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MTR related community contribution


Hi Vlad,

I'm looking at the community pull request

I have a question regarding your
commit: 2943d2b7e99b4221ef481890fc9a56ad569f3985

The contribution aims to remove the hard limit of 50 unique ids as it seems
to cause problems for some use cases with a lot of proceeses. It does this
by either leaving it at 50 or to be equal to the number of spawned

I'm thinking that even setting the limit of unique ids to num_processes
might cause problems if there is another mtr running in parallel and both
have > 50 processes. This is probably minor but why set this limit so low?
Wouldn't a larger number (say 10k) be ok? Or why not generate a random
number and lock a file with that number? (if the random number is invalid,
generate a new one. On average it should finish quite quickly)


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