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Predictions re whether cost-based predicate pushdown at optimizer phase will cause QEP to change


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 01:00:52AM +0400, Sergei Petrunia wrote:
> Subject: Re: Cost analysis: checking if join optimization costs match the
> 	reality.
> Hi!
> I've ran this experiment: I took the scalar subquery out of the query and then
> tried to compare optimizer costs with execution times. 
> == The query ==
> explain extended
> select sql_calc_found_rows
>        s_name, s_address
> from nation straight_join supplier
> where s_suppkey in (select ps_suppkey from partsupp
>                     where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
>                                          where p_name like 'forest%')
>                    )
> and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
> and n_name = 'CANADA'
> order by s_name
> limit 10;
> +--+-----------+--------+------++-------------+-------+-------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> |id|select_type|table   |type  ||key          |key_len|ref                |rows|Extra                                                    |
> +--+-----------+--------+------++-------------+-------+-------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> | 1|PRIMARY    |nation  |ref   ||n_name       |26     |const              |   1|Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort|
> | 1|PRIMARY    |supplier|ref   ||i_s_nationkey|5      |nation.n_nationkey | 207|                                                         |
> | 1|PRIMARY    |partsupp|ref   ||i_ps_suppkey |4      |supplier.s_suppkey |  50|Using index                                              |
> | 1|PRIMARY    |part    |eq_ref||PRIMARY      |4      |partsupp.ps_partkey|   1|Using where; FirstMatch(supplier)                        |
> +--+-----------+--------+------++-------------+-------+-------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> +--+------------+-----------+------++-------------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> |id|select_type |table      |type  ||key          |key_len|ref               |rows|Extra                                                    |
> +--+------------+-----------+------++-------------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> | 1|PRIMARY     |nation     |ref   ||n_name       |26     |const             |   1|Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort|
> | 1|PRIMARY     |supplier   |ref   ||i_s_nationkey|5      |nation.n_nationkey| 207|                                                         |
> | 1|PRIMARY     |<subquery2>|eq_ref||distinct_key |4      |func              |   1|                                                         |
> | 2|MATERIALIZED|part       |range ||p_name       |58     |NULL              |2387|Using where; Using index                                 |
> | 2|MATERIALIZED|partsupp   |ref   ||i_ps_partkey |4      |part.p_partkey    |   2|Using index                                              |
> +--+------------+-----------+------++-------------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
> === Execution times ===
> FirstMatch: 0.20 - 0.30 sec.
> Materialization: 0.20 sec  - 0.30 sec
> run times for both fluctuate between 0.20 and 0.30 sec, FirstMatch seems to be
> somewhat slower (dunno if the difference is statistically meaningful)
> == Optimizer costs ===
> FirstMatch:      11029.4
> Materialization:  3594.5

Besides that, we know:
Cost of scalar subquery execution (in choose_plan()):
(gdb) p join->best_read
  $144 = 4.5989999999999993 = 4.6

=== Scalar subquery costs for FirstMatch ===

Number of evaluations includes the selectivity of partsupp that's not show in

fm_n_evaluations= 1 * 207 * 50 * 1 * 0.0118 = 122
fm_total_subq_cost = 4.6 * 122 = 562

fm_adjusted_total_cost= 11029.4 + 562= 11591.4
=== Scalar subquery costs for Materialization ===

sjm_n_evaluations = 2387*1 = 2387
sjm_total_subq_cost = 2387 * 4.6 = 10980.

sjm_adjusted_total_cost= 3594.5 + 10980= 14574.5

That is,

  sjm_adjusted_total_cost > fm_total_subq_cost

which means it should choose FirstMatch!

== Difference is not very satisfying, though ==
The result is not fully satisfying though, because cost numbers are close,
while we have this data on execution:

<spetrunia> Mine: 
<spetrunia>   Materialization: 5.30 sec (3x)
<spetrunia>   First-Match, with 'fixed' scalar predicate:  1.72 sec (1x)
<spetrunia>   FirstMatch, original:  ~15 sec (8x)
<spetrunia> Timour:
<spetrunia>   FirstMatch, mdev-83: 1x
<spetrunia>   Materialization: 5x 
<spetrunia>   FirstMatch, original:  8.3x

that is "fixed FirstMatch" is 3x-5x faster than Materialization, while the costs differ by a factor of
14574.5/11591.4 = 1.25

On the other hand, see email "Cost analysis: optimizer statistics vs real dataset properties":
- supplier.rows =207 ,while in reality it's 412, precise stats gives 400.
- for Materialization plan, partsupp.rows=2, precise stats gives 4.
- for FirstMatch partsupp.rows=50, while precise stats (and data we will hit)
  shows it should be 80.

Last but not the least: that email shows that the scalar-context subquery will
scan 3 rows. 

  (select count(*) from lineitem) / (select count(distinct l_partkey, l_suppkey) from lineitem);

gives 7.5, which means subquery is 2x more expensive than the optimizer thinks
it is.

=== Conclusion ===
- Precise stats will cause different cost numbers. I'm not sure what they will
  be, but there is some hope FirstMatch may still win.

Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer
Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org
Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
