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[GSOC 2014] GIS Enhancement


Hi everybody.

I am Honam Bang, a researcher of Korean Institute of Science Technology and
I will be a master student of UCSD, USA from this Sep. I have been working
with GIS research for about one year. Therefore, I decided to work on the
'GIS Enhancement topic' because I have a lot of interest for dealing with
geospatial data.

My topic is 'implementing shp to sql command tool for MariaDB'. #MDEV-5813.

Most shptosql tools are enable to convert 3D coordinates as I know. The
shape file white paper(
http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/shapefile.pdf) specifies a lot
of 3D coordinates like POINT Z, MULTIPOINTZ which does not exist in
MariaDB's Geometry type.

Does my topic include implementing those type converting as well?

Thank you
Honam Bang

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