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Re: Please review MDEV-11298 Split Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii() into virtual methods in Type_handler


Hello Alexey,

Thanks for review!

I addressed your suggestions.

Also, Vicentiu expressed a concern (when reviewing another patch with
the same approach) that this kind of cast that I used in sql_type.cc
might be unsafe, because it's non-standard. We're discussion other
possible solutions now.

So I thought that in the meanwhile for the built-in data types we can
create methods:

 String *val_str_ascii_from_val_int(String *str);
 String *val_str_ascii_from_val_real(String *str);
 String *val_str_ascii_from_val_str(String *str);

and use them from Type_handler_xxx.

A new patch is attached. Please see comments below.

On 11/30/2016 05:46 PM, Alexey Botchkov wrote:
Hi, Alexander!

Basically ok with the patch.
Few comments though:

 > +String *Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii_from_int(String *str, ulonglong
 >  {
 > +  char ans[65], *ptr;
 > +  if (!(ptr= longlong2str(num, ans, 16)) ||
 > +      str->copy(ans, (uint32) (ptr - ans), &my_charset_numeric))
 > +    return make_empty_result();        // End of memory
 > +  return str;
 >  }

We can avoid extra copying here like this:

   char *n_end;
   if (str->alloc(65) ||
       !(n_end= longlong2str(num, (char *) str->ptr(), 16)))
     return make_empty_result();
   str->length((uint32) (n_end - str->ptr());
   return str;

Thanks for the idea. It's nice to fix it at once.

I moved this to String rather than Item_func_hex though:
- this helps to avoid (char*) str->ptr().
- it can be useful for other purposes

I tried to move octex2hex() from passport.c to int2str.c
and reuse it in sql_string.cc, but failed because of strange
compilation  failures in mysqlbinlog.cc which includes both
password.c and sql_string.cc using #include.

From my understanding there is a bug in password.c:
instead of
#include <mysql.h>
it should be:
#include "mysql.h"
I would like to avoid making changes in here for now,
so I gave up trying to reuse octet2str().

Instead of that I added APPEND_HEX() and reused it in 3
places in sql_string.cc.

 > class Item_func_hex :public Item_str_ascii_func
 > {

Shouldn't we implement this too: ?
const Type_handler *Item_func_hex::type_handler()
  { return m_handler; }

Not really. Type handler for Item_func_hex is type_handler_varchar,
and it does not depend on the data type of the argument.

To avoid confusion, I renamed m_handler to m_arg0_type_handler.

Personally i wouldn't add the m_handler member at all and just do
const Type_handler *Item_func_hex::type_handler()
  { return args[0]->m_handler; }
Are you sure the m_handler member works faster? Well you can just forget
comment by now, but i'd like to test this someday.

I think we should cache it, because it can be expensive to
get the handler of args[0] on every row, as it involves virtual
methods, which can call more virtual methods recursively.
I added a comment about this.

 > +class Item_func_hex_str: public Item_func_hex
 > +{
 > +public:
 > +  String *val_str_ascii(String *str)
 > +  {
 > +    /* Convert given string to a hex string, character by character */
 > +    String *res= args[0]->val_str(str);
 > +    if ((null_value= (!res || tmp_value.alloc(res->length() * 2 + 1))))
 > +      return 0;
 > +    tmp_value.length(res->length() * 2);
 > +    tmp_value.set_charset(&my_charset_latin1);
 > +    octet2hex((char*) tmp_value.ptr(), res->ptr(), res->length());
 > +    return &tmp_value;
 > +  }
 > +};

I think it makes more sence to switch the *str and tmp_value
usage here. So the caller gets the 'str' value he sends to the
function as a result. Not that it changes a lot, still i think it's

Good idea! Done.

Best regards.

diff --git a/sql/item_strfunc.cc b/sql/item_strfunc.cc
index acd3d74..35bf65c 100644
--- a/sql/item_strfunc.cc
+++ b/sql/item_strfunc.cc
@@ -3621,53 +3621,41 @@ String *Item_func_weight_string::val_str(String *str)
-String *Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii(String *str)
+String *Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii_from_val_real(String *str)
-  String *res;
-  DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1);
-  if (args[0]->result_type() != STRING_RESULT)
-  {
-    ulonglong dec;
-    char ans[65],*ptr;
-    /* Return hex of unsigned longlong value */
-    if (args[0]->result_type() == REAL_RESULT ||
-        args[0]->result_type() == DECIMAL_RESULT)
-    {
-      double val= args[0]->val_real();
-      if ((val <= (double) LONGLONG_MIN) || 
-          (val >= (double) (ulonglong) ULONGLONG_MAX))
-        dec=  ~(longlong) 0;
-      else
-        dec= (ulonglong) (val + (val > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5));
-    }
-    else
-      dec= (ulonglong) args[0]->val_int();
+  ulonglong dec;
+  double val= args[0]->val_real();
+  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value))
+    return 0;
+  if ((val <= (double) LONGLONG_MIN) ||
+      (val >= (double) (ulonglong) ULONGLONG_MAX))
+    dec= ~(longlong) 0;
+  else
+    dec= (ulonglong) (val + (val > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5));
+  return str->set_hex(dec) ? make_empty_result() : str;
-    if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value))
-      return 0;
-    if (!(ptr= longlong2str(dec, ans, 16)) ||
-        str->copy(ans,(uint32) (ptr - ans),
-        &my_charset_numeric))
-      return make_empty_result();		// End of memory
-    return str;
-  }
-  /* Convert given string to a hex string, character by character */
-  res= args[0]->val_str(str);
-  if (!res || tmp_value.alloc(res->length()*2+1))
-  {
-    null_value=1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  null_value=0;
-  tmp_value.length(res->length()*2);
-  tmp_value.set_charset(&my_charset_latin1);
+String *Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii_from_val_str(String *str)
+  DBUG_ASSERT(&tmp_value != str);
+  String *res= args[0]->val_str(&tmp_value);
+  DBUG_ASSERT(res != str);
+  if ((null_value= (res == NULL)))
+    return NULL;
+  return str->set_hex(res->ptr(), res->length()) ? make_empty_result() : str;
-  octet2hex((char*) tmp_value.ptr(), res->ptr(), res->length());
-  return &tmp_value;
+String *Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii_from_val_int(String *str)
+  ulonglong dec= (ulonglong) args[0]->val_int();
+  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value))
+    return 0;
+  return str->set_hex(dec) ? make_empty_result() : str;
   /** Convert given hex string to a binary string. */
 String *Item_func_unhex::val_str(String *str)
diff --git a/sql/item_strfunc.h b/sql/item_strfunc.h
index 25b63eb..abe0872 100644
--- a/sql/item_strfunc.h
+++ b/sql/item_strfunc.h
@@ -913,17 +913,33 @@ class Item_func_conv :public Item_str_func
 class Item_func_hex :public Item_str_ascii_func
   String tmp_value;
+  /*
+    Calling arg[0]->type_handler() can be expensive on every row.
+    It's a virtual method, and in case if args[0] is a complex Item,
+    its type_handler() can call more virtual methods.
+    So let's cache it during fix_length_and_dec().
+  */
+  const Type_handler *m_arg0_type_handler;
   Item_func_hex(THD *thd, Item *a):
-    Item_str_ascii_func(thd, a) {}
+    Item_str_ascii_func(thd, a), m_arg0_type_handler(NULL) {}
   const char *func_name() const { return "hex"; }
-  String *val_str_ascii(String *);
+  String *val_str_ascii_from_val_int(String *str);
+  String *val_str_ascii_from_val_real(String *str);
+  String *val_str_ascii_from_val_str(String *str);
+  String *val_str_ascii(String *str)
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(fixed);
+    return m_arg0_type_handler->Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(this, str);
+  }
   void fix_length_and_dec()
     fix_char_length(args[0]->max_length * 2);
+    m_arg0_type_handler= args[0]->type_handler();
   Item *get_copy(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root)
   { return get_item_copy<Item_func_hex>(thd, mem_root, this); }
diff --git a/sql/sql_string.cc b/sql/sql_string.cc
index 4944226..fd0baae 100644
--- a/sql/sql_string.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_string.cc
@@ -130,6 +130,61 @@ bool String::set_int(longlong num, bool unsigned_flag, CHARSET_INFO *cs)
   return FALSE;
+// Convert a number into its HEX representation
+bool String::set_hex(ulonglong num)
+  char *n_end;
+  if (alloc(65) || !(n_end= longlong2str(num, Ptr, 16)))
+    return true;
+  length((uint32) (n_end - Ptr));
+  set_charset(&my_charset_latin1);
+  return false;
+  Append a hex representation of the byte "value" into "to".
+  Note:
+    "to" is incremented for the caller by two bytes. It's passed by reference!
+    So it resembles a macros, hence capital letters in the name.
+static inline void APPEND_HEX(char *&to, uchar value)
+  *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((uchar) value) >> 4];
+  *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((uchar) value) & 0x0F];
+void String::qs_append_hex(const char *str, uint32 len)
+  const char *str_end= str + len;
+  for (char *to= Ptr + str_length ; str < str_end; str++)
+    APPEND_HEX(to, (uchar) *str);
+  str_length+= len * 2;
+// Convert a string to its HEX representation
+bool String::set_hex(const char *str, uint32 len)
+  /*
+    Safety: cut the source string if "len" is too large.
+    Note, alloc() can allocate some more space than requested, due to:
+    - one extra byte for a null terminator
+    So cut the source string to 0x7FFFFFF0 rather than 0x7FFFFFFE.
+  */
+  set_if_smaller(len, 0x7FFFFFF0);
+  if (alloc(len * 2))
+    return true;
+  length(0);
+  qs_append_hex(str, len);
+  set_charset(&my_charset_latin1);
+  return false;
 bool String::set_real(double num,uint decimals, CHARSET_INFO *cs)
@@ -960,8 +1015,7 @@ my_copy_with_hex_escaping(CHARSET_INFO *cs,
         break; /* purecov: inspected */
       *dst++= '\\';
       *dst++= 'x';
-      *dst++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *src) >> 4];
-      *dst++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *src) & 15];
+      APPEND_HEX(dst, (uchar) *src);
       dstlen-= 4;
@@ -1146,8 +1200,7 @@ uint convert_to_printable(char *to, size_t to_len,
       *t++= '\\';
       *t++= 'x';
-      *t++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *f) >> 4];
-      *t++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *f) & 0x0F];
+      APPEND_HEX(t, *f);
     if (t_end - t >= 3) // '...'
       dots= t;
diff --git a/sql/sql_string.h b/sql/sql_string.h
index e51d089..bbb384a 100644
--- a/sql/sql_string.h
+++ b/sql/sql_string.h
@@ -293,6 +293,9 @@ class String
   bool set(ulonglong num, CHARSET_INFO *cs) { return set_int((longlong)num, true, cs); }
   bool set_real(double num,uint decimals, CHARSET_INFO *cs);
+  bool set_hex(ulonglong num);
+  bool set_hex(const char *str, uint32 len);
   /* Take over handling of buffer from some other object */
   void reset(char *ptr_arg, uint32 length_arg, uint32 alloced_length_arg,
              CHARSET_INFO *cs)
@@ -569,6 +572,7 @@ class String
     qs_append(str, (uint32)strlen(str));
   void qs_append(const char *str, uint32 len);
+  void qs_append_hex(const char *str, uint32 len);
   void qs_append(double d);
   void qs_append(double *d);
   inline void qs_append(const char c)
diff --git a/sql/sql_type.cc b/sql/sql_type.cc
index 12fd73d..8746595 100644
--- a/sql/sql_type.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_type.cc
@@ -859,3 +859,44 @@ bool Type_handler_temporal_result::
+String *
+Type_handler_real_result::Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                                      String *str) const
+  return item->val_str_ascii_from_val_real(str);
+String *
+Type_handler_decimal_result::Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                                         String *str) const
+  return item->val_str_ascii_from_val_real(str);
+String *
+Type_handler_int_result::Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                                     String *str) const
+  return item->val_str_ascii_from_val_int(str);
+String *
+Type_handler_temporal_result::Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                                          String *str) const
+  return item->val_str_ascii_from_val_str(str);
+String *
+Type_handler_string_result::Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                                        String *str) const
+  return item->val_str_ascii_from_val_str(str);
diff --git a/sql/sql_type.h b/sql/sql_type.h
index ef85f3d..92dee61 100644
--- a/sql/sql_type.h
+++ b/sql/sql_type.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class Field;
 class Item;
 class Item_cache;
 class Item_sum_hybrid;
+class Item_func_hex;
 class Type_std_attributes;
 class Sort_param;
 class Arg_comparator;
@@ -291,6 +292,8 @@ class Type_handler
   virtual Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const= 0;
   virtual bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const= 0;
   virtual bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *) const= 0;
+  virtual String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item,
+                                              String *str) const= 0;
@@ -349,6 +352,11 @@ class Type_handler_row: public Type_handler
     return true;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const
+  {
+    DBUG_ASSERT(0);
+    return NULL;
+  }
@@ -383,6 +391,7 @@ class Type_handler_real_result: public Type_handler_numeric
   Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const;
   bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const;
   bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *func) const;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const;
@@ -402,6 +411,7 @@ class Type_handler_decimal_result: public Type_handler_numeric
   Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const;
   bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const;
   bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *func) const;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const;
@@ -421,6 +431,7 @@ class Type_handler_int_result: public Type_handler_numeric
   Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const;
   bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const;
   bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *func) const;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const;
@@ -438,6 +449,7 @@ class Type_handler_temporal_result: public Type_handler
   Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const;
   bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const;
   bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *func) const;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const;
@@ -459,6 +471,7 @@ class Type_handler_string_result: public Type_handler
   Item_cache *Item_get_cache(THD *thd, const Item *item) const;
   bool set_comparator_func(Arg_comparator *cmp) const;
   bool Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec(Item_sum_hybrid *func) const;
+  String *Item_func_hex_val_str_ascii(Item_func_hex *item, String *str) const;
