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Weekly Report


Report for week 12:


This week I merged some test cases in respective files into one so that the
tests can be under 80 lines and also improved the documentation.
Documentation for INSERT...RETURNING:

I also fixed feature_insert_returning system variable by adding some code
and improving the test file. The test is passing.

insert_returning_datatypes.result and replace_returning_datatypes.result
files were showing binary data. To fix it, it was suggested to create a
.reject and .result files, hexdump of the files, diff and giving a
printable ASCII character as the input in BIT field because BIT is printed

One thing I noticed was, after fixing the files they were still showing as
binary files, which was probably because of the diffs. So I removed the
existing files from my repo and pushed new files then cleaned up the
commits again and fixed the 80 character per line rule for new tests. My
github repo is up to date with latest changes.

Rucha Deodhar