && !in_index_range);
+    /* Jump over the keys that were handled by identical key processing */
+    if (last_identical_key_ptr)
+    {
+      while (key_buffer.read(key_size_in_keybuf) != last_identical_key_ptr)
+      {
+        if (is_mrr_assoc)
+          key_buffer.read(sizeof(void*));
+      }
+      if (is_mrr_assoc)
+        key_buffer.read(sizeof(void*));
+      last_identical_key_ptr= NULL;
+    }
+    /* First, make sure we have a range at start of the buffer */
+    if (key_buffer.is_empty())
+    {
+      if (dsmrr_eof)
+      {
+        res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
+        goto end;
+      }
+      /*
+        When rowid fetching is used, it controls all buffer refills. When we're
+        on our own, try refilling our buffer.
+      */
+      if (!do_rowid_fetch)
+        dsmrr_fill_key_buffer();
+      if (key_buffer.is_empty())
+      {
+        res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
+        goto end;
+      }
+    }
+    if (do_rowid_fetch)
+    {
+      /*
+        At this point we're not using anything what we've read from key
+        buffer. Cut off unused key buffer space and give it to the rowid
+        buffer.
+      */
+      uchar *unused_start, *unused_end;
+      key_buffer.remove_unused_space(&unused_start, &unused_end);
+      rowid_buffer.grow(unused_start, unused_end);
+    }
+    /* Get the next range to scan */
+    cur_index_tuple= key_in_buf= key_buffer.read(key_size_in_keybuf);
+    if (use_key_pointers)
+      cur_index_tuple= *((uchar**)cur_index_tuple);
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+      cur_range_info= (char*)key_buffer.read(sizeof(void*));
+    /* Do index lookup */
+    if ((res= file->ha_index_read_map(table->record[0], cur_index_tuple, 
+                                      key_tuple_map, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)))
+    {
+      if (res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE && res != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
+        return res;
+      continue; /* to next key and make another lookup */
+    }
+    /* Check if subsequent keys in the key buffer are the same as this one */
+    {
+      uchar *ptr;
+      identical_key_it.init(&key_buffer);
+      last_identical_key_ptr= NULL;
+      while ((ptr= identical_key_it.get_next(key_size_in_keybuf)))
+      {
+        if (is_mrr_assoc)
+          identical_key_it.get_next(sizeof(void*));
+        if (key_tuple_cmp(this, key_in_buf, ptr))
+          break;
+        last_identical_key_ptr= ptr;
+      }
+      if (last_identical_key_ptr)
+      {
+        in_identical_keys_range= TRUE;
+        identical_key_it.init(&key_buffer);
+        first_identical_range_info= cur_range_info;
+      }
+    }
+    in_index_range= !index_ranges_unique;
+    goto check_record;
+  }
+  return res;
   DS-MRR implementation: multi_range_read_next() function
@@ -533,48 +1088,125 @@
   int res;
   uchar *cur_range_info= 0;
   uchar *rowid;
+  uchar *range_id;
   if (use_default_impl)
     return h->handler::multi_range_read_next(range_info);
+  if (!do_rowid_fetch)
+    return dsmrr_next_from_index(range_info);
-  do
+  while (identical_rowid_ptr)
+  {
+    /*
+      Current record (the one we've returned in previous call) was obtained
+      from a rowid that matched multiple range_ids. Return this record again,
+      with next matching range_id.
+    */
+    rowid= rowid_buffer.read(h->ref_length);
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+    {
+      uchar *range_ptr= rowid_buffer.read(sizeof(uchar*));
+      memcpy(range_info, range_ptr, sizeof(uchar*));
+    }
+    if (rowid == identical_rowid_ptr)
+    {
+      identical_rowid_ptr= NULL; /* reached the last of identical rowids */
+    }
+    if (!h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record ||
+        !h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h2->mrr_iter, (char *) *range_info, rowid))
+    {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  while (1)
-    if (rowids_buf_cur == rowids_buf_last)
+    if (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
-      if (dsmrr_eof)
+      if (do_sort_keys)
-        res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
-        goto end;
+        if (!key_buffer.is_empty() || in_index_range) 
+        {
+          /* There are some sorted keys left. Use them to get rowids */
+          if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
+            return res; /* for fatal errors */
+        }
+        while (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
+        {
+          if (dsmrr_eof)
+            return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
+          dsmrr_fill_key_buffer();
+          if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
+            return res;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* 
+          There is no buffer with sorted keys. If fill_rowid_buffer() haven't
+          reached eof condition before, try refilling the buffer.
+        */
+        if (dsmrr_eof)
+          return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
+        if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
+          return res;
-      res= dsmrr_fill_buffer();
-      if (res)
-        goto end;
-    /* return eof if there are no rowids in the buffer after re-fill attempt */
-    if (rowids_buf_cur == rowids_buf_last)
-    {
-      res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
-      goto end;
-    }
-    rowid= rowids_buf_cur;
+    /* Return eof if there are no rowids in the buffer after re-fill attempt */
+    if (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
+      return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
-    if (is_mrr_assoc)
-      memcpy(&cur_range_info, rowids_buf_cur + h->ref_length, sizeof(uchar**));
+    rowid= rowid_buffer.read(h->ref_length);
+    identical_rowid_ptr= NULL;
-    rowids_buf_cur += h->ref_length + sizeof(void*) * test(is_mrr_assoc);
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+    {
+      range_id= rowid_buffer.read(sizeof(uchar*));
+      memcpy(&cur_range_info, range_id, sizeof(uchar*));
+      memcpy(range_info, range_id, sizeof(uchar*));
+    }
     if (h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
 	h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h2->mrr_iter, (char *) cur_range_info, rowid))
     res= h->ha_rnd_pos(table->record[0], rowid);
-    break;
-  } while (true);
-  if (is_mrr_assoc)
-  {
-    memcpy(range_info, rowid + h->ref_length, sizeof(void*));
+    if (res == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED)
+      continue;
+    /* 
+      Check if subsequent buffer elements have the same rowid value as this
+      one. If yes, remember this fact so that we don't make any more rnd_pos()
+      calls with this value.
+    */
+    if (!res)
+    {
+      /* 
+        Note: this implies that SQL layer doesn't touch table->record[0]
+        between calls.
+      */
+      uchar *ptr;
+      SimpleBuffer::PeekIterator identical_rowid_it;
+      identical_rowid_it.init(&rowid_buffer);
+      while ((ptr= identical_rowid_it.get_next(h->ref_length)))
+      {
+        if (is_mrr_assoc)
+          identical_rowid_it.get_next(sizeof(void*));
+        if (h2->cmp_ref(rowid, ptr))
+          break;
+        identical_rowid_ptr= ptr;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
   return res;
@@ -582,7 +1214,8 @@
   DS-MRR implementation: multi_range_read_info() function
-ha_rows DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint rows,
+ha_rows DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint rows, 
+                               uint key_parts,
                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ha_rows res;
@@ -590,8 +1223,8 @@
   uint def_bufsz= *bufsz;
   /* Get cost/flags/mem_usage of default MRR implementation */
-  res= h->handler::multi_range_read_info(keyno, n_ranges, rows, &def_bufsz,
-                                         &def_flags, cost);
+  res= h->handler::multi_range_read_info(keyno, n_ranges, rows, key_parts, 
+                                         &def_bufsz, &def_flags, cost);
   if ((*flags & HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL) || 
@@ -683,7 +1316,33 @@
   return FALSE;
+  Check if key/flags allow DS-MRR/CPK strategy to be used
+   DsMrr_impl::check_cpk_scan()
+     keyno      Index that will be used
+     mrr_flags  
+    Check if key/flags allow DS-MRR/CPK strategy to be used. 
+    TRUE   DS-MRR/CPK should be used
+    FALSE  Otherwise
+bool DsMrr_impl::check_cpk_scan(uint keyno, uint mrr_flags)
+  return test((mrr_flags & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) && 
+              !(mrr_flags & HA_MRR_SORTED) && 
+              keyno == table->s->primary_key && 
+              h->primary_key_is_clustered());
   DS-MRR Internals: Choose between Default MRR implementation and DS-MRR
   Make the choice between using Default MRR implementation and DS-MRR.
@@ -706,21 +1365,25 @@
   @retval FALSE  DS-MRR implementation should be used
 bool DsMrr_impl::choose_mrr_impl(uint keyno, ha_rows rows, uint *flags,
                                  uint *bufsz, COST_VECT *cost)
   COST_VECT dsmrr_cost;
   bool res;
   THD *thd= current_thd;
+  doing_cpk_scan= check_cpk_scan(keyno, *flags); 
   if (thd->variables.optimizer_use_mrr == 2 || *flags & HA_MRR_INDEX_ONLY ||
-      (keyno == table->s->primary_key && h->primary_key_is_clustered()) ||
+      (keyno == table->s->primary_key && h->primary_key_is_clustered() &&
+       !doing_cpk_scan) ||
        key_uses_partial_cols(table, keyno))
     /* Use the default implementation */
     *flags |= HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL;
     return TRUE;
   uint add_len= table->key_info[keyno].key_length + h->ref_length; 
   *bufsz -= add_len;
   if (get_disk_sweep_mrr_cost(keyno, rows, *flags, bufsz, &dsmrr_cost))
@@ -744,6 +1407,10 @@
     *flags &= ~HA_MRR_SORTED;          /* We will return unordered output */
     *cost= dsmrr_cost;
     res= FALSE;
+    if ((*flags & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) && 
+         optimizer_flag(thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS))
+      *flags |= HA_MRR_MATERIALIZED_KEYS;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h
--- 5.3-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h	2010-08-19 22:41:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,18 +1,213 @@
-  This file contains declarations for 
-   - Disk-Sweep MultiRangeRead (DS-MRR) implementation
+  This file contains declarations for Disk-Sweep MultiRangeRead (DS-MRR) 
+  implementation
-  A Disk-Sweep MRR interface implementation
+  A Disk-Sweep implementation of MRR Interface (DS-MRR for short)
-  This implementation makes range (and, in the future, 'ref') scans to read
-  table rows in disk sweeps. 
+  This is a "plugin"(*) for storage engines that allows make index scans 
+  read table rows in rowid order. For disk-based storage engines, this is
+  faster than reading table rows in whatever-SQL-layer-makes-calls-in order.
+  (*) - only conceptually. No dynamic loading or binary compatibility of any
+        kind.
+  General scheme of things:
+      SQL Layer code
+       |   |   |
+      -v---v---v---- handler->multi_range_read_XXX() function calls
+       |   |   |
+      ____________________________________
+     / DS-MRR module                      \
+     |  (scan indexes, order rowids, do    |
+     |   full record reads in rowid order) |
+     \____________________________________/
+       |   |   |
+      -|---|---|----- handler->read_range_first()/read_range_next(), 
+       |   |   |      handler->index_read(), handler->rnd_pos() calls.
+       |   |   |
+       v   v   v
+      Storage engine internals
+  Currently DS-MRR is used by MyISAM, InnoDB/XtraDB and Maria storage engines.
+  Potentially it can be used with any table handler that has disk-based data
+  storage and has better performance when reading data in rowid order.
+  A simple memory buffer for reading and writing.
+  when writing, there is no user-visible "current" position, although
+  internally 'pos' points to just after the end of used area  (or at the 
+  start of it for reverse buffer).
+  When reading, there is current position pointing at start (for reverse
+  buffer, end) of the element that will be read next.
+   ^^ why end for reverse? it's more logical to point at start 
+class SimpleBuffer
+  uchar *start;
+  uchar *end;
+  uchar *read_pos;
+  uchar *write_pos;
+  /*
+     1 <=> buffer grows/is filled/is read from start to end
+    -1 <=> everthing is done from end to start instead.
+  */
+  int direction;
+  /* Write-mode functions */
+  void reset_for_writing();
+  void write(const uchar *data, size_t bytes);
+  bool have_space_for(size_t bytes);
+  uchar *used_area() { return (direction == 1)? read_pos : write_pos; }
+  size_t used_size();
+  bool is_empty() { return used_size() == 0; }
+  /* Read-mode functions */
+  void reset_for_reading();
+  uchar *read(size_t bytes);
+  bool have_data(size_t bytes);
+  uchar *end_of_space();
+  /* Control functions */
+  void set_buffer_space(uchar *start_arg, uchar *end_arg, int direction_arg) 
+  {
+    start= start_arg;
+    end= end_arg;
+    direction= direction_arg;
+    reset_for_writing();
+  }
+  /*
+    Stop/return the unneded space (the one that we have wrote to and have read
+    from.
+  */
+  void remove_unused_space(uchar **unused_start, uchar **unused_end)
+  {
+    if (direction == 1)
+    {
+      *unused_start= start;
+      *unused_end= read_pos;
+      start= read_pos;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *unused_start= read_pos;
+      *unused_end= end;
+      end= read_pos;
+    }
+  }
+  void flip()
+  {
+    uchar *tmp= read_pos;
+    read_pos= write_pos;
+    write_pos= tmp;
+    direction= -direction;
+  }
+  bool is_reverse() { return direction == -1; }
+  void grow(uchar *unused_start, uchar *unused_end)
+  {
+    /*
+      Passed memory area can be meaningfully used for growing the buffer if:
+      - it is adjacent to buffer space we're using
+      - it is on the end towards which we grow.
+    */
+    if (direction == 1 && end == unused_start)
+    {
+      end= unused_end;
+    }
+    else if (direction == -1 && start == unused_end)
+    {
+      start= unused_start;
+    }
+    else
+      DBUG_ASSERT(0); /* Attempt to grow buffer in wrong direction */
+  }
-  Currently it is used by MyISAM and InnoDB. Potentially it can be used with
-  any table handler that has non-clustered indexes and on-disk rows.
+  //friend class PeekIterator;
+  class PeekIterator
+  {
+    // if direction==1 : pointer to what to return next
+    // if direction==-1: pointer to the end of what is to be returned next
+    uchar *pos;
+    SimpleBuffer *sb;
+  public:
+    void init(SimpleBuffer *sb_arg)
+    {
+      sb= sb_arg;
+      pos= sb->read_pos;
+    }
+    /* Return pointer to next chunk of nbytes bytes and avance over it */
+    uchar *get_next(size_t nbytes)
+    {
+      if (sb->direction == 1)
+      {
+        if (pos + nbytes > sb->write_pos)
+          return NULL;
+        uchar *res= pos;
+        pos += nbytes;
+        return res;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (pos - nbytes < sb->write_pos)
+          return NULL;
+        pos -= nbytes;
+        return pos;
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  DS-MRR implementation for one table. Create/use one object of this class for
+  each ha_{myisam/innobase/etc} object. That object will be further referred to
+  as "the handler"
+  There are actually three strategies
+   S1. Bypass DS-MRR, pass all calls to default implementation (i.e. to
+      MRR-to-non-MRR calls converter)
+   S2. Regular DS-MRR 
+   S3. DS-MRR/CPK for doing scans on clustered primary keys.
+  S1 is used for cases which DS-MRR is unable to handle for some reason.
+  S2 is the actual DS-MRR. The basic algorithm is as follows:
+    1. Scan the index (and only index, that is, with HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD on) and 
+        fill the buffer with {rowid, range_id} pairs
+    2. Sort the buffer by rowid
+    3. for each {rowid, range_id} pair in the buffer
+         get record by rowid and return the {record, range_id} pair
+    4. Repeat the above steps until we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
+       scanning.
+  S3 is the variant of DS-MRR for use with clustered primary keys (or any
+  clustered index). The idea is that in clustered index it is sufficient to 
+  access the index in index order, and we don't need an intermediate steps to
+  get rowid (like step #1 in S2).
+   DS-MRR/CPK's basic algorithm is as follows:
+    1. Collect a number of ranges (=lookup keys)
+    2. Sort them so that they follow in index order.
+    3. for each {lookup_key, range_id} pair in the buffer 
+       get record(s) matching the lookup key and return {record, range_id} pairs
+    4. Repeat the above steps until we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
+       scanning.
 class DsMrr_impl
@@ -21,50 +216,118 @@
     : h2(NULL) {};
+  void init(handler *h_arg, TABLE *table_arg)
+  {
+    h= h_arg; 
+    table= table_arg;
+  }
+  int dsmrr_init(handler *h, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, void *seq_init_param, 
+                 uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
+  void dsmrr_close();
+  int dsmrr_next(char **range_info);
+  ha_rows dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys, uint key_parts, 
+                     uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+  ha_rows dsmrr_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, 
+                            void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
+                            uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
     The "owner" handler object (the one that calls dsmrr_XXX functions.
     It is used to retrieve full table rows by calling rnd_pos().
   handler *h;
   TABLE *table; /* Always equal to h->table */
   /* Secondary handler object.  It is used for scanning the index */
   handler *h2;
+  uchar *full_buf;
+  uchar *full_buf_end;
+  /* Valid when using both rowid and key buffer: the original bound between them */
+  uchar *rowid_buffer_end;
   /* Buffer to store rowids, or (rowid, range_id) pairs */
-  uchar *rowids_buf;
-  uchar *rowids_buf_cur;   /* Current position when reading/writing */
-  uchar *rowids_buf_last;  /* When reading: end of used buffer space */
-  uchar *rowids_buf_end;   /* End of the buffer */
+  SimpleBuffer rowid_buffer;
+  uchar *identical_rowid_ptr;
+  /* Identical keys */
+  bool in_identical_keys_range;
+  uchar *last_identical_key_ptr;
+  SimpleBuffer::PeekIterator identical_key_it;
+  SimpleBuffer key_buffer;
+  uint keyno;
+  /* Execution control */
+  bool do_sort_keys;
+  bool use_key_pointers;
+  bool do_rowid_fetch;
   bool dsmrr_eof; /* TRUE <=> We have reached EOF when reading index tuples */
+  /* 
+    TRUE <=> key buffer is exhausted (we need this because we may have a situation
+    where we've read everything from the key buffer but haven't finished with
+    scanning the last range)
+  */
+  bool key_eof;
   /* TRUE <=> need range association, buffer holds {rowid, range_id} pairs */
   bool is_mrr_assoc;
   bool use_default_impl; /* TRUE <=> shortcut all calls to default MRR impl */
-  void init(handler *h_arg, TABLE *table_arg)
-  {
-    h= h_arg; 
-    table= table_arg;
-  }
-  int dsmrr_init(handler *h, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, void *seq_init_param, 
-                 uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
-  void dsmrr_close();
-  int dsmrr_fill_buffer();
-  int dsmrr_next(char **range_info);
-  ha_rows dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys, uint *bufsz,
-                     uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+  bool doing_cpk_scan; /* TRUE <=> DS-MRR/CPK variant is used */
+  /** DS-MRR/CPK variables start */
+  /* Length of lookup tuple being used, in bytes */
+  uint key_tuple_length;
+  key_part_map key_tuple_map; 
+  /*
+    This is 
+      = key_tuple_length   if we copy keys to buffer
+      = sizeof(void*)      if we're using pointers to materialized keys.
+  */
+  uint key_size_in_keybuf;
+  /* = key_size_in_keybuf [ + sizeof(range_assoc_info) ] */
+  uint key_buff_elem_size;
+  /* = h->ref_length  [ + sizeof(range_assoc_info) ] */
+  uint rowid_buff_elem_size;
+  /*
+    TRUE <=> We're scanning on a full primary key (and not on prefix), and so 
+    can get max. one match for each key 
+  */
+  bool index_ranges_unique;
+  /* TRUE<=> we're in a middle of enumerating records from a range */ 
+  bool in_index_range;
+  uchar *cur_index_tuple;
+  /* if in_index_range==TRUE: range_id of the range we're enumerating */
+  char *cur_range_info;
+  char *first_identical_range_info;
-  ha_rows dsmrr_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, 
-                            void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
-                            uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   bool choose_mrr_impl(uint keyno, ha_rows rows, uint *flags, uint *bufsz, 
                        COST_VECT *cost);
   bool get_disk_sweep_mrr_cost(uint keynr, ha_rows rows, uint flags, 
                                uint *buffer_size, COST_VECT *cost);
+  bool check_cpk_scan(uint keyno, uint mrr_flags);
+  static int key_tuple_cmp(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2);
+  int dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer();
+  void dsmrr_fill_key_buffer();
+  int dsmrr_next_from_index(char **range_info);
+  void setup_buffer_sizes(key_range *sample_key);
+  static range_seq_t key_buf_seq_init(void *init_param, uint n_ranges, uint flags);
+  static uint key_buf_seq_next(range_seq_t rseq, KEY_MULTI_RANGE *range);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/mysqld.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/mysqld.cc
--- 5.3-noc/sql/mysqld.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/mysqld.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@
+  "mrr_sort_keys",
 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
@@ -329,6 +330,7 @@
   sizeof("partial_match_rowid_merge") - 1,
   sizeof("partial_match_table_scan") - 1,
   sizeof("subquery_cache") - 1,
+  sizeof("mrr_sort_keys") - 1,
 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
   sizeof("table_elimination") - 1,
@@ -415,7 +417,8 @@
-                                        "subquery_cache=on"
+                                        "subquery_cache=on,"
+                                        "mrr_sort_keys=on"
 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h
--- 5.3-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -571,12 +571,13 @@
 #ifdef DBUG_OFF
-#  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<12)
 #  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<13)
+#  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<14)
 #ifdef DBUG_OFF 
@@ -592,7 +593,8 @@
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SEMIJOIN | \
-                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE)
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE|\
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS)
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_INDEX_MERGE_UNION | \
@@ -606,7 +608,8 @@
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SEMIJOIN | \
-                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE)
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE|\
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS)
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/opt_range.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/opt_range.cc
--- 5.3-noc/sql/opt_range.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/opt_range.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -8005,6 +8005,7 @@
   quick->mrr_buf_size= thd->variables.mrr_buff_size;
   if (table->file->multi_range_read_info(quick->index, 1, (uint)records,
+                                         uint(-1), 
                                          &quick->mrr_flags, &cost))
     goto err;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc
--- 5.3-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -651,6 +651,9 @@
   use_emb_key= check_emb_key_usage();
+  if (use_emb_key)
@@ -2390,8 +2393,8 @@
   if (!file->inited)
     file->ha_index_init(join_tab->ref.key, 1);
-  if ((error= file->multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, (void*) this, ranges,
-					  mrr_mode, &mrr_buff)))
+  if ((error= file->multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, (void*) this, ranges, 
+                                          mrr_mode, &mrr_buff)))
   return rc;
@@ -2631,6 +2634,8 @@
       data_fields_offset+= copy->length;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/sql/sql_select.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/sql_select.cc
--- 5.3-noc/sql/sql_select.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/sql/sql_select.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -7508,10 +7508,11 @@
   case JT_EQ_REF:
     if (cache_level <= 4)
       return 0;
     if (tab->table->covering_keys.is_set(tab->ref.key))
       flags|= HA_MRR_INDEX_ONLY;
     rows= tab->table->file->multi_range_read_info(tab->ref.key, 10, 20,
+                                                  tab->ref.key_parts,
                                                   &bufsz, &flags, &cost);
     if ((rows != HA_POS_ERROR) && !(flags & HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL) &&
         (!(flags & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION) || cache_level > 6) &&
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc
--- 5.3-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -3503,8 +3503,8 @@
 int ha_maria::multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                                     uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
-                                     HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
+                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
+                                    HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
   return ds_mrr.dsmrr_init(this, seq, seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode, buf);
@@ -3530,11 +3530,11 @@
 ha_rows ha_maria::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                        uint *bufsz, uint *flags, 
-                                        COST_VECT *cost)
+                                       uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, flags, cost);
 /* MyISAM MRR implementation ends */
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h
--- 5.3-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   /* Index condition pushdown implementation */
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc
--- 5.3-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -2206,11 +2206,11 @@
 ha_rows ha_myisam::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                         uint *bufsz, uint *flags,
-                                         COST_VECT *cost)
+                                         uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                         uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, flags, cost);
 /* MyISAM MRR implementation ends */
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h
--- 5.3-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   /* Index condition pushdown implementation */
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc
--- 5.3-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -11207,7 +11207,8 @@
 int ha_innobase::multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                          uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
+                                       uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
+                                       HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
   return ds_mrr.dsmrr_init(this, seq, seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode, buf);
@@ -11234,12 +11235,13 @@
   return res;
-ha_rows ha_innobase::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, 
-                                           uint keys, uint *bufsz, 
+ha_rows ha_innobase::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
+                                           uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
                                            uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  ha_rows res= ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  ha_rows res= ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, 
+                                 flags, cost);
   return res;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' 5.3-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h
--- 5.3-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h	2010-08-14 17:29:22.000000000 +0200
+++ maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk-r5-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h	2010-08-14 17:28:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -219,7 +219,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   DsMrr_impl ds_mrr;
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);