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Re: DS-MRR improvements patch r4 ready for review


On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 10:59:35AM +0300, Sergey Petrunya wrote:
> Hello Igor,
> Please find attached the combined patch that addresses all of the review
> feedback provided so far.
And here is a diff againist MWL#128 tree

Sergey Petrunia, Software Developer
Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org
Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr_cpk.result	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3;
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+set @save_storage_engine=@@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=innodb;
+create table t0(a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a char(8), b char(8), filler char(100), primary key(a));
+show create table t1;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` char(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+  `b` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `filler` char(100) DEFAULT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (`a`)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+concat('b-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=B'),
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8));
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A'), ('a-1030=A'), ('a-1020=A');
+This should use join buffer:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	test.t2.a	1	Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+This output must be sorted by value of t1.a:
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+a	b	filler	a
+a-1010=A	b-1010=B	filler	a-1010=A
+a-1020=A	b-1020=B	filler	a-1020=A
+a-1030=A	b-1030=B	filler	a-1030=A
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+a char(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	28	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+insert into t2 values ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	28	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+a varchar(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	30	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	26	test.t2.a	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+a	b	filler	a	b
+a-1010=A	1010	filler	a-1010=A	1010
+a-1020=A	1020	filler	a-1020=A	1020
+a-1030=A	1030	filler	a-1030=A	1030
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1 (a int, b int, c int, filler char(100), primary key(a,b,c));
+insert into t1 select A.a, B.a, C.a, 'filler' from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 11,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 12,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 13,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 22, 1234, 'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 124,  'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 125,  'filler');
+create table t2 (a int, b int);
+insert into t2 values (11,33), (11,22), (11,11);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	test.t2.a,test.t2.b	1	Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+11	11	11	filler	11	11
+11	11	12	filler	11	11
+11	11	13	filler	11	11
+11	22	1234	filler	11	22
+11	33	124	filler	11	33
+11	33	125	filler	11	33
+set join_cache_level=0;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+11	33	124	filler	11	33
+11	33	125	filler	11	33
+11	22	1234	filler	11	22
+11	11	11	filler	11	11
+11	11	12	filler	11	11
+11	11	13	filler	11	11
+set join_cache_level=6;
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	test.t2.a	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	test.t2.a	1	Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+a	b	c	filler	a	b
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=on';
+drop table t1,t2;
+set @@join_cache_level= @save_join_cache_level;
+set storage_engine=@save_storage_engine;
+drop table t0;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr.result maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr.result
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr.result	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/innodb_mrr.result	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -402,3 +402,33 @@
 id	parent_id	name
 60	40	F
 drop table t1;
+# BUG#628785: multi_range_read.cc:430: int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_init(): Assertion `do_sort_keys || do_rowid_fetch' failed 
+set @save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level;
+set @save_optimizer_switch= @@optimizer_switch;
+SET SESSION join_cache_level=9;
+Warning	1292	Truncated incorrect join_cache_level value: '9'
+SET SESSION optimizer_switch='mrr_sort_keys=off';
+`col_int_nokey` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (`pk`),
+KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,6,NULL,'r','r');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (2,8,0,'c','c');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (97,7,0,'z','z');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (98,1,1,'j','j');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (99,7,8,'c','c');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (100,2,5,'f','f');
+SELECT table1 .`col_varchar_key`
+FROM t1 table1 STRAIGHT_JOIN ( t1 table3 JOIN t1 table4 ON table4 .`pk` = table3 .`col_int_nokey` ) ON table4 .`col_varchar_nokey` ;
+set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
+set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+set @mrr_buffer_size_save= @@mrr_buffer_size;
 set @save_storage_engine= @@storage_engine;
 set storage_engine=aria;
 create table t1(a int);
@@ -292,6 +293,35 @@
 NULL	9	0
 drop table t1, t2;
 set storage_engine= @save_storage_engine;
+set @@mrr_buffer_size= @mrr_buffer_size_save;
+# Crash in quick_range_seq_next() in maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk with join_cache_level = {8,1}
+set @save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level;
+SET SESSION join_cache_level = 8;
+`col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (6,'2005-10-07 00:00:00','e','e');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (51,'2000-07-15 05:00:34','f','f');
+`col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+`col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'2004-10-11 18:13:16','w','w');
+INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'1900-01-01 00:00:00','d','d');
+SELECT table2 .`col_datetime_key`
+FROM t2 JOIN ( t1 table2 JOIN t2 table3 ON table3 .`col_varchar_key` < table2 .`col_varchar_key` ) ON table3 .`col_varchar_nokey` ;
+drop table t1, t2;
+set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
 pk int NOT NULL, i int NOT NULL, v varchar(1) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (pk), INDEX idx (v, i)
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result.moved maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result.moved
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result.moved	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/maria_mrr.result.moved	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+set @save_storage_engine= @@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=aria;
+create table t1(a int);
+show create table t1;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
+insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t2(a int);
+insert into t2 select A.a + 10*(B.a + 10*C.a) from t1 A, t1 B, t1 C;
+create table t3 (
+a char(8) not null, b char(8) not null, filler char(200),
+insert into t3 select @a:=concat('c-', 1000+ A.a, '=w'), @a, 'filler' from t2 A;
+insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 2000+A.a, '=w'), 
+'filler-1' from t2 A;
+insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 3000+A.a, '=w'), 
+'filler-2' from t2 A;
+select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-9011=w';
+a	filler
+select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w';
+a	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1011=w	filler-1
+c-1012=w	filler-1
+c-1013=w	filler-1
+c-1014=w	filler-1
+c-1015=w	filler-1
+c-1011=w	filler-2
+c-1012=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	filler-2
+c-1014=w	filler-2
+c-1015=w	filler-2
+select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or
+(a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w');
+a	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1011=w	filler-1
+c-1012=w	filler-1
+c-1013=w	filler-1
+c-1014=w	filler-1
+c-1015=w	filler-1
+c-1011=w	filler-2
+c-1012=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	filler-2
+c-1014=w	filler-2
+c-1015=w	filler-2
+insert into t3 values ('c-1013=z', 'c-1013=z', 'err');
+insert into t3 values ('a-1014=w', 'a-1014=w', 'err');
+select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or
+(a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w');
+a	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1011=w	filler-1
+c-1012=w	filler-1
+c-1013=w	filler-1
+c-1014=w	filler-1
+c-1015=w	filler-1
+c-1011=w	filler-2
+c-1012=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	filler-2
+c-1014=w	filler-2
+c-1015=w	filler-2
+delete from t3 where b in ('c-1013=z', 'a-1014=w');
+select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or
+a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w';
+a	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1011=w	filler-1
+c-1012=w	filler-1
+c-1013=w	filler-1
+c-1014=w	filler-1
+c-1015=w	filler-1
+c-1011=w	filler-2
+c-1012=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	filler-2
+c-1014=w	filler-2
+c-1015=w	filler-2
+insert into t3 values ('c-1013=w', 'del-me', 'inserted');
+select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or
+a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w';
+a	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1011=w	filler-1
+c-1012=w	filler-1
+c-1013=w	filler-1
+c-1014=w	filler-1
+c-1015=w	filler-1
+c-1011=w	filler-2
+c-1012=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	filler-2
+c-1014=w	filler-2
+c-1015=w	filler-2
+c-1013=w	inserted
+delete from t3 where b='del-me';
+alter table t3 add primary key(b);
+select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or 
+b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w', 'c-1021=w', 
+'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w', 'c-1024=w');
+b	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1016=w	filler
+c-1017=w	filler
+c-1018=w	filler
+c-1019=w	filler
+c-1020=w	filler
+c-1021=w	filler
+c-1022=w	filler
+c-1023=w	filler
+c-1024=w	filler
+select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1020=w') or 
+b IN ('c-1021=w', 'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w');
+b	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1016=w	filler
+c-1017=w	filler
+c-1018=w	filler
+c-1019=w	filler
+c-1020=w	filler
+c-1021=w	filler
+c-1022=w	filler
+c-1023=w	filler
+select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or 
+b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w') or 
+(b>='c-1021=w' and b<= 'c-1023=w');
+b	filler
+c-1011=w	filler
+c-1012=w	filler
+c-1013=w	filler
+c-1014=w	filler
+c-1015=w	filler
+c-1016=w	filler
+c-1017=w	filler
+c-1018=w	filler
+c-1019=w	filler
+c-1020=w	filler
+c-1021=w	filler
+c-1022=w	filler
+c-1023=w	filler
+create table t4 (a varchar(10), b int, c char(10), filler char(200),
+key idx1 (a, b, c));
+insert into t4 (filler) select concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15;
+insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) 
+select 'b-1',NULL,'c-1', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15;
+insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) 
+select 'b-1',NULL,'c-222', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15;
+insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) 
+select 'bb-1',NULL,'cc-2', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15;
+insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) 
+select 'zz-1',NULL,'cc-2', 'filler-data' from t2 order by a limit 500;
+select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1'
+                                                      or c='no-such-row2');
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t4	range	idx1	idx1	29	NULL	16	Using index condition; Using MRR
+select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1'
+                                                    or c='no-such-row2');
+a	b	c	filler
+select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2');
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t4	range	idx1	idx1	29	NULL	32	Using index condition; Using MRR
+select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2');
+a	b	c	filler
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-15
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-14
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-13
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-12
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-11
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-10
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-9
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-8
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-7
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-6
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-5
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-4
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-3
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-2
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-1
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-15
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-14
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-13
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-12
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-11
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-10
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-9
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-8
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-7
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-6
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-5
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-4
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-3
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-2
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-1
+select * from t4 ignore index(idx1) where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2');
+a	b	c	filler
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-15
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-14
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-13
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-12
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-11
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-10
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-9
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-8
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-7
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-6
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-5
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-4
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-3
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-2
+b-1	NULL	c-1	NULL-1
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-15
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-14
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-13
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-12
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-11
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-10
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-9
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-8
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-7
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-6
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-5
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-4
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-3
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-2
+bb-1	NULL	cc-2	NULL-1
+drop table t1, t2, t3, t4;
+create table t1 (a int, b int not null,unique key (a,b),index(b));
+insert ignore into t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(null,7),(9,9),(8,8),(7,7),(null,9),(null,9),(6,6);
+create table t2 like t1;
+insert into t2 select * from t1;
+alter table t1 modify b blob not null, add c int not null, drop key a, add unique key (a,b(20),c), drop key b, add key (b(10));
+select * from t1 where a is null;
+a	b	c
+NULL	7	0
+NULL	9	0
+NULL	9	0
+select * from t1 where (a is null or a > 0 and a < 3) and b > 7 limit 3;
+a	b	c
+NULL	9	0
+NULL	9	0
+select * from t1 where a is null and b=9 or a is null and b=7 limit 3;
+a	b	c
+NULL	7	0
+NULL	9	0
+NULL	9	0
+drop table t1, t2;
+set storage_engine= @save_storage_engine;
+1	SIMPLE	t2	ALL	PRIMARY	NULL	NULL	NULL	16	Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
+1	SIMPLE	t3	ALL	PRIMARY	NULL	NULL	NULL	17	Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
+1	SIMPLE	t2	ALL	PRIMARY,idx	NULL	NULL	NULL	16	Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/myisam_mrr.result maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/myisam_mrr.result
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/myisam_mrr.result	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/myisam_mrr.result	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -413,4 +413,52 @@
 id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 1	SIMPLE	t1	range	a	a	5	NULL	20	Using index condition; Using MRR
 set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch;
+# BUG#629684: Unreachable code in multi_range_read.cc in maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk
+delete from t0 where a > 2;
+insert into t0 values (NULL),(NULL);
+insert into t1 values (NULL, 1234), (NULL, 5678);
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set @@join_cache_level=6;
+select * from t0, t1 where t0.a<=>t1.a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	a	a	5	test.t0.a	1	Using index condition(BKA); Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
+select * from t0, t1 where t0.a<=>t1.a;
+a	a	b
+0	0	0
+1	1	1
+2	2	2
+set @@join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
 drop table t0, t1;
+# BUG#625841: Assertion `!table || (!table->read_set || bitmap_is_set
+#             (table->read_set, field_index))' on REPLACE ... SELECT with MRR
+create table t0 (a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1 (
+key1 varchar(10),
+col1 char(255), col2 char(255),
+col3 char(244), col4 char(255),
+create table t2 like t1;
+insert into t1
+1000+A.a+100*B.a + 10*C.a,
+'col1val', 'col2val',
+'col3val', 'col4val'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+REPLACE INTO t2(col2,col3,col4)
+SELECT col2,col3,col4
+FROM t1
+WHERE `key1` LIKE CONCAT( LEFT( '1' , 7 ) , '%' )
+drop table t0, t1, t2;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/r/optimizer_switch.result	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off,index_merge_union=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge_union=on';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,index_merge_sort_union=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=4;
 ERROR 42000: Variable 'optimizer_switch' can't be set to the value of '4'
 set optimizer_switch=NULL;
@@ -43,57 +43,57 @@
 set optimizer_switch='index_merge=off,index_merge_union=off,default';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=default;
 select @@global.optimizer_switch;
 set @@global.optimizer_switch=default;
 select @@global.optimizer_switch;
 # Check index_merge's @@optimizer_switch flags
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 BUG#37120 optimizer_switch allowable values not according to specification
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,materialization=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off,semijoin=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,materialization=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,semijoin=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch='default,materialization=off,loosescan=off';
 select @@optimizer_switch;
 set optimizer_switch=default;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test.moved maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test.moved
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test.moved	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/suite/vcol/t/vcol_misc.test.moved	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 select * from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.c and d <= 100;
 select * from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.c and d <= 100;
 set join_cache_level=default;
-drop table t1, t2;
\ No newline at end of file
+drop table t1, t2;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr_cpk.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Tests for DS-MRR over clustered primary key. The only engine that supports
+# this is InnoDB/XtraDB.
+# Basic idea about testing
+#  - DS-MRR/CPK works only with BKA
+#  - Should also test index condition pushdown
+#  - Should also test whatever uses RANGE_SEQ_IF::skip_record() for filtering
+#  - Also test access using prefix of primary key
+#  - Forget about cost model, BKA's multi_range_read_info() call passes 10 for
+#    #rows, the call is there at all only for applicability check
+-- source include/have_innodb.inc
+drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3;
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+set @save_storage_engine=@@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=innodb;
+create table t0(a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1(a char(8), b char(8), filler char(100), primary key(a));
+show create table t1;
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  concat('b-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=B'),
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8));
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A'), ('a-1030=A'), ('a-1020=A');
+--echo This should use join buffer:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+--echo This output must be sorted by value of t1.a:
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+drop table t1, t2;
+# Try multi-column indexes
+create table t1(
+  a char(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+  primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Try with dataset that causes identical lookup keys:
+insert into t2 values ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+drop table t1, t2;
+create table t1(
+  a varchar(8) character set utf8, b int, filler char(100), 
+  primary key(a,b)
+insert into t1 select 
+  concat('a-', 1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100, '=A'),
+  1000 + A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100,
+  'filler'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+create table t2 (a char(8) character set utf8, b int);
+insert into t2 values ('a-1010=A', 1010), ('a-1030=A', 1030), ('a-1020=A', 1020);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Try scanning on a CPK prefix
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a;
+drop table t1, t2;
+# The above example is not very interesting, as CPK prefix has 
+# only one match.  Create a dataset where scan on CPK prefix 
+# would produce multiple matches:
+create table t1 (a int, b int, c int, filler char(100), primary key(a,b,c));
+insert into t1 select A.a, B.a, C.a, 'filler' from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 11,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 12,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 11, 13,   'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 22, 1234, 'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 124,  'filler');
+insert into t1 values (11, 33, 125,  'filler');
+create table t2 (a int, b int);
+insert into t2 values (11,33), (11,22), (11,11);
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+# Check a real resultset for comaprison:
+set join_cache_level=0;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b;
+set join_cache_level=6;
+# Check that Index Condition Pushdown (BKA) actually works:
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
+explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+select * from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b + t1.b > 100;
+set optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=on';
+drop table t1,t2;
+set @@join_cache_level= @save_join_cache_level;
+set storage_engine=@save_storage_engine;
+drop table t0;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr.test	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/innodb_mrr.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -123,3 +123,34 @@
 drop table t1;
+-- echo #
+-- echo # BUG#628785: multi_range_read.cc:430: int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_init(): Assertion `do_sort_keys || do_rowid_fetch' failed 
+-- echo #
+set @save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level;
+set @save_optimizer_switch= @@optimizer_switch;
+SET SESSION join_cache_level=9;
+SET SESSION optimizer_switch='mrr_sort_keys=off';
+  `pk` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
+  `col_int_nokey` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (`pk`),
+  KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1,6,NULL,'r','r');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (2,8,0,'c','c');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (97,7,0,'z','z');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (98,1,1,'j','j');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (99,7,8,'c','c');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (100,2,5,'f','f');
+SELECT table1 .`col_varchar_key`
+FROM t1 table1 STRAIGHT_JOIN ( t1 table3 JOIN t1 table4 ON table4 .`pk` = table3 .`col_int_nokey` ) ON table4 .`col_varchar_nokey` ;
+set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
+set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/join_nested.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -462,7 +462,6 @@
        LEFT JOIN              
        ON t3.a=1 AND t3.b=t2.b AND t2.b=t4.b;
 SELECT t2.a,t2.b,t3.a,t3.b,t4.a,t4.b
   FROM (t3,t4)
        LEFT JOIN              
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,16 +1,51 @@
 -- source include/have_maria.inc
+# MRR/Maria tests.
 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+set @mrr_buffer_size_save= @@mrr_buffer_size;
 set @save_storage_engine= @@storage_engine;
 set storage_engine=aria;
 --source include/mrr_tests.inc 
 set storage_engine= @save_storage_engine;
+set @@mrr_buffer_size= @mrr_buffer_size_save;
+--echo # 
+--echo # Crash in quick_range_seq_next() in maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk with join_cache_level = {8,1}
+--echo # 
+set @save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level;
+SET SESSION join_cache_level = 8;
+  `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (6,'2005-10-07 00:00:00','e','e');
+INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (51,'2000-07-15 05:00:34','f','f');
+  `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`)
+INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'2004-10-11 18:13:16','w','w');
+INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'1900-01-01 00:00:00','d','d');
+SELECT table2 .`col_datetime_key`
+FROM t2 JOIN ( t1 table2 JOIN t2 table3 ON table3 .`col_varchar_key` < table2 .`col_varchar_key` ) ON table3 .`col_varchar_nokey` ;
+drop table t1, t2;
+set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
 # Bug #665049:  index condition pushdown with Maria 
@@ -55,3 +90,4 @@
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test.moved maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test.moved
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test.moved	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/maria_mrr.test.moved	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+-- source include/have_maria.inc
+drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+set @save_storage_engine= @@storage_engine;
+set storage_engine=aria;
+--source include/mrr_tests.inc 
+set storage_engine= @save_storage_engine;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/myisam_mrr.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/myisam_mrr.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/myisam_mrr.test	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/myisam_mrr.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -123,4 +123,49 @@
 set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch;
+--echo # 
+--echo # BUG#629684: Unreachable code in multi_range_read.cc in maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk
+--echo #
+delete from t0 where a > 2;
+insert into t0 values (NULL),(NULL);
+insert into t1 values (NULL, 1234), (NULL, 5678);
+set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level;
+set @@join_cache_level=6;
+select * from t0, t1 where t0.a<=>t1.a;
+select * from t0, t1 where t0.a<=>t1.a;
+set @@join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level;
 drop table t0, t1;
+--echo #
+--echo # BUG#625841: Assertion `!table || (!table->read_set || bitmap_is_set
+--echo #             (table->read_set, field_index))' on REPLACE ... SELECT with MRR
+--echo #
+create table t0 (a int);
+insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
+create table t1 (
+  key1 varchar(10),
+  col1 char(255), col2 char(255),
+  col3 char(244), col4 char(255),
+  key(key1)
+create table t2 like t1;
+insert into t1
+  1000+A.a+100*B.a + 10*C.a,
+  'col1val', 'col2val',
+  'col3val', 'col4val'
+from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C;
+REPLACE INTO t2(col2,col3,col4)
+SELECT col2,col3,col4
+FROM t1
+WHERE `key1` LIKE CONCAT( LEFT( '1' , 7 ) , '%' )
+drop table t0, t1, t2;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/subselect_sj2.test maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/subselect_sj2.test
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/mysql-test/t/subselect_sj2.test	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/mysql-test/t/subselect_sj2.test	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -586,6 +586,7 @@
   --echo # Not anymore:
   --echo # The following query gives wrong result due to Bug#49129
 select * from t0 where t0.a in 
   (select t1.a from t1, t2 where t2.a=t0.a and t1.b=t2.b);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/CMakeLists.txt maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/CMakeLists.txt
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/CMakeLists.txt	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/CMakeLists.txt	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
                sql_cache.cc sql_class.cc sql_client.cc sql_crypt.cc sql_crypt.h 
                sql_cursor.cc sql_db.cc sql_delete.cc sql_derived.cc sql_do.cc 
                sql_error.cc sql_handler.cc sql_help.cc sql_insert.cc
+               sql_lifo_buffer.h
                sql_join_cache.cc sql_lex.cc sql_list.cc sql_load.cc sql_manager.cc
                sql_map.cc sql_parse.cc  sql_partition.cc sql_plugin.cc
                sql_prepare.cc sql_rename.cc 
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/filesort.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/filesort.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/filesort.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/filesort.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -543,11 +543,6 @@
-  if (quick_select)
-  {
-    if (select->quick->reset())
-  }
   /* Remember original bitmaps */
   save_read_set=  sort_form->read_set;
@@ -561,9 +556,19 @@
   if (select && select->cond)
     select->cond->walk(&Item::register_field_in_read_map, 1,
                        (uchar*) sort_form);
+  if (select && select->pre_idx_push_select_cond)
+    select->pre_idx_push_select_cond->walk(&Item::register_field_in_read_map,
+                                           1, (uchar*) sort_form);
   sort_form->column_bitmaps_set(&sort_form->tmp_set, &sort_form->tmp_set, 
+  if (quick_select)
+  {
+    if (select->quick->reset())
+  }
   for (;;)
     if (quick_select)
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/handler.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/handler.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/handler.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/handler.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1283,9 +1283,9 @@
                          COST_VECT *cost);
-  The below two are not used (and not handled) in this milestone of this WL
-  entry because there seems to be no use for them at this stage of
-  implementation.
+  Indicates that all scanned ranges will be singlepoint (aka equality) ranges.
+  The ranges may not use the full key but all of them will use the same number
+  of key parts.
 #define HA_MRR_FIXED_KEY  2
@@ -1327,6 +1327,16 @@
+  The MRR user has materialized range keys somewhere in the user's buffer.
+  This can be used for optimization of the procedure that sorts these keys
+  since in this case key values don't have to be copied into the MRR buffer.
+  In other words, it is guaranteed that after RANGE_SEQ_IF::next() call the 
+  pointer in range->start_key.key will point to a key value that will remain 
+  there until the end of the MRR scan.
@@ -1817,14 +1827,19 @@
   inline int ha_index_first(uchar * buf);
   inline int ha_index_last(uchar * buf);
   inline int ha_index_next_same(uchar *buf, const uchar *key, uint keylen);
+  /*
+    TODO: should we make for those functions non-virtual ha_func_name wrappers,
+    too?
+  */
   virtual ha_rows multi_range_read_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq,
                                               void *seq_init_param, 
                                               uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                               uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   virtual ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                        uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                        uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                        uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   virtual int multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode,
+                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
                                     HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
   virtual int multi_range_read_next(char **range_info);
   virtual int read_range_first(const key_range *start_key,
@@ -2183,7 +2198,8 @@
       TRUE    if the engine supports virtual columns
   virtual bool check_if_supported_virtual_columns(void) { return FALSE;}
+  TABLE* get_table() { return table; }
   /* deprecated, don't use in new engines */
   inline void ha_statistic_increment(ulong SSV::*offset) const { }
@@ -2376,7 +2392,6 @@
   virtual int rename_partitions(const char *path)
   { return HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }
   friend class ha_partition;
-  friend class DsMrr_impl;
   /* XXX to be removed, see ha_partition::partition_ht() */
   virtual handlerton *partition_ht() const
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/Makefile.am maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/Makefile.am
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/Makefile.am	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/Makefile.am	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 			log.h log_slow.h sql_show.h rpl_rli.h rpl_mi.h \
 			sql_select.h structs.h table.h sql_udf.h hash_filo.h \
 			lex.h lex_symbol.h sql_acl.h sql_crypt.h  \
+                        sql_lifo_buffer.h \
 			sql_repl.h slave.h rpl_filter.h rpl_injector.h \
 			log_event.h rpl_record.h \
 			log_event_old.h rpl_record_old.h \
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/multi_range_read.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "mysql_priv.h"
+#include <my_bit.h>
 #include "sql_select.h"
@@ -136,10 +137,16 @@
 ha_rows handler::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint n_rows,
-                                       uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
+                                       uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
-  *bufsz= 0; /* Default implementation doesn't need a buffer */
+  /* 
+    Currently we expect this function to be called only in preparation of scan
+    with HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT property.
+  */
+  *bufsz= 0; /* Default implementation doesn't need a buffer */
@@ -207,7 +214,6 @@
   Get next record in MRR scan
@@ -277,7 +283,396 @@
- * DS-MRR implementation 
+ * Mrr_*_reader classes (building blocks for DS-MRR)
+ ***************************************************************************/
+int Mrr_simple_index_reader::init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, 
+                                  void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges,
+                                  uint mode, Buffer_manager *buf_manager_arg)
+  h= h_arg;
+  res= 0;
+  return h->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges,
+                                           mode, &no_buffer);
+int Mrr_simple_index_reader::get_next(char **range_info)
+  while (!(res= h->handler::multi_range_read_next(range_info)))
+  {
+    KEY_MULTI_RANGE *curr_range= &h->handler::mrr_cur_range;
+    if (!h->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple ||
+        !h->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(h->mrr_iter, curr_range->ptr))
+      break;
+  }
+  return res;
+  @brief Get next index record
+  @param range_info  OUT identifier of range that the returned record belongs to
+  @note
+    We actually iterate over nested sequences:
+    - an ordered sequence of groups of identical keys
+      - each key group has key value, which has multiple matching records 
+        - thus, each record matches all members of the key group
+  @retval 0                   OK, next record was successfully read
+  @retval HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE  End of records
+  @retval Other               Some other error
+int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::get_next(char **range_info)
+  DBUG_ENTER("Mrr_ordered_index_reader::get_next");
+  if (!know_key_tuple_params)
+  {
+    /* 
+      We're at the very start, haven't filled the buffer or even know what
+      will be there. Force the caller to call refill_buffer():
+    */
+  }
+  while (1)
+  {
+    bool have_record= FALSE;
+    if (scanning_key_val_iter)
+    {
+      if (kv_it.get_next())
+      {
+        kv_it.close();
+        scanning_key_val_iter= FALSE;
+      }
+      else
+        have_record= TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      while (kv_it.init(this))
+      {
+        if (key_buffer->is_empty())
+        {
+          index_scan_eof= TRUE;
+        }
+      }
+      scanning_key_val_iter= TRUE;
+    }
+    if (have_record &&
+        (!mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple ||
+         !mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(mrr_iter, *(char**)cur_range_info))
+        && 
+        (!mrr_funcs.skip_record ||
+         !mrr_funcs.skip_record(mrr_iter, *(char**)cur_range_info, NULL)))
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+    /* Go get another (record, range_id) combination */
+  } /* while */
+  memcpy(range_info, cur_range_info, sizeof(void*));
+  Fill the buffer with (lookup_tuple, range_id) pairs and sort
+  @note
+    We don't know lookup_tuple before we get the first key from
+    mrr_funcs.get_next(). Not knowing tuple length means we can't setup the
+    key buffer (in particular, which part of the buffer space it should occupy
+    when we have both key and rowid buffers).  This problem is solved by having 
+    know_key_tuple_params variabe, and buf_manager, which we ask to set/reset
+    buffers for us.
+int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::refill_buffer()
+  int res;
+  KEY_MULTI_RANGE cur_range;
+  uchar **range_info_ptr= (uchar**)&cur_range.ptr;
+  uchar *key_ptr;
+  DBUG_ENTER("Mrr_ordered_index_reader::refill_buffer");
+  DBUG_ASSERT(!know_key_tuple_params || key_buffer->is_empty());
+  if (know_key_tuple_params)
+  {
+    buf_manager->reset_buffer_sizes();
+    key_buffer->reset();
+    key_buffer->setup_writing(&key_ptr, keypar.key_size_in_keybuf,
+                              is_mrr_assoc? (uchar**)&range_info_ptr : NULL,
+                              sizeof(uchar*));
+  }
+  while ((!know_key_tuple_params || key_buffer->can_write()) && 
+         !(res= mrr_funcs.next(mrr_iter, &cur_range)))
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(cur_range.range_flag & EQ_RANGE);
+    if (!know_key_tuple_params)
+    {
+      /* This only happens when we've just started filling the buffer */
+      key_range *sample_key= &cur_range.start_key;
+      know_key_tuple_params= TRUE;
+      keypar.key_tuple_length= sample_key->length;
+      keypar.key_tuple_map= sample_key->keypart_map;
+      keypar.key_size_in_keybuf= keypar.use_key_pointers ? sizeof(char*) : keypar.key_tuple_length;
+      KEY *key_info= &h->get_table()->key_info[h->active_index];
+      keypar.index_ranges_unique= test(key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME && 
+                                       key_info->key_parts == 
+                                       my_count_bits(sample_key->keypart_map));
+      buf_manager->setup_buffer_sizes(keypar.key_size_in_keybuf, keypar.key_tuple_map);
+      key_buffer= buf_manager->get_key_buffer();
+      key_buffer->setup_writing(&key_ptr, keypar.key_size_in_keybuf,
+                               is_mrr_assoc? (uchar**)&range_info_ptr : NULL,
+                               sizeof(uchar*));
+      DBUG_ASSERT(key_buffer->can_write());
+    }
+    /* Put key, or {key, range_id} pair into the buffer */
+    if (keypar.use_key_pointers)
+      key_ptr=(uchar*) &cur_range.start_key.key;
+    else
+      key_ptr=(uchar*) cur_range.start_key.key;
+    key_buffer->write();
+  }
+  bool no_more_keys= test(res);
+  scanning_key_val_iter= FALSE;
+  index_scan_eof= FALSE;
+  if (no_more_keys && (!know_key_tuple_params || key_buffer->is_empty()))
+  key_buffer->sort((key_buffer->type() == Lifo_buffer::FORWARD)? 
+                     (qsort2_cmp)Mrr_ordered_index_reader::key_tuple_cmp_reverse : 
+                     (qsort2_cmp)Mrr_ordered_index_reader::key_tuple_cmp, 
+                   (void*)this);
+int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs,
+                                   void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges,
+                                   uint mode, Buffer_manager *buf_manager_arg)
+  h= h_arg;
+  mrr_iter= seq_funcs->init(seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode);
+  keypar.use_key_pointers= test(mode & HA_MRR_MATERIALIZED_KEYS);
+  is_mrr_assoc=    !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
+  mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs;
+  know_key_tuple_params= FALSE;
+  buf_manager= buf_manager_arg;
+  return 0;
+static int rowid_cmp_reverse(void *h, uchar *a, uchar *b)
+  return - ((handler*)h)->cmp_ref(a, b);
+int Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::init(handler *h_arg, 
+                                    Mrr_index_reader *index_reader_arg,
+                                    uint mode,
+                                    Lifo_buffer *buf)
+  h= h_arg;
+  index_reader= index_reader_arg;
+  rowid_buffer= buf;
+  is_mrr_assoc= !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
+  index_reader_exhausted= FALSE;
+  return 0;
+  DS-MRR: Fill and sort the rowid buffer
+  Scan the MRR ranges and collect ROWIDs (or {ROWID, range_id} pairs) into 
+  buffer. When the buffer is full or scan is completed, sort the buffer by 
+  rowid and return.
+  When this function returns, either rowid buffer is not empty, or the source
+  of lookup keys (i.e. ranges) is exhaused.
+  dsmrr_eof is set to indicate whether we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
+  scanning. This function never returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE.
+  @retval 0      OK, the next portion of rowids is in the buffer,
+                 properly ordered
+  @retval other  Error
+int Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::refill_buffer()
+  int res;
+  DBUG_ENTER("Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::refill_buffer");
+  if (index_reader_exhausted)
+  while ((res= refill_from_key_buffer() == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE))
+  {
+    if ((res= index_reader->refill_buffer()))
+    {
+      if (res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
+        index_reader_exhausted= TRUE;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  DBUG_RETURN(res);
+void Mrr_index_reader::position()
+  h->position(h->get_table()->record[0]);
+  @brief Try to refill the rowid buffer without calling
+  index_reader->refill_buffer(). 
+int Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::refill_from_key_buffer()
+  char *range_info;
+  uchar **range_info_ptr= (uchar**)&range_info;
+  int res;
+  DBUG_ENTER("Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::refill_from_key_buffer");
+  DBUG_ASSERT(rowid_buffer->is_empty());
+  index_rowid= index_reader->get_rowid_ptr();
+  rowid_buffer->reset();
+  rowid_buffer->setup_writing(&index_rowid, h->ref_length,
+                              is_mrr_assoc? (uchar**)&range_info_ptr: NULL,
+                              sizeof(void*));
+  last_identical_rowid= NULL;
+  while (rowid_buffer->can_write())
+  {
+    res= index_reader->get_next(&range_info);
+    if (res)
+      break;
+    /* Put rowid, or {rowid, range_id} pair into the buffer */
+    index_reader->position();
+    rowid_buffer->write();
+  }
+  /* Sort the buffer contents by rowid */
+  rowid_buffer->sort((qsort2_cmp)rowid_cmp_reverse, (void*)h);
+  rowid_buffer->setup_reading(&rowid, h->ref_length,
+                              is_mrr_assoc? (uchar**)&rowids_range_id: NULL,
+                              sizeof(void*));
+  DBUG_RETURN(rowid_buffer->is_empty()? HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE : 0);
+  Get the next record+range_id using ordered array of rowid+range_id pairds
+  @note
+    Since we have sorted rowids, we try not to make multiple rnd_pos() calls
+    with the same rowid value.
+int Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader::get_next(char **range_info)
+  int res;
+  while (last_identical_rowid)
+  {
+    /*
+      Current record (the one we've returned in previous call) was obtained
+      from a rowid that matched multiple range_ids. Return this record again,
+      with next matching range_id.
+    */
+    bool UNINIT_VAR(bres);
+    bres= rowid_buffer->read();
+    DBUG_ASSERT(!bres);
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+      memcpy(range_info, rowids_range_id, sizeof(uchar*));
+    if (rowid == last_identical_rowid)
+    {
+      last_identical_rowid= NULL; /* reached the last of identical rowids */
+    }
+    if (!index_reader->skip_record((char*)*range_info, rowid))
+    {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  while (1)
+  {
+    last_identical_rowid= NULL;
+    /* Return eof if there are no rowids in the buffer after re-fill attempt */
+    if (rowid_buffer->read())
+      return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
+    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+    {
+      memcpy(range_info, rowids_range_id, sizeof(uchar*));
+    }
+    if (index_reader->skip_record(*range_info, rowid))
+      continue;
+    res= h->ha_rnd_pos(h->get_table()->record[0], rowid);
+    if (res == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED)
+      continue;
+    /* 
+      Check if subsequent buffer elements have the same rowid value as this
+      one. If yes, remember this fact so that we don't make any more rnd_pos()
+      calls with this value.
+    */
+    if (!res)
+    {
+      uchar *cur_rowid= rowid;
+      /* 
+        Note: this implies that SQL layer doesn't touch table->record[0]
+        between calls.
+      */
+      Lifo_buffer_iterator it;
+      it.init(rowid_buffer);
+      while (!it.read()) // reads to (rowid, ...)
+      {
+        if (h->cmp_ref(rowid, cur_rowid))
+          break;
+        last_identical_rowid= rowid;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return res;
+ * Top-level DS-MRR implementation functions (the ones called by storage engine)
@@ -302,9 +697,8 @@
                            void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges, uint mode,
                            HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
-  uint elem_size;
-  Item *pushed_cond= NULL;
-  handler *new_h2= 0;
+  THD *thd= current_thd;
+  int res;
@@ -312,50 +706,135 @@
     has not been called, so set the owner handler here as well.
   h= h_arg;
-  if (mode & HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL || mode & HA_MRR_SORTED)
+  is_mrr_assoc=    !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
+  if ((mode & HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL) || (mode & HA_MRR_SORTED))
-    use_default_impl= TRUE;
-    const int retval=
-      h->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param,
-                                        n_ranges, mode, buf);
-    DBUG_RETURN(retval);
+    DBUG_ASSERT(h->inited == handler::INDEX);
+    Mrr_simple_index_reader *s= &reader_factory.simple_index_reader;
+    res= s->init(h, seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode, this);
+    strategy= s;
+    DBUG_RETURN(res);
-  rowids_buf= buf->buffer;
+  /* Neither of strategies used below can handle sorting */
-  is_mrr_assoc= !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
+  /*
+    Determine whether we'll need to do key sorting and/or rnd_pos() scan
+  */
+  index_strategy= NULL;
+  Mrr_ordered_index_reader *ordered_idx_reader= NULL;
+  if ((mode & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) &&
+      optimizer_flag(thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS))
+  {
+    index_strategy= ordered_idx_reader= &reader_factory.ordered_index_reader;
+  }
+  else
+    index_strategy= &reader_factory.simple_index_reader;
+  strategy= index_strategy;
+  /*
+    We don't need a rowid-to-rndpos step if
+     - We're doing a scan on clustered primary key
+     - [In the future] We're doing an index_only read
+  */
+  DBUG_ASSERT(h->inited == handler::INDEX || 
+              (h->inited == handler::RND && h2 && 
+               h2->inited == handler::INDEX));
+  handler *h_idx= (h->inited == handler::INDEX)? h: h2;
+  keyno= h_idx->active_index;
+  Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader *disk_strategy= NULL;
+  if (!(keyno == table->s->primary_key && h_idx->primary_key_is_clustered()))
+  {
+    strategy= disk_strategy= &reader_factory.ordered_rndpos_reader;
+  }
   if (is_mrr_assoc)
-    status_var_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_multi_range_read_init_count);
-  rowids_buf_end= buf->buffer_end;
-  elem_size= h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
-  rowids_buf_last= rowids_buf + 
-                      ((rowids_buf_end - rowids_buf)/ elem_size)*
-                      elem_size;
-  rowids_buf_end= rowids_buf_last;
+    status_var_increment(thd->status_var.ha_multi_range_read_init_count);
+  full_buf= buf->buffer;
+  full_buf_end= buf->buffer_end;
+  if (strategy == index_strategy)
+  {
+    /* Index strategy serves it all. We don't need two handlers, etc */
+    /* Give the buffer to index strategy */
+    if ((res= index_strategy->init(h, seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges,
+                                   mode, this)))
+      goto error;
+  }
+  else
+  {
-    There can be two cases:
-    - This is the first call since index_init(), h2==NULL
-       Need to setup h2 then.
-    - This is not the first call, h2 is initalized and set up appropriately.
-       The caller might have called h->index_init(), need to switch h to
-       rnd_pos calls.
+      If we got here the request is served by both index and rndpos strategies
+      working together.
+    */
+    rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(buf->buffer, buf->buffer_end);
+    if ((res= setup_two_handlers()))
+      DBUG_RETURN(res);
+    if ((res= index_strategy->init(h2, seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges, 
+                                   mode, this)) || 
+        (res= disk_strategy->init(h, index_strategy, mode, &rowid_buffer)))
+    {
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  res= strategy->refill_buffer();
+  if (res && res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) //psergey-todo: remove EOF check here
+    goto error;
+  /*
+    If we have scanned through all intervals in *seq, then adjust *buf to 
+    indicate that the remaining buffer space will not be used.
+//  if (dsmrr_eof) 
+//    buf->end_of_used_area= rowid_buffer.end_of_space();
+  close_second_handler();
+  strategy= NULL;
+  Whatever the current state is, make it so that we have two handler objects:
+  - h (the primary)    -  initialized for rnd_pos() scan
+  - h2 (the secondary) -  initialized for scanning the index specified in
+                          this->keyno
+    0        OK
+    HA_XXX   Error code
+int DsMrr_impl::setup_two_handlers()
+  int res;
+  THD *thd= current_thd;
+  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::setup_two_handlers");
   if (!h2)
-    /* Create a separate handler object to do rndpos() calls. */
-    THD *thd= current_thd;
+    handler *new_h2;
+    Item *pushed_cond= NULL;
+    DBUG_ASSERT(h->inited == handler::INDEX);
+    /* Create a separate handler object to do rnd_pos() calls. */
       ::clone() takes up a lot of stack, especially on 64 bit platforms.
       The constant 5 is an empiric result.
     if (check_stack_overrun(thd, 5*STACK_MIN_SIZE, (uchar*) &new_h2))
-    DBUG_ASSERT(h->active_index != MAX_KEY);
-    uint mrr_keyno= h->active_index;
-    /* Create a separate handler object to do rndpos() calls. */
+    /* Create a separate handler object to do rnd_pos() calls. */
     if (!(new_h2= h->clone(thd->mem_root)) || 
         new_h2->ha_external_lock(thd, F_RDLCK))
@@ -363,88 +842,69 @@
-    if (mrr_keyno == h->pushed_idx_cond_keyno)
+    if (keyno == h->pushed_idx_cond_keyno)
       pushed_cond= h->pushed_idx_cond;
+    Mrr_reader *save_strategy= strategy;
+    strategy= NULL;
       Caution: this call will invoke this->dsmrr_close(). Do not put the
-      created secondary table handler into this->h2 or it will delete it.
+      created secondary table handler new_h2 into this->h2 or it will delete 
+      it. Also, save the picked strategy
-    if (h->ha_index_end())
-    {
-      h2=new_h2;
-      goto error;
-    }
+    res= h->ha_index_end();
+    strategy= save_strategy;
     h2= new_h2; /* Ok, now can put it into h2 */
+    if (res || (res= (h->ha_rnd_init(FALSE))))
+      goto error;
-    if (h2->ha_index_init(mrr_keyno, FALSE))
+    h2->mrr_iter= h->mrr_iter;
+    if ((res= h2->ha_index_init(keyno, FALSE)))
       goto error;
-    use_default_impl= FALSE;
     if (pushed_cond)
-      h2->idx_cond_push(mrr_keyno, pushed_cond);
+      h2->idx_cond_push(keyno, pushed_cond);
+    DBUG_ASSERT(h2 && h2->inited==handler::INDEX);
       We get here when the access alternates betwen MRR scan(s) and non-MRR
       Calling h->index_end() will invoke dsmrr_close() for this object,
-      which will delete h2. We need to keep it, so save put it away and dont
+      which will delete h2. We need to keep it, so put it away and dont
       let it be deleted:
-    handler *save_h2= h2;
-    h2= NULL;
-    int res= (h->inited == handler::INDEX && h->ha_index_end());
-    h2= save_h2;
-    use_default_impl= FALSE;
-    if (res)
+    if (h->inited == handler::INDEX)
+    {
+      handler *save_h2= h2;
+      Mrr_reader *save_strategy= strategy;
+      h2= NULL;
+      strategy= NULL;
+      res= h->ha_index_end();
+      h2= save_h2;
+      strategy= save_strategy;
+      if (res)
+        goto error;
+    }
+    if ((h->inited != handler::RND) && h->ha_rnd_init(FALSE))
       goto error;
-  if (h2->handler::multi_range_read_init(seq_funcs, seq_init_param, n_ranges,
-                                          mode, buf) || 
-      dsmrr_fill_buffer())
-  {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  /*
-    If the above call has scanned through all intervals in *seq, then
-    adjust *buf to indicate that the remaining buffer space will not be used.
-  */
-  if (dsmrr_eof) 
-    buf->end_of_used_area= rowids_buf_last;
-  /*
-     h->inited == INDEX may occur when 'range checked for each record' is
-     used.
-  */
-  if ((h->inited != handler::RND) && 
-      ((h->inited==handler::INDEX? h->ha_index_end(): FALSE) || 
-       (h->ha_rnd_init(FALSE))))
-      goto error;
-  use_default_impl= FALSE;
-  h->mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs;
-  h2->ha_index_or_rnd_end();
-  h2->ha_external_lock(current_thd, F_UNLCK);
-  h2->close();
-  delete h2;
-  h2= NULL;
+  DBUG_RETURN(res);
-void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close()
+void DsMrr_impl::close_second_handler()
-  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close");
   if (h2)
@@ -453,136 +913,280 @@
     delete h2;
     h2= NULL;
-  use_default_impl= TRUE;
-static int rowid_cmp(void *h, uchar *a, uchar *b)
+void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close()
-  return ((handler*)h)->cmp_ref(a, b);
+  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_close");
+  close_second_handler();
+  strategy= NULL;
-  DS-MRR: Fill the buffer with rowids and sort it by rowid
-  {This is an internal function of DiskSweep MRR implementation}
-  Scan the MRR ranges and collect ROWIDs (or {ROWID, range_id} pairs) into 
-  buffer. When the buffer is full or scan is completed, sort the buffer by 
-  rowid and return.
-  The function assumes that rowids buffer is empty when it is invoked. 
-  @param h  Table handler
-  @retval 0      OK, the next portion of rowids is in the buffer,
-                 properly ordered
-  @retval other  Error
+  my_qsort2-compatible function to compare key tuples 
-int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_buffer()
+int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::key_tuple_cmp(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2)
-  char *range_info;
+  Mrr_ordered_index_reader *this_= (Mrr_ordered_index_reader*)arg;
+  TABLE *table= this_->h->get_table();
   int res;
-  DBUG_ENTER("DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_buffer");
+  KEY_PART_INFO *part= table->key_info[this_->h->active_index].key_part;
+  if (this_->keypar.use_key_pointers)
+  {
+    /* the buffer stores pointers to keys, get to the keys */
+    key1= *((uchar**)key1);
+    key2= *((uchar**)key2);  // todo is this alignment-safe?
+  }
-  rowids_buf_cur= rowids_buf;
-  while ((rowids_buf_cur < rowids_buf_end) && 
-         !(res= h2->handler::multi_range_read_next(&range_info)))
-  {
-    KEY_MULTI_RANGE *curr_range= &h2->handler::mrr_cur_range;
-    if (h2->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple &&
-        h2->mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(h2->mrr_iter, curr_range->ptr))
-      continue;
-    /* Put rowid, or {rowid, range_id} pair into the buffer */
-    h2->position(table->record[0]);
-    memcpy(rowids_buf_cur, h2->ref, h2->ref_length);
-    rowids_buf_cur += h2->ref_length;
+  uchar *key1_end= key1 + this_->keypar.key_tuple_length;
-    if (is_mrr_assoc)
+  while (key1 < key1_end)
+  {
+    Field* f = part->field;
+    int len = part->store_length;
+    if (part->null_bit)
-      memcpy(rowids_buf_cur, &range_info, sizeof(void*));
-      rowids_buf_cur += sizeof(void*);
+      if (*key1) // key1 == NULL
+      {
+        if (!*key2) // key1(NULL) < key2(notNULL)
+          return -1;
+        goto equals;
+      }
+      else if (*key2) // key1(notNULL) > key2 (NULL)
+        return 1;
+      // Step over NULL byte for f->cmp().
+      key1++;
+      key2++;
+      len--;
+    if ((res= f->key_cmp(key1, key2)))
+      return res;
+    key1 += len;
+    key2 += len;
+    part++;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::key_tuple_cmp_reverse(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2)
+  return -key_tuple_cmp(arg, key1, key2);
+  Setup key/rowid buffer sizes based on sample_key and its length.
+  @param
+    sample_key  A lookup key to use as a sample. It is assumed that
+                all other keys will have the same length/etc.
+  @note
+    This function must be called when all buffers are empty
+void DsMrr_impl::setup_buffer_sizes(uint key_size_in_keybuf, 
+                                    key_part_map key_tuple_map)
+  uint key_buff_elem_size= key_size_in_keybuf + 
+                           (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
+  KEY *key_info= &h->get_table()->key_info[keyno];
+  if (strategy == index_strategy)
+  {
+    /* Give all space to the key buffer, key buffer must be forward */
+    key_buffer= &forward_key_buf;
+    key_buffer->set_buffer_space(full_buf, full_buf_end);
+    /* Just in case, tell rowid buffer that it has zero size: */
+    rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf_end, full_buf_end);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* 
+    Ok if we got here we need to allocate one part of the buffer 
+    for keys and another part for rowids.
+  */
+  uint rowid_buf_elem_size= h->ref_length + 
+                            (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(char*);
+  /*
+    Use rec_per_key statistics as a basis to find out how many rowids 
+    we'll get for each key value.
+     TODO: are we guaranteed to get r_p_c==1 for unique keys?
+     TODO: what should be the default value to use when there is no 
+           statistics?
+  */
+  uint parts= my_count_bits(key_tuple_map);
+  ulong rpc;
+  if ((rpc= key_info->rec_per_key[parts - 1]))
+  {
+    rowid_buf_elem_size *= rpc;
-  if (res && res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
-    DBUG_RETURN(res); 
-  dsmrr_eof= test(res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
+  double fraction_for_rowids=
+    ((double) rowid_buf_elem_size / 
+         ((double)rowid_buf_elem_size + key_buff_elem_size));
-  /* Sort the buffer contents by rowid */
-  uint elem_size= h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
-  uint n_rowids= (rowids_buf_cur - rowids_buf) / elem_size;
+  size_t bytes_for_rowids= 
+    round(fraction_for_rowids * (full_buf_end - full_buf));
-  my_qsort2(rowids_buf, n_rowids, elem_size, (qsort2_cmp)rowid_cmp,
-            (void*)h);
-  rowids_buf_last= rowids_buf_cur;
-  rowids_buf_cur=  rowids_buf;
+  uint bytes_for_keys= (full_buf_end - full_buf) - bytes_for_rowids;
+  if (bytes_for_keys < key_buff_elem_size + 1)
+  {
+    uint add= key_buff_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_keys;
+    bytes_for_rowids -= add;
+    DBUG_ASSERT(bytes_for_rowids >= 
+                (h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(char*) + 1));
+  }
+  rowid_buffer_end= full_buf + bytes_for_rowids;
+  rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, rowid_buffer_end);
+  key_buffer= &backward_key_buf;
+  key_buffer->set_buffer_space(rowid_buffer_end, full_buf_end); 
+void DsMrr_impl::reset_buffer_sizes()
+  if (strategy != index_strategy)
+  {
+    /*
+      Ok we have both ordered index reader and there is a disk rearder. 
+      Redistribute the buffer space.
+    */
+    rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, rowid_buffer_end);
+    key_buffer= &backward_key_buf;
+    key_buffer->set_buffer_space(rowid_buffer_end, full_buf_end);
+  }
-  DS-MRR implementation: multi_range_read_next() function
+  Take unused space from the key buffer and give it to the rowid buffer
+//psergey-todo: do invoke this function.
+void DsMrr_impl::reallocate_buffer_space()
+  uchar *unused_start, *unused_end;
+  key_buffer->remove_unused_space(&unused_start, &unused_end);
+  rowid_buffer.grow(unused_start, unused_end);
-int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next(char **range_info)
+bool Key_value_records_iterator::init(Mrr_ordered_index_reader *owner_arg)
   int res;
-  uchar *cur_range_info= 0;
-  uchar *rowid;
+  owner= owner_arg;
+  identical_key_it.init(owner->key_buffer);
+  /* Get the first pair into (cur_index_tuple, cur_range_info) */ 
+  owner->key_buffer->setup_reading(&cur_index_tuple, owner->keypar.key_size_in_keybuf,
+                            owner->is_mrr_assoc? (uchar**)&owner->cur_range_info: NULL,
+                            sizeof(void*));
+  if (identical_key_it.read())
+    return TRUE;
-  if (use_default_impl)
-    return h->handler::multi_range_read_next(range_info);
+  uchar *key_in_buf= cur_index_tuple;
+  last_identical_key_ptr= cur_index_tuple;
+  if (owner->keypar.use_key_pointers)
+    cur_index_tuple= *((uchar**)cur_index_tuple);
-  do
+  /* Check out how many more identical keys are following */
+  uchar *save_cur_index_tuple= cur_index_tuple;
+  while (!identical_key_it.read())
+  {
+    if (Mrr_ordered_index_reader::key_tuple_cmp(owner, key_in_buf, cur_index_tuple))
+      break;
+    last_identical_key_ptr= cur_index_tuple;
+  }
+  identical_key_it.init(owner->key_buffer);
+  cur_index_tuple= save_cur_index_tuple;
+  res= owner->h->ha_index_read_map(owner->h->get_table()->record[0], 
+                            cur_index_tuple, 
+                            owner->keypar.key_tuple_map, 
+                            HA_READ_KEY_EXACT);
+  if (res)
-    if (rowids_buf_cur == rowids_buf_last)
-    {
-      if (dsmrr_eof)
-      {
-        res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
-        goto end;
-      }
-      res= dsmrr_fill_buffer();
-      if (res)
-        goto end;
-    }
-    /* return eof if there are no rowids in the buffer after re-fill attempt */
-    if (rowids_buf_cur == rowids_buf_last)
+    close();
+    return res; /* Fatal error */
+  }
+  get_next_row= FALSE;
+  return 0;
+int Key_value_records_iterator::get_next()
+  int res;
+  if (get_next_row)
+  {
+    if (owner->keypar.index_ranges_unique)
+      return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;  /* Max one match */
+    handler *h= owner->h;
+    if ((res= h->ha_index_next_same(h->get_table()->record[0], 
+                                    cur_index_tuple, 
+                                    owner->keypar.key_tuple_length)))
-      res= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE;
-      goto end;
+      /* EOF is EOF for iterator, also, any error means EOF on the iterator */
+      return res;
-    rowid= rowids_buf_cur;
+    identical_key_it.init(owner->key_buffer);
+    get_next_row= FALSE;
+  }
-    if (is_mrr_assoc)
-      memcpy(&cur_range_info, rowids_buf_cur + h->ref_length, sizeof(uchar**));
+  identical_key_it.read(); // This gets us next range_id.
+  if (!last_identical_key_ptr || (cur_index_tuple == last_identical_key_ptr))
+  {
+    get_next_row= TRUE;
+  }
+  return 0;
-    rowids_buf_cur += h->ref_length + sizeof(void*) * test(is_mrr_assoc);
-    if (h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
-	h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h2->mrr_iter, (char *) cur_range_info, rowid))
-      continue;
-    res= h->ha_rnd_pos(table->record[0], rowid);
-    break;
-  } while (true);
-  if (is_mrr_assoc)
+void Key_value_records_iterator::close()
+  while (!owner->key_buffer->read() && 
+         (cur_index_tuple != last_identical_key_ptr)) {}
+  DS-MRR implementation: multi_range_read_next() function.
+  Calling convention is like multi_range_read_next() has.
+int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next(char **range_info)
+  int res;
+  while ((res= strategy->get_next(range_info)) == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
-    memcpy(range_info, rowid + h->ref_length, sizeof(void*));
+    if ((res= strategy->refill_buffer()))
+      break; /* EOF or error */
   return res;
+  //return strategy->get_next(range_info);
   DS-MRR implementation: multi_range_read_info() function
-ha_rows DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint rows,
+ha_rows DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint rows, 
+                               uint key_parts,
                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ha_rows res;
@@ -590,8 +1194,8 @@
   uint def_bufsz= *bufsz;
   /* Get cost/flags/mem_usage of default MRR implementation */
-  res= h->handler::multi_range_read_info(keyno, n_ranges, rows, &def_bufsz,
-                                         &def_flags, cost);
+  res= h->handler::multi_range_read_info(keyno, n_ranges, rows, key_parts, 
+                                         &def_bufsz, &def_flags, cost);
   if ((*flags & HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL) || 
@@ -683,7 +1287,29 @@
   return FALSE;
+  Check if key/flags allow DS-MRR/CPK strategy to be used
+  @param thd
+  @param keyno      Index that will be used
+  @param  mrr_flags  
+  @retval TRUE   DS-MRR/CPK should be used
+  @retval FALSE  Otherwise
+bool DsMrr_impl::check_cpk_scan(THD *thd, uint keyno, uint mrr_flags)
+  return test((mrr_flags & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) &&  // check
+        //      !(mrr_flags & HA_MRR_SORTED) && 
+              keyno == table->s->primary_key && 
+              h->primary_key_is_clustered() && 
+              optimizer_flag(thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS)); //check
   DS-MRR Internals: Choose between Default MRR implementation and DS-MRR
   Make the choice between using Default MRR implementation and DS-MRR.
@@ -706,21 +1332,25 @@
   @retval FALSE  DS-MRR implementation should be used
 bool DsMrr_impl::choose_mrr_impl(uint keyno, ha_rows rows, uint *flags,
                                  uint *bufsz, COST_VECT *cost)
   COST_VECT dsmrr_cost;
   bool res;
   THD *thd= current_thd;
+  bool doing_cpk_scan= check_cpk_scan(thd, keyno, *flags); 
+  bool using_cpk= test(keyno == table->s->primary_key &&
+                       h->primary_key_is_clustered());
   if (thd->variables.optimizer_use_mrr == 2 || *flags & HA_MRR_INDEX_ONLY ||
-      (keyno == table->s->primary_key && h->primary_key_is_clustered()) ||
-       key_uses_partial_cols(table, keyno))
+      (using_cpk && !doing_cpk_scan) || key_uses_partial_cols(table, keyno))
     /* Use the default implementation */
     *flags |= HA_MRR_USE_DEFAULT_IMPL;
     return TRUE;
   uint add_len= table->key_info[keyno].key_length + h->ref_length; 
   *bufsz -= add_len;
   if (get_disk_sweep_mrr_cost(keyno, rows, *flags, bufsz, &dsmrr_cost))
@@ -744,6 +1374,10 @@
     *flags &= ~HA_MRR_SORTED;          /* We will return unordered output */
     *cost= dsmrr_cost;
     res= FALSE;
+    if ((*flags & HA_MRR_SINGLE_POINT) && 
+         optimizer_flag(thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS))
+      *flags |= HA_MRR_MATERIALIZED_KEYS;
@@ -828,17 +1462,14 @@
   Get cost of one sort-and-sweep step
-    get_sort_and_sweep_cost()
-      table       Table being accessed
-      nrows       Number of rows to be sorted and retrieved
-      cost   OUT  The cost
-    Get cost of these operations:
-     - sort an array of #nrows ROWIDs using qsort
-     - read #nrows records from table in a sweep.
+  It consists of two parts:
+   - sort an array of #nrows ROWIDs using qsort
+   - read #nrows records from table in a sweep.
+  @param table       Table being accessed
+  @param nrows       Number of rows to be sorted and retrieved
+  @param cost   OUT  The cost of scan
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h	2010-09-21 21:05:50.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/multi_range_read.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,49 +1,429 @@
-  This file contains declarations for 
-   - Disk-Sweep MultiRangeRead (DS-MRR) implementation
+  @defgroup DS-MRR declarations
+  @{
-  A Disk-Sweep MRR interface implementation
+  A Disk-Sweep implementation of MRR Interface (DS-MRR for short)
-  This implementation makes range (and, in the future, 'ref') scans to read
-  table rows in disk sweeps. 
-  Currently it is used by MyISAM and InnoDB. Potentially it can be used with
-  any table handler that has non-clustered indexes and on-disk rows.
+  This is a "plugin"(*) for storage engines that allows to
+    1. When doing index scans, read table rows in rowid order;
+    2. when making many index lookups, do them in key order and don't
+       lookup the same key value multiple times;
+    3. Do both #1 and #2, when applicable.
+  These changes are expected to speed up query execution for disk-based 
+  storage engines running io-bound loads and "big" queries (ie. queries that
+  do joins and enumerate lots of records).
+  (*) - only conceptually. No dynamic loading or binary compatibility of any
+        kind.
+  General scheme of things:
+      SQL Layer code
+       |   |   |
+       v   v   v 
+      -|---|---|---- handler->multi_range_read_XXX() function calls
+       |   |   |
+      _____________________________________
+     / DS-MRR module                       \
+     | (order/de-duplicate lookup keys,    |
+     | scan indexes in key order,          |
+     | order/de-duplicate rowids,          |
+     | retrieve full record reads in rowid |
+     | order)                              |
+     \_____________________________________/
+       |   |   |
+      -|---|---|----- handler->read_range_first()/read_range_next(), 
+       |   |   |      handler->index_read(), handler->rnd_pos() calls.
+       |   |   |
+       v   v   v
+      Storage engine internals
+  Currently DS-MRR is used by MyISAM, InnoDB/XtraDB and Maria storage engines.
+  Potentially it can be used with any table handler that has disk-based data
+  storage and has better performance when reading data in rowid order.
-class DsMrr_impl
+#include "sql_lifo_buffer.h"
+class DsMrr_impl;
+class Mrr_ordered_index_reader;
+/* A structure with key parameters that's shared among several classes */
+class Key_parameters
-  typedef void (handler::*range_check_toggle_func_t)(bool on);
+  /* TRUE <=> We can get at most one index tuple for a lookup key */
+  bool index_ranges_unique;
+  uint         key_tuple_length; /* Length of index lookup tuple, in bytes */
+  key_part_map key_tuple_map;    /* keyparts used in index lookup tuples */
-  DsMrr_impl()
-    : h2(NULL) {};
-    The "owner" handler object (the one that calls dsmrr_XXX functions.
-    It is used to retrieve full table rows by calling rnd_pos().
+    This is 
+      = key_tuple_length   if we copy keys to buffer
+      = sizeof(void*)      if we're using pointers to materialized keys.
-  handler *h;
-  TABLE *table; /* Always equal to h->table */
+  uint key_size_in_keybuf;
+  /* TRUE <=> don't copy key values, use pointers to them instead.  */
+  bool use_key_pointers;
+  A class to enumerate (record, range_id) pairs that match given key value.
+  The idea is that we have an array of
+    (key, range_id1), (key, range_id2) ... (key, range_idN)
+  pairs, i.e. multiple identical key values with their different range_id-s,
+  and also we have ha_engine object where we can find matches for the key
+  value.
+  What this class does is produces all combinations of (key_match_record_X,
+  range_idN) pairs.
+class Key_value_records_iterator
+  /* Use this to get table handler, key buffer and other parameters */
+  Mrr_ordered_index_reader *owner;
+  Lifo_buffer_iterator identical_key_it;
+  uchar *last_identical_key_ptr;
+  bool get_next_row;
+  uchar *cur_index_tuple; /* key_buffer.read() reads to here */
+  bool init(Mrr_ordered_index_reader *owner_arg);
+  int get_next();
+  void close();
+  Buffer manager interface. Mrr_reader objects use it to inqure DsMrr_impl
+  to manage buffer space for them.
+class Buffer_manager
+  virtual void setup_buffer_sizes(uint key_size_in_keybuf, 
+                                  key_part_map key_tuple_map)=0;
+  virtual void reset_buffer_sizes()= 0;
+  virtual Lifo_buffer* get_key_buffer()= 0;
+  virtual ~Buffer_manager(){} /* Shut up the compiler */
+  Mrr_reader - DS-MRR execution strategy abstraction
+  A reader produces ([index]_record, range_info) pairs, and requires periodic
+  refill operations.
+  - one starts using the reader by calling reader->get_next(),
+  - when a get_next() call returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE, one must call 
+    refill_buffer() before they can make more get_next() calls.
+  - when refill_buffer() returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE, this means the real
+    end of stream and get_next() should not be called anymore.
+  Both functions can return other error codes, these mean unrecoverable errors
+  after which one cannot continue.
+class Mrr_reader 
+  virtual int get_next(char **range_info) = 0;
+  virtual int refill_buffer() = 0;
+  virtual ~Mrr_reader() {}; /* just to remove compiler warning */
+  A common base for readers that do index scans and produce index tuples 
+class Mrr_index_reader : public Mrr_reader
+  handler *h; /* Handler object to use */
+  virtual int init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, 
+                   void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges,
+                   uint mode, Buffer_manager *buf_manager_arg) = 0;
+  /* Get pointer to place where every get_next() call will put rowid */
+  virtual uchar *get_rowid_ptr()= 0;
+  /* Get the rowid (call this after get_next() call) */
+  void position();
+  virtual bool skip_record(char *range_id, uchar *rowid)=0;
+  A "bypass" reader that uses default MRR implementation (i.e.
+  handler::multi_range_read_XXX() calls) to produce rows.
+class Mrr_simple_index_reader : public Mrr_index_reader
+  int res; 
+  int init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, 
+           void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges,
+           uint mode, Buffer_manager *buf_manager_arg);
+  int get_next(char **range_info);
+  int refill_buffer() { return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; }
+  uchar *get_rowid_ptr() { return h->ref; }
+  bool skip_record(char *range_id, uchar *rowid)
+  {
+    return (h->mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
+            h->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h->mrr_iter, range_id, rowid));
+  }
+  A reader that sorts the key values before it makes the index lookups.
+class Mrr_ordered_index_reader : public Mrr_index_reader
+  int init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, 
+           void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges,
+           uint mode, Buffer_manager *buf_manager_arg);
+  int get_next(char **range_info);
+  int refill_buffer();
+  uchar *get_rowid_ptr() { return h->ref; }
+  bool skip_record(char *range_info, uchar *rowid)
+  {
+    return (mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
+            mrr_funcs.skip_record(mrr_iter, range_info, rowid));
+  }
-  /* Secondary handler object.  It is used for scanning the index */
-  handler *h2;
+  Key_value_records_iterator kv_it;
+  bool scanning_key_val_iter;
+  char *cur_range_info;
+  /* Buffer to store (key, range_id) pairs */
+  Lifo_buffer *key_buffer;
+  Buffer_manager *buf_manager;
+  /* Initially FALSE, becomes TRUE when we've set key_tuple_xxx members */
+  bool know_key_tuple_params;
+  Key_parameters  keypar;
+  /* TRUE <=> need range association, buffers hold {rowid, range_id} pairs */
+  bool is_mrr_assoc;
+  RANGE_SEQ_IF mrr_funcs;
+  range_seq_t mrr_iter;
+  bool index_scan_eof;
-  /* Buffer to store rowids, or (rowid, range_id) pairs */
-  uchar *rowids_buf;
-  uchar *rowids_buf_cur;   /* Current position when reading/writing */
-  uchar *rowids_buf_last;  /* When reading: end of used buffer space */
-  uchar *rowids_buf_end;   /* End of the buffer */
+  static int key_tuple_cmp(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2);
+  static int key_tuple_cmp_reverse(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2);
+  friend class Key_value_records_iterator; 
+  friend class DsMrr_impl;
+  friend class Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader;
-  bool dsmrr_eof; /* TRUE <=> We have reached EOF when reading index tuples */
-  /* TRUE <=> need range association, buffer holds {rowid, range_id} pairs */
+  A reader that gets rowids from an Mrr_index_reader, and then sorts them 
+  before getting full records with handler->rndpos() calls.
+class Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader : public Mrr_reader 
+  int init(handler *h, Mrr_index_reader *index_reader, uint mode,
+           Lifo_buffer *buf);
+  int get_next(char **range_info);
+  int refill_buffer();
+  handler *h;
+  DsMrr_impl *dsmrr;
+  /* This what we get (rowid, range_info) pairs from */
+  Mrr_index_reader *index_reader;
+  uchar *index_rowid;
+  bool index_reader_exhausted;
+  /* TRUE <=> need range association, buffers hold {rowid, range_id} pairs */
   bool is_mrr_assoc;
-  bool use_default_impl; /* TRUE <=> shortcut all calls to default MRR impl */
+  uchar *last_identical_rowid;
+  Lifo_buffer *rowid_buffer;
+  /* rowid_buffer.read() will set the following:  */
+  uchar *rowid;
+  uchar *rowids_range_id;
+  int refill_from_key_buffer();
+/* A place where one can get readers without having to alloc them on the heap */
+class Mrr_reader_factory
+  Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader ordered_rndpos_reader;
+  Mrr_ordered_index_reader  ordered_index_reader;
+  Mrr_simple_index_reader   simple_index_reader;
+  DS-MRR implementation for one table. Create/use one object of this class for
+  each ha_{myisam/innobase/etc} object. That object will be further referred to
+  as "the handler"
+  DsMrr_impl supports has the following execution strategies:
+  - Bypass DS-MRR, pass all calls to default MRR implementation, which is 
+    an MRR-to-non-MRR call converter.
+  - Key-Ordered Retrieval
+  - Rowid-Ordered Retrieval
+  DsMrr_impl will use one of the above strategies, or a combination of them, 
+  according to the following diagram:
+         (mrr function calls)
+                |
+                +----------------->-----------------+
+                |                                   |
+     ___________v______________      _______________v________________
+    / default: use lookup keys \    / KEY-ORDERED RETRIEVAL:         \
+    | (or ranges) in whatever  |    | sort lookup keys and then make | 
+    | order they are supplied  |    | index lookups in index order   |
+    \__________________________/    \________________________________/
+              | |  |                           |    |
+      +---<---+ |  +--------------->-----------|----+
+      |         |                              |    |
+      |         |              +---------------+    |
+      |   ______v___ ______    |     _______________v_______________
+      |  / default: read   \   |    / ROWID-ORDERED RETRIEVAL:      \
+      |  | table records   |   |    | Before reading table records, |
+      v  | in random order |   v    | sort their rowids and then    |
+      |  \_________________/   |    | read them in rowid order      |
+      |         |              |    \_______________________________/
+      |         |              |                    |
+      |         |              |                    |
+      +-->---+  |  +----<------+-----------<--------+
+             |  |  |                                
+             v  v  v
+      (table records and range_ids)
+  The choice of strategy depends on MRR scan properties, table properties
+  (whether we're scanning clustered primary key), and @@optimizer_switch
+  settings.
+  Key-Ordered Retrieval
+  ---------------------
+  The idea is: if MRR scan is essentially a series of lookups on 
+    tbl.key=value1 OR tbl.key=value2 OR ... OR tbl.key=valueN
+  then it makes sense to collect and order the set of lookup values, i.e.
+     sort(value1, value2, .. valueN)
+  and then do index lookups in index order. This results in fewer index page
+  fetch operations, and we also can avoid making multiple index lookups for the
+  same value. That is, if value1=valueN we can easily discover that after
+  sorting and make one index lookup for them instead of two.
+  Rowid-Ordered Retrieval
+  -----------------------
+  If we do a regular index scan or a series of index lookups, we'll be hitting
+  table records at random. For disk-based engines, this is much slower than 
+  reading the same records in disk order. We assume that disk ordering of
+  rows is the same as ordering of their rowids (which is provided by 
+  handler::cmp_ref())
+  In order to retrieve records in different order, we must separate index
+  scanning and record fetching, that is, MRR scan uses the following steps:
+    1. Scan the index (and only index, that is, with HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD on) and 
+        fill a buffer with {rowid, range_id} pairs
+    2. Sort the buffer by rowid value
+    3. for each {rowid, range_id} pair in the buffer
+         get record by rowid and return the {record, range_id} pair
+    4. Repeat the above steps until we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
+       scanning.
+  Buffer space management considerations
+  --------------------------------------
+  With regards to buffer/memory management, MRR interface specifies that 
+   - SQL layer provides multi_range_read_init() with buffer of certain size.
+   - MRR implementation may use (i.e. have at its disposal till the end of 
+     the MRR scan) all of the buffer, or return the unused end of the buffer 
+     to SQL layer.
+  DS-MRR needs buffer in order to accumulate and sort rowids and/or keys. When
+  we need to accumulate/sort only keys (or only rowids), it is fairly trivial.
+  When we need to accumulate/sort both keys and rowids, efficient buffer use
+  gets complicated. We need to:
+   - First, accumulate keys and sort them
+   - Then use the keys (smaller values go first) to obtain rowids. A key is not
+     needed after we've got matching rowids for it.
+   - Make sure that rowids are accumulated at the front of the buffer, so that we
+     can return the end part of the buffer to SQL layer, should there be too
+     few rowid values to occupy the buffer.
+  All of these goals are achieved by using the following scheme:
+     |                    |   We get an empty buffer from SQL layer.   
+     |                  *-|    
+     |               *----|   First, we fill the buffer with keys. Key_buffer
+     |            *-------|   part grows from end of the buffer space to start
+     |         *----------|   (In this picture, the buffer is big enough to
+     |      *-------------|    accomodate all keys and even have some space left)
+     |      *=============|   We want to do key-ordered index scan, so we sort
+                              the keys
+     |-x      *===========|   Then we use the keys get rowids. Rowids are 
+     |----x      *========|   stored from start of buffer space towards the end.
+     |--------x     *=====|   The part of the buffer occupied with keys
+     |------------x   *===|   gradually frees up space for rowids. In this
+     |--------------x   *=|   picture we run out of keys before we've ran out
+     |----------------x   |   of buffer space (it can be other way as well).
+     |================x   |   Then we sort the rowids.
+     |                |~~~|   The unused part of the buffer is at the end, so
+                              we can return it to the SQL layer.
+     |================*       Sorted rowids are then used to read table records 
+                              in disk order
+class DsMrr_impl : public Buffer_manager
+  typedef void (handler::*range_check_toggle_func_t)(bool on);
+  DsMrr_impl()
+    : h2(NULL) {};
   void init(handler *h_arg, TABLE *table_arg)
     h= h_arg; 
@@ -52,19 +432,87 @@
   int dsmrr_init(handler *h, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs, void *seq_init_param, 
                  uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
   void dsmrr_close();
-  int dsmrr_fill_buffer();
   int dsmrr_next(char **range_info);
-  ha_rows dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys, uint *bufsz,
-                     uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+  ha_rows dsmrr_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys, uint key_parts, 
+                     uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows dsmrr_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, 
                             void *seq_init_param, uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                             uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+  /* Buffer to store (key, range_id) pairs */
+  Lifo_buffer *key_buffer;
+  /*
+    The "owner" handler object (the one that is expected to "own" this object
+    and call its functions).
+  */
+  handler *h;
+  TABLE *table; /* Always equal to h->table */
+  /*
+    Secondary handler object. (created when needed, we need it when we need 
+    to run both index scan and rnd_pos() scan at the same time)
+  */
+  handler *h2;
+  uint keyno; /* index we're running the scan on */
+  /* TRUE <=> need range association, buffers hold {rowid, range_id} pairs */
+  bool is_mrr_assoc;
+  Mrr_reader_factory reader_factory;
+  Mrr_reader *strategy;
+  Mrr_index_reader *index_strategy;
+  /* The whole buffer space that we're using */
+  uchar *full_buf;
+  uchar *full_buf_end;
+  /* 
+    When using both rowid and key buffers: the boundary between key and rowid
+    parts of the buffer. This is the "original" value, actual memory ranges 
+    used by key and rowid parts may be different because of dynamic space 
+    reallocation between them.
+  */
+  uchar *rowid_buffer_end;
+  /*
+    One of the following two is used for key buffer: forward is used when 
+    we only need key buffer, backward is used when we need both key and rowid
+    buffers.
+  */
+  Forward_lifo_buffer forward_key_buf;
+  Backward_lifo_buffer backward_key_buf;
+  /*
+    Buffer to store (rowid, range_id) pairs, or just rowids if 
+    is_mrr_assoc==FALSE
+  */
+  Forward_lifo_buffer rowid_buffer;
   bool choose_mrr_impl(uint keyno, ha_rows rows, uint *flags, uint *bufsz, 
                        COST_VECT *cost);
   bool get_disk_sweep_mrr_cost(uint keynr, ha_rows rows, uint flags, 
                                uint *buffer_size, COST_VECT *cost);
+  bool check_cpk_scan(THD *thd, uint keyno, uint mrr_flags);
+  void reallocate_buffer_space();
+  /* Buffer_manager implementation */
+  void setup_buffer_sizes(uint key_size_in_keybuf, key_part_map key_tuple_map);
+  void reset_buffer_sizes();
+  Lifo_buffer* get_key_buffer() { return key_buffer; }
+  friend class Key_value_records_iterator;
+  friend class Mrr_ordered_index_reader;
+  friend class Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader;
+  int  setup_two_handlers();
+  void close_second_handler();
+  @} (end of group DS-MRR declarations)
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/mysqld.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/mysqld.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/mysqld.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/mysqld.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -345,6 +345,7 @@
+  "mrr_sort_keys",
@@ -371,6 +372,7 @@
   sizeof("partial_match_rowid_merge") - 1,
   sizeof("partial_match_table_scan") - 1,
   sizeof("subquery_cache") - 1,
+  sizeof("mrr_sort_keys") - 1,
   sizeof("outer_join_with_cache") - 1,
   sizeof("semijoin_with_cache") - 1,
   sizeof("join_cache_incremental") - 1,
@@ -475,6 +477,7 @@
+                                        "mrr_sort_keys=on,"
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/mysql_priv.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -571,17 +571,18 @@
 #ifdef DBUG_OFF
-#  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<17)
 #  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<18)
+#  define OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_LAST (1<<19)
 #ifdef DBUG_OFF 
@@ -597,6 +598,8 @@
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SEMIJOIN | \
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE|\
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS|\
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE | \
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_JOIN_CACHE_INCREMENTAL | \
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_JOIN_CACHE_HASHED | \
@@ -614,7 +617,8 @@
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SEMIJOIN | \
-                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE | \
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_SUBQUERY_CACHE|\
+                                    OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_MRR_SORT_KEYS|\
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_JOIN_CACHE_INCREMENTAL | \
                                     OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_JOIN_CACHE_HASHED | \
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_index_cond_pushdown.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_index_cond_pushdown.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_index_cond_pushdown.cc	2010-10-04 16:01:07.000000000 +0400
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_index_cond_pushdown.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@
         tab->select->cond= tab->select_cond;
+        tab->select->pre_idx_push_select_cond= tab->pre_idx_push_select_cond;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_range.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_range.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_range.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_range.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@
-SQL_SELECT::SQL_SELECT() :quick(0),cond(0),free_cond(0)
+SQL_SELECT::SQL_SELECT() :quick(0),cond(0),pre_idx_push_select_cond(NULL),free_cond(0)
   quick_keys.clear_all(); needed_reg.clear_all();
@@ -8006,6 +8006,7 @@
   quick->mrr_buf_size= thd->variables.mrr_buff_size;
   if (table->file->multi_range_read_info(quick->index, 1, (uint)records,
+                                         uint(-1), 
                                          &quick->mrr_flags, &cost))
     goto err;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_range.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_range.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/opt_range.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/opt_range.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -818,6 +818,13 @@
   QUICK_SELECT_I *quick;	// If quick-select used
   COND		*cond;		// where condition
+  /*
+    When using Index Condition Pushdown: condition that we've had before
+    extracting and pushing index condition.
+    In other cases, NULL.
+  */
+  Item *pre_idx_push_select_cond;
   TABLE	*head;
   IO_CACHE file;		// Positions to used records
   ha_rows records;		// Records in use if read from file
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_join_cache.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -2571,6 +2571,7 @@
   return rc;   	
   Get maximum size of the additional space per record used for record keys
@@ -3811,6 +3812,7 @@
 int JOIN_CACHE_BKA::init()
+  int res;
   bool check_only_first_match= join_tab->check_only_first_match();
   RANGE_SEQ_IF rs_funcs= { bka_range_seq_init, 
@@ -3821,11 +3823,18 @@
-  if (!(join_tab_scan= new JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR(join, join_tab, 
-                                             mrr_mode, rs_funcs)))
+  if (!(join_tab_scan= jsm= new JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR(join, join_tab, 
+                                                  mrr_mode, rs_funcs)))
+  if ((res= JOIN_CACHE::init()))
+    DBUG_RETURN(res);
+  if (use_emb_key)
+    jsm->mrr_mode |= HA_MRR_MATERIALIZED_KEYS;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_lifo_buffer.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_lifo_buffer.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_lifo_buffer.h	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_lifo_buffer.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+  @defgroup Bi-directional LIFO buffers used by DS-MRR implementation
+  @{
+class Forward_lifo_buffer;
+class Backward_lifo_buffer;
+  A base class for in-memory buffer used by DS-MRR implementation. Common
+  properties:
+  - The buffer is last-in-first-out, i.e. elements that are written last are
+    read first.
+  - The buffer contains fixed-size elements. The elements are either atomic
+    byte sequences or pairs of them.
+  - The buffer resides in the memory provided by the user. It is possible to
+     = dynamically (ie. between write operations) add ajacent memory space to
+       the buffer
+     = dynamically remove unused space from the buffer.
+    The intent of this is to allow to have two buffers on adjacent memory
+    space, one is being read from (and so its space shrinks), while the other 
+    is being written to (and so it needs more and more space).
+  There are two concrete classes, Forward_lifo_buffer and Backward_lifo_buffer.
+class Lifo_buffer 
+  /**
+    Pointers to data to be written. write() call will assume that 
+    (*write_ptr1) points to size1 bytes of data to be written.
+    If write_ptr2 != NULL then the buffer stores pairs, and (*write_ptr2) 
+    points to size2 bytes of data that form the second component.
+  */
+  uchar **write_ptr1;
+  size_t size1;
+  uchar **write_ptr2;
+  size_t size2;
+  /**
+    read() will do reading by storing pointer to read data into *read_ptr1 (if
+    the buffer stores atomic elements), or into {*read_ptr1, *read_ptr2} (if
+    the buffer stores pairs).
+  */
+  uchar **read_ptr1;
+  uchar **read_ptr2;
+  uchar *start; /**< points to start of buffer space */
+  uchar *end;   /**< points to just beyond the end of buffer space */
+  enum enum_direction {
+    BACKWARD=-1, /**< buffer is filled/read from bigger to smaller memory addresses */
+    FORWARD=1  /**< buffer is filled/read from smaller to bigger memory addresses */
+  };
+  virtual enum_direction type() = 0;
+  /* Buffer space control functions */
+  /** Let the buffer store data in the given space. */
+  void set_buffer_space(uchar *start_arg, uchar *end_arg) 
+  {
+    start= start_arg;
+    end= end_arg;
+    TRASH(start, end - start);
+    reset();
+  }
+  /** 
+    Specify where write() should get the source data from, as well as source
+    data size.
+  */
+  void setup_writing(uchar **data1, size_t len1, uchar **data2, size_t len2)
+  {
+    write_ptr1= data1;
+    size1= len1;
+    write_ptr2= data2;
+    size2= len2;
+  }
+  /** 
+    Specify where read() should store pointers to read data, as well as read
+    data size. The sizes must match those passed to setup_writing().
+  */
+  void setup_reading(uchar **data1, size_t len1, uchar **data2, size_t len2)
+  {
+    read_ptr1= data1;
+    DBUG_ASSERT(len1 == size1);
+    read_ptr2= data2;
+    DBUG_ASSERT(len2 == size2);
+  }
+  bool can_write()
+  {
+    return have_space_for(size1 + (write_ptr2 ? size2 : 0));
+  }
+  virtual void write() = 0;
+  bool is_empty() { return used_size() == 0; }
+  virtual bool read() = 0;
+  void sort(qsort2_cmp cmp_func, void *cmp_func_arg)
+  {
+    uint elem_size= size1 + (write_ptr2 ? size2 : 0);
+    uint n_elements= used_size() / elem_size;
+    my_qsort2(used_area(), n_elements, elem_size, cmp_func, cmp_func_arg);
+  }
+  virtual void reset() = 0;
+  virtual uchar *end_of_space() = 0;
+  virtual bool have_space_for(size_t bytes) = 0;
+  virtual size_t used_size() = 0;
+  /* To be used only by iterator class: */
+  virtual uchar *get_pos()= 0;
+  virtual bool read(uchar **position)= 0;
+  friend class Lifo_buffer_iterator;
+  virtual void remove_unused_space(uchar **unused_start, uchar **unused_end)=0;
+  virtual uchar *used_area() = 0; 
+  virtual ~Lifo_buffer() {};
+  Forward LIFO buffer
+  The buffer that is being written to from start to end and read in the
+  reverse.  'pos' points to just beyond the end of used space.
+  It is possible to grow/shink the buffer at the end bound
+     used space      unused space  
+   *==============*-----------------*
+   ^              ^                 ^
+   |              |                 +--- end
+   |              +---- pos              
+   +--- start           
+class Forward_lifo_buffer: public Lifo_buffer
+  uchar *pos;
+  enum_direction type() { return FORWARD; }
+  size_t used_size()
+  {
+    return pos - start;
+  }
+  void reset()
+  {
+    pos= start;
+  }
+  uchar *end_of_space() { return pos; }
+  bool have_space_for(size_t bytes)
+  {
+    return (pos + bytes < end);
+  }
+  void write()
+  {
+    write_bytes(*write_ptr1, size1);
+    if (write_ptr2)
+      write_bytes(*write_ptr2, size2);
+  }
+  void write_bytes(const uchar *data, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(have_space_for(bytes));
+    memcpy(pos, data, bytes);
+    pos += bytes;
+  }
+  bool have_data(uchar *position, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    return ((position - start) >= (ptrdiff_t)bytes);
+  }
+  uchar *read_bytes(uchar **position, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(have_data(*position, bytes));
+    *position= (*position) - bytes;
+    return *position;
+  }
+  bool read() { return read(&pos); }
+  bool read(uchar **position)
+  {
+    if (!have_data(*position, size1 + (read_ptr2 ? size2 : 0)))
+      return TRUE;
+    if (read_ptr2)
+      *read_ptr2= read_bytes(position, size2);
+    *read_ptr1= read_bytes(position, size1);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  void remove_unused_space(uchar **unused_start, uchar **unused_end)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(0); /* Don't need this yet */
+  }
+  /**
+    Add more space to the buffer. The caller is responsible that the space
+    being added is adjacent to the end of the buffer.
+    @param unused_start Start of space
+    @param unused_end   End of space
+  */
+  void grow(uchar *unused_start, uchar *unused_end)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(unused_end >= unused_start);
+    DBUG_ASSERT(end == unused_start);
+    TRASH(unused_start, unused_end - unused_start);
+    end= unused_end;
+  }
+  /* Return pointer to start of the memory area that is occupied by the data */
+  uchar *used_area() { return start; }
+  friend class Lifo_buffer_iterator;
+  uchar *get_pos() { return pos; }
+  Backward LIFO buffer
+  The buffer that is being written to from start to end and read in the
+  reverse.  'pos' points to the start of used space.
+  It is possible to grow/shink the buffer at the start.
+     unused space      used space  
+   *--------------*=================*
+   ^              ^                 ^
+   |              |                 +--- end
+   |              +---- pos              
+   +--- start           
+class Backward_lifo_buffer: public Lifo_buffer
+  uchar *pos;
+  enum_direction type() { return BACKWARD; }
+  size_t used_size()
+  {
+    return end - pos;
+  }
+  void reset()
+  {
+    pos= end;
+  }
+  uchar *end_of_space() { return end; }
+  bool have_space_for(size_t bytes)
+  {
+    return (pos - bytes >= start);
+  }
+  void write()
+  {
+    if (write_ptr2)
+      write_bytes(*write_ptr2, size2);
+    write_bytes(*write_ptr1, size1);
+  }
+  void write_bytes(const uchar *data, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(have_space_for(bytes));
+    pos -= bytes;
+    memcpy(pos, data, bytes);
+  }
+  bool read()
+  {
+    return read(&pos);
+  }
+  bool read(uchar **position)
+  {
+    if (!have_data(*position, size1 + (read_ptr2 ? size2 : 0)))
+      return TRUE;
+    *read_ptr1= read_bytes(position, size1);
+    if (read_ptr2)
+      *read_ptr2= read_bytes(position, size2);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  bool have_data(uchar *position, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    return ((end - position) >= (ptrdiff_t)bytes);
+  }
+  uchar *read_bytes(uchar **position, size_t bytes)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(have_data(*position, bytes));
+    uchar *ret= *position;
+    *position= *position + bytes;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  /**
+    Stop using/return the unused part of the space
+    @param unused_start  OUT Start of the unused space
+    @param unused_end    OUT End of the unused space
+  */
+  void remove_unused_space(uchar **unused_start, uchar **unused_end)
+  {
+    *unused_start= start;
+    *unused_end= pos;
+    start= pos;
+  }
+  void grow(uchar *unused_start, uchar *unused_end)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(0); /* Not used for backward buffers */
+  }
+  /* Return pointer to start of the memory area that is occupied by the data */
+  uchar *used_area() { return pos; }
+  friend class Lifo_buffer_iterator;
+  uchar *get_pos() { return pos; }
+/** Iterator to walk over contents of the buffer without reading it. */
+class Lifo_buffer_iterator
+  uchar *pos;
+  Lifo_buffer *buf;
+  void init(Lifo_buffer *buf_arg)
+  {
+    buf= buf_arg;
+    pos= buf->get_pos();
+  }
+  /*
+    Read the next value. The calling convention is the same as buf->read()
+    has.
+    @retval FALSE - ok
+    @retval TRUE  - EOF, reached the end of the buffer
+  */
+  bool read() 
+  {
+    return buf->read(&pos);
+  }
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_select.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_select.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_select.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_select.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -7674,11 +7674,11 @@
   case JT_EQ_REF:
     if (cache_level <=2 || (no_hashed_cache && no_bka_cache))
       goto no_join_cache;
     if (tab->table->covering_keys.is_set(tab->ref.key))
       flags|= HA_MRR_INDEX_ONLY;
     rows= tab->table->file->multi_range_read_info(tab->ref.key, 10, 20,
+                                                  tab->ref.key_parts,
                                                   &bufsz, &flags, &cost);
     if ((cache_level <=4 && !no_hashed_cache) || no_bka_cache ||
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_select.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_select.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/sql/sql_select.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/sql/sql_select.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -1578,6 +1578,7 @@
   int next();
+  friend class JOIN_CACHE_BKA; //for mrr_mode access
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -3609,8 +3609,8 @@
 int ha_maria::multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                                     uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
-                                     HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
+                                    uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
+                                    HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
   return ds_mrr.dsmrr_init(this, seq, seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode, buf);
@@ -3636,11 +3636,11 @@
 ha_rows ha_maria::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                        uint *bufsz, uint *flags, 
-                                        COST_VECT *cost)
+                                       uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, flags, cost);
 /* MyISAM MRR implementation ends */
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/maria/ha_maria.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -185,7 +185,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   /* Index condition pushdown implementation */
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -2224,11 +2224,11 @@
 ha_rows ha_myisam::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                         uint *bufsz, uint *flags,
-                                         COST_VECT *cost)
+                                         uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                         uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  return ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, flags, cost);
 /* MyISAM MRR implementation ends */
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   /* Index condition pushdown implementation */
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.cc	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -12032,7 +12032,8 @@
 int ha_innobase::multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
-                          uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
+                                       uint n_ranges, uint mode, 
+                                       HANDLER_BUFFER *buf)
   return ds_mrr.dsmrr_init(this, seq, seq_init_param, n_ranges, mode, buf);
@@ -12059,12 +12060,13 @@
   return res;
-ha_rows ha_innobase::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, 
-                                           uint keys, uint *bufsz, 
+ha_rows ha_innobase::multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
+                                           uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
                                            uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost)
   ds_mrr.init(this, table);
-  ha_rows res= ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, bufsz, flags, cost);
+  ha_rows res= ds_mrr.dsmrr_info(keyno, n_ranges, keys, key_parts, bufsz, 
+                                 flags, cost);
   return res;
diff -urN --exclude='.*' maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h
--- maria-5.3-mwl128-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h	2010-11-03 11:29:14.000000000 +0300
+++ maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk-noc/storage/xtradb/handler/ha_innodb.h	2010-11-03 11:27:27.000000000 +0300
@@ -234,7 +234,8 @@
                                       uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
                                       uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
-                                uint *bufsz, uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
+                                uint key_parts, uint *bufsz, 
+                                uint *flags, COST_VECT *cost);
   DsMrr_impl ds_mrr;
   Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
