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Re: [External] Re: 23959479689: MDEV-11419: Report all INSERT ID for bulk operation INSERT


Hi, Jean-Francois!

Am 14.03.2017 um 20:31 schrieb Jean-Francois B. Gagne:
Hi Sergei and Oleksandr,

if we implement this (MDEV-11419: Report all INSERT ID for bulk operation INSERT), does this mean that we could allow innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 and still be safe for SBR ?

[1]: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/auto_increment-handling-in-xtradbinnodb/

I answered from my phone, but not sure that it worked, so I'll repeat.

The idea is to report IDs as if they reported by separate call of INSERT with each parameter, so EXECUTE INSERT with 5 parameters got back 5 IDs. The other variant is to all that command 5 times and get back 5 IDs via 5 server status report for each command.

Array parameters binding return 1 status so it can report all IDs there.

