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Dgcov coverage for: Re: MWL#90 combined patch for review


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 06:03:38PM +0300, Sergey Petrunya wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 05:24:37PM +0300, Sergey Petrunya wrote:
> > Hi Monty,
> > 
> > Please find attached the complete patch of MWL#90 for review.  The tree with
> > the code is on launchpad/buildbot:
> > https://code.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.3-subqueries-mwl90
> > http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/grid?branch=5.3-subqueries-mwl90

Please find below dgcov coverage report for the tree. My summary is that
uncovered parts are 
- error handling 
- handling of semi-joins together with outer joins (a known bug/problem area)
- make_in_exists_conversion() which serves as a fallback in case we've failed 
  to convert the subquery to [merged] semi-join.  I think I should be able to
  come up with a test for this.

-- dgcov.out file starts --
File: sql/item_subselect.cc
|      505: 3844:  uint len= my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "<subquery%d>", subquery_id);
|        -: 3845:  char *name;
|      505: 3846:  if (!(name= (char*)thd->alloc(len + 1)))
|    #####: 3847:    DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|      505: 3848:  memcpy(name, buf, len+1);
|        -: 3849:
.      505: 3850:  if (!(result= new select_materialize_with_stats))

File: sql/item_subselect.h
.        -:  536:  THD * get_thd() { return thd; }
.        -:  537:  virtual int prepare()= 0;
.        -:  538:  virtual void fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row)= 0;
|    #####:  539:  virtual int optimize() { DBUG_ASSERT(0); return 0; }
.        -:  540:  /*
.        -:  541:    Execute the engine
.        -:  542:

File: sql/opt_subselect.cc
|        -:  527:*/
|        -:  528:
|        -:  529:static 
|    #####:  530:bool make_in_exists_conversion(THD *thd, JOIN *join, Item_in_subselect *item)
|        -:  531:{
|    #####:  532:  DBUG_ENTER("make_in_exists_conversion");
|    #####:  533:  JOIN *child_join= item->unit->first_select()->join;
|        -:  534:  Item_subselect::trans_res res;
|    #####:  535:  item->changed= 0;
|    #####:  536:  item->fixed= 0;
|        -:  537:
|    #####:  538:  SELECT_LEX *save_select_lex= thd->lex->current_select;
|    #####:  539:  thd->lex->current_select= item->unit->first_select();
|        -:  540:
|    #####:  541:  res= item->select_transformer(child_join);
|        -:  542:
|    #####:  543:  thd->lex->current_select= save_select_lex;
|        -:  544:
|    #####:  545:  if (res == Item_subselect::RES_ERROR)
|    #####:  546:    DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -:  547:
|    #####:  548:  item->changed= 1;
|    #####:  549:  item->fixed= 1;
|        -:  550:
|    #####:  551:  Item *substitute= item->substitution;
|    #####:  552:  bool do_fix_fields= !item->substitution->fixed;
|        -:  553:  /*
|        -:  554:    The Item_subselect has already been wrapped with Item_in_optimizer, so we
|        -:  555:    should search for item->optimizer, not 'item'.

|        -:  556:  */
|    #####:  557:  Item *replace_me= item->optimizer;
|    #####:  558:  DBUG_ASSERT(replace_me==substitute);
|        -:  559:
|        -:  560:  Item **tree= (item->emb_on_expr_nest == (TABLE_LIST*)1)?
|    #####:  561:                 &join->conds : &(item->emb_on_expr_nest->on_expr);
|    #####:  562:  if (replace_where_subcondition(join, tree, replace_me, substitute, 
|        -:  563:                                 do_fix_fields))
|    #####:  564:    DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|    #####:  565:  item->substitution= NULL;
|        -:  566:   
|    #####:  567:  if (!thd->stmt_arena->is_conventional())
|        -:  568:  {
|        -:  569:    tree= (item->emb_on_expr_nest == (TABLE_LIST*)1)?
|        -:  570:           &join->select_lex->prep_where : 
|    #####:  571:           &(item->emb_on_expr_nest->prep_on_expr);
|        -:  572:
|    #####:  573:    if (replace_where_subcondition(join, tree, replace_me, substitute, 
|        -:  574:                                   FALSE))
|    #####:  575:      DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -:  576:  }
|    #####:  577:  DBUG_RETURN(FALSE);
|        -:  578:}
|        -:  579:
|        -:  580:

|     1451:  695:    if ((*in_subq)->is_flattenable_semijoin) 
|        -:  696:    {
|     1375:  697:      if (convert_subq_to_sj(join, *in_subq))
|    #####:  698:        DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -:  699:    }
|        -:  700:    else
|        -:  701:    {

|       76:  702:      if (convert_subq_to_jtbm(join, *in_subq, &remove_item))
|    #####:  703:        DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -:  704:    }
|     1451:  705:    if (remove_item)
|        -:  706:    {

|       76: 1236:  DBUG_ENTER("convert_subq_to_jtbm");
|        -: 1237:
|       76: 1238:  if (subq_pred->setup_engine(TRUE))
|    #####: 1239:    DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -: 1240:
|       76: 1241:  if (subq_pred->engine->engine_type() != subselect_engine::HASH_SJ_ENGINE)
|        -: 1242:  {
|    #####: 1243:    *remove_item= FALSE;
|    #####: 1244:    make_in_exists_conversion(parent_join->thd, parent_join, subq_pred);
|    #####: 1245:    DBUG_RETURN(FALSE);
|        -: 1246:  }
|       76: 1247:  *remove_item= TRUE;
|        -: 1248:

|       76: 1252:  if (!(tbl_alias= (char*)parent_join->thd->calloc(sizeof(alias_mask)+5)) || 
|        -: 1253:      !(jtbm= alloc_join_nest(parent_join->thd))) //todo: this is not a join nest!
|        -: 1254:  {
|    #####: 1255:    DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -: 1256:  }
|        -: 1257:
|       76: 1258:  jtbm->join_list= emb_join_list;

|        -: 1302:  /* Inject sj_on_expr into the parent's WHERE or ON */
|       76: 1303:  if (emb_tbl_nest)
|        -: 1304:  {
|    #####: 1305:    DBUG_ASSERT(0);
|        -: 1306:    /*emb_tbl_nest->on_expr= and_items(emb_tbl_nest->on_expr, 
|        -: 1307:                                     sj_nest->sj_on_expr);
|        -: 1308:    emb_tbl_nest->on_expr->fix_fields(parent_join->thd, &emb_tbl_nest->on_expr);

|        -: 2748:    */
|      601: 2749:    if (!(tab_ref->cond_guards= (bool**) thd->calloc(sizeof(uint*)*tmp_key_parts)))
|        -: 2750:    {
|    #####: 2751:      DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
|        -: 2752:    }
|        -: 2753:
.      601: 2754:    tab_ref->key_err= 1;

|       52: 4010:      hash_sj_engine->is_materialized= TRUE; 
|        -: 4011:
|       52: 4012:      if (hash_sj_engine->materialize_join->error || tab->join->thd->is_fatal_error)
|    #####: 4013:        DBUG_RETURN(NESTED_LOOP_ERROR);
|        -: 4014:    }
|        -: 4015:  }
|   455621: 4016:  else if (tab->bush_children)

|      137: 4032:      if ((rc= sub_select(join, join_tab, FALSE/* no EOF */)) < 0 ||
|        -: 4033:          (rc= sub_select(join, join_tab, TRUE/* now EOF */)) < 0)
|        -: 4034:      {
|    #####: 4035:        join->return_tab= save_return_tab;
|    #####: 4036:        DBUG_RETURN(rc); /* it's NESTED_LOOP_(ERROR|KILLED)*/
|        -: 4037:      }
|      137: 4038:      join->return_tab= save_return_tab;
|      137: 4039:      sjm->materialized= TRUE;

File: sql/sql_base.cc
|       10: 7784:      Item *item= table_list->jtbm_subselect;
|       10: 7785:      if (item->fix_fields(thd, &item))
|        -: 7786:      {
|    #####: 7787:        my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES,MYF(0),MAX_TABLES);
|    #####: 7788:        DBUG_RETURN(1);
|        -: 7789:      }
|       10: 7790:      DBUG_ASSERT(item == table_list->jtbm_subselect);
|       10: 7791:      if (table_list->jtbm_subselect->setup_engine(FALSE))
|    #####: 7792:        DBUG_RETURN(1);
|        -: 7793:    }
.        -: 7794:  }
.        -: 7795:

File: sql/sql_join_cache.cc
.        -: 2140:  }
.        -: 2141:
|     4620: 2142:  if ((rc= join_tab_execution_startup(join_tab)) < 0)
|    #####: 2143:    goto finish2;
|        -: 2144:
.        -: 2145:  /* Prepare to retrieve all records of the joined table */
|     4620: 2146:  if ((error= join_tab_scan->open()))

File: sql/sql_select.cc
|        -: 7556:              {
|        -: 7557:                /* Push condition to handler */
|    75098: 7558:                if (!tab->table->file->cond_push(push_cond))
|    #####: 7559:                  tab->table->file->pushed_cond= push_cond;
|        -: 7560:              }
.        -: 7561:            }
.        -: 7562:          }

|   136998: 8558:    if (tab->bush_children)
|        -: 8559:    {
|      670: 8560:      if (setup_sj_materialization(tab))
|    #####: 8561:        return TRUE;
|        -: 8562:    }
|        -: 8563:
.   136998: 8564:    TABLE *table=tab->table;

.        -:14093:    
|  2548539:14094:    if (rc != NESTED_LOOP_NO_MORE_ROWS && 
|        -:14095:        (rc= join_tab_execution_startup(join_tab)) < 0)
|    #####:14096:      DBUG_RETURN(rc);
|        -:14097:
.  2548539:14098:    if (join_tab->loosescan_match_tab)
.        4:14099:      join_tab->loosescan_match_tab->found_match= FALSE;

File: sql/sql_test.cc
|        8:  210:        if (tab->use_quick == 2)
|        -:  211:          fprintf(DBUG_FILE,
|        -:  212:                  "                  quick select checked for each record (keys: %s)\n",
|    #####:  213:                  tab->select->quick_keys.print(buf));
|        8:  214:        else if (tab->select->quick)
|        -:  215:        {
|    #####:  216:          fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "                  quick select used:\n");
|    #####:  217:          tab->select->quick->dbug_dump(18, FALSE);
|        -:  218:        }
|        -:  219:        else
|        8:  220:          VOID(fputs("                  select used\n",DBUG_FILE));


1667 line(s) in 16 source file(s) modified in revision(s).
50 line(s) not covered by tests.
For documentation, see http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/DGCov_doc

Sergey Petrunia, Software Developer
Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org
Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
