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Ogg vorbis based table


Hi guys, i was listening some musics, and i had a idea... let's me explain

Some systems are based in time and value, an example of scada systems. In
this kind of system we have an 'channel' (like right or left sound channel)
a timestamp and a value, normally a table like
Channel int not null default 0,
Datetimestamp decimal(22,7) not null default 0,
Value decimal(22,5) default NULL,
Primary key (channel,datetimestamp)

Some explanations and features that scada systems use...
Value can be NULL, in this case we could think like MUTE function on audio
Datetime normally are gmt, or unixtimestamp values with microsecond
precision, they could be fixed interval or not, example... 1 2 3 4 5... (q
second interval), in audio it's fixed sample rate, or not fixed interval
(variable sample rate), like 1 3 4 9...

Well what i'm thinking... today mariadb 10.0.2 started the CONNECT table
type (please correct me if i'm wrong), that can 'connect' to a xml,txt,csv
and others kinds of files to read and write it's values...
Could we implement mp3, wave, ogg vorbis, file type type?
This is a really nice 'table compression' for scada systems, and allow a
new era of table type, think about...
Select datetimestamp from someaudiofile where someniceaudiofunction()>1

In this example we could check date time where some scada value get over a
fixed level, or where a frequency get higher and start a alarm condition,
it could be used to get more information using statistics functions... i'm
talking now about a new table type and new functions... but thats the

Anyone intested in this?

About table compression think about compressing tax values in nasdaq for
example, and execute a statistic analyse with this information...
Well just some uses...

Thanks for the space to show my idea and your time to read it

Maybe a video table in future, or image based... just to use jpeg
compreesion (x,y,color values) and others kinds of files...
