+--echo # INSERT, INSERT .. SELECT don't increment partitions
it's not really "increment", better say "don't auto-create"
Actually I like "increment" more. "Auto-create" overcomplicates phrases:
--echo # Increment from 3 to 5
--echo # Increment from 3 to 6, manual names, LOCK TABLES
--echo # Multiple increments in single command
Besides "increment" is correct because PARTITIONS number is incremented.
"Increment the number of partitions", this is fine.
"Auto create partitions" is also fine.
"Increment partitions" is meaningless.
It is obvious from the context that we are talking about the number,
not partitions themselves. Treat "partitions" as PARTITIONS keyword
and the increment is attached to a number right next to it. That's
quite a sense, isn't it?
No, I think it's a meaningless combination of words.
But let's ask native speakers, shall we?